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Skill up only using Trainers (like Enderal but without books)


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I had an idea of getting skill ups only using trainers and disabling the automatic skill ups from use. It would be like the Enderal book system just without the books.


I am posting here to see if anyone has done this before or if anyone has any suggestions. I noticed a mod that kind of does this but it was from 2012 and no longer supported.


I think maybe I could do this with current tools. Maybe just skytweak, and uncapper ini, and a mod to boost trainers abilities?


Things to consider are prices to train, trainer's skill level, trainer npc's essential flags, training per level, and prices.


I appreciate any input on potential problems or advice on the best way to do this.





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I play like this when I know the character is going to be rich. I use SkyTweak and mods that adds master trainers. You don't really need anything to boost the trainers, level 90 is high enough for me but I do set my experience to 0.5 or so depending on the skill and it levels up very slowly. I thought about making this a mod but I'd prefer the custom touch I can add using SkyTweak. It's very easy to make a mod that sets skill levelling to 0 or 0.5, even with little knowledge of the CK. As for the books, there's a mod that doesn't auto add the skill but instead has a pop up allowing you to choose.


Prices can be lowered in SkyTweak under vendors so the most you'll pay is 890 coins to go from 89-90..I think.

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I have been going through skytweak and setting things up. It seems I can pretty much do everything I need to with it!


My idea really isn't to make leveling up cheap and easy but the opposite. I am going to try to balance my gold and prices so that training will be expensive enough that I have to do a few quests and dungeon delving to get enough gold to level up the skills I want to focus on.


The skill level ups from books I think will just be icing on the cake and doesn't really bother me. If my mage gets one free point in pick pocketing from a book, so be it.


I did notice a warning in the uncapper ini that lowering the skill gain to low can cause crashes. Did you ever experience crashes after tweaking the skill gain in skytweak?

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I have never had SkyTweak related crashes on vanilla skills. The only time I have is when I had an athletics and unarmoured mods that have a different methods of keeping track of the skills they over wright. eg, one over writes destruction, I set destruction to a low amount like 0.5. I started getting crashes and the log stated it was the new skill mods. I have been using those mods for ages with no major problems until I set the amount it levelled up to very low. I don't use the uncapper so I can't answer that part.

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