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Delete dungeon candles.


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I agree. I mean we enter into ancient burial chambers where no one has stepped in hundreds of years... oh look! someone lit a bunch of ordinary wax candles for us.


Exactly. It borders on distractingly silly when I break into a tomb that's sealed tight but has lit candles everywhere. Just give us the ability to drop lit torches that last a few hours and we'd be good.

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You know, I never really thought about that before, but yeah, that's one hell of a logical fallacy there.


On the flipside, it'll be really hard to see (and carrying torches sucks when you're trying to sneak)


So sneak in the dark. It makes more tactical sense. Or add a sneak perk, nighteyes.


I play sneak characters all the time and my favorite moments were in the ratway warrens in the sections where it was darkest sneaking up on foolish Thalmor. And there could still be ghostly light, I can buy that.


But this lit candles stuff in dead dusty tombs is silly.

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Yeah, before the went to undeath they asked their mommy to plug in the eternal candles nightlights. When you come stomping in with your weapon out they know they were right...monsters are real.


That theory checks out for me.


Instead of just deleting the bloody candles in the tombs, why not replace them with braziers, or cave lights or something? I mean, sure, braziers STILL had to be lit by someone, but it's less questionable than candles or torches, which as we all know, burn up in 5 minutes.

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Yeah, before the went to undeath they asked their mommy to plug in the eternal candles nightlights. When you come stomping in with your weapon out they know they were right...monsters are real.


That theory checks out for me.


Instead of just deleting the bloody candles in the tombs, why not replace them with braziers, or cave lights or something? I mean, sure, braziers STILL had to be lit by someone, but it's less questionable than candles or torches, which as we all know, burn up in 5 minutes.


Braziers definitely give more the "lurking occultists and black mages who just stepped out for a daedra heart" vibe than candles.




But for now I'd be happy with a mod that just deletes most candles and plunges half the dungeons into darkness.

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