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Can't reverse a console command, I seriously need help.


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That one was needed to research the very existence of these actor value parameters and they aren't in the wiki pages but found many times elsewhere.


So I can only suppose they can be used as actor value, but they aren't the common parameters which implies a range but seen to be boolean values.


SetAV - set the base value but the current value is still subject of spell effects or item enchantments

ModAV - Add to the value, so if you input modav xyz 1 3 times it is cummulative and xyz will be the initial value plus three now. negative numbers subtract the input, as expected, beware not going negative for most there


and finally ForceAV, this one forces the value bypassing any currently applied spell effect or item enchantment, try it, but in the end make sure you have not the perks that actually allow you to do the deals.

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