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How to edit "unconsciousness mod"?


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Hello, everybody.

I found a good unconsciousness mod, but there is some kinda problem. It works only when NPCs lose their health below 3.75% and there is no .ini file to change it. In my opinion there is very hard to set them to unconscious state, because they'er rather die and there is only a small change to get out from troubles without killing and it's kinda unrealistic. Can anybody change this mod or tell me how can I do this to rise a bar from 3.75% to 20% or maybe 15%?

There is a link to this mod.

Sorry for my english
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I think you'd need to edit that mod using the Construction Set to make the change you want. You may be able to use TES4Edit to make the change, unless the mod does it using scripts then I don't think TES4Edit will work.


I use Realistic Fatigue and have it's INI set to have NPCs collapse on low health/fatigue but be warned ... with Realistic Fatigue the same settings apply to the player (where if I understand correctly the mod you linked only affects NPCs).


I changed this part of the RealisticFatigue.ini to have NPCs and the player collapse on low health (the default value is 1.05 and I found often NPCs would die before collapsing ... same problem you are facing):


; This is the multiplier for fatigue drained by low health. Setting this
; slightly higher than 1.0 means actors will collapse just before they die.
; fatigueHealthDrain = healthDrainGain * healthLevel^2 * fatigueMax
set aaRealisticFatigue.healthDrainGain to 1.07 ; recommended = 1.05
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I haven't made any mods for Oblivion, but the Construction Set looks similar to the Skyrim one.

With the Unconscious.esp in you data folder, start the Construction Set.

Go File, then Data.

In the box that comes up, scroll down until you see the unconscious.esp & double click on it.

It should now be the only .esp with an X in the box. Click on Set as Active File & then click OK.

Then go up the top to Gameplay, & then Edit Scripts... (or click on the last icon with the pencil on it.)

Go Script > Open, and in the box that comes up, only the script or scripts that the mod changes, or adds should be available to choose from.

Click on the script (or Scripts) It should be obvious where it sets the percentage & you can edit that line & Save the changes from the script box.

If it changes more than one script, edit them to the same percentage & save.

Then Save the changes to the .esp from the main page File > Save.



Edit: The script uses the script extender, so you will probably need to download that to save the changes.



I tried the mod in it's standard form, and my mage would kill them with her fists (which she has never used)

But I changed the 0.0375 to 0.2375 & she now punches them unconscious.

You'll just have to trial and error a figure that suits you.

There are two scripts that need editing. See Pic.


Edited by olnorton
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