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Dream/Wishlist Open World Fantasy RPG


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I know Skyrim has just come out (though I haven't been able to get ahold of it myself) ... one of the main reasons I love the Elder Scrolls series and such games is my own desire to create a massive open world rpg ... sadly for the moment its a pipe-dream, but I'm still slowly working away at it.


So knowing must of you guys have at least some interest in this kind of game :P I wanted to ask, if something else was created in the vain of the Elder Scrolls series, what would be your needs, wants and wishes for it?

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personally for me, i cant get into Elder Scrolls. i just dont like the melee combat. i prefer Fall Out. or Borderlands. i like having guns and weapons. and in Fall Out particularly, i love the lore.


but things i like to see in RPGs. a high level cap. the higher the level cap, the longer to play.


lots and lots of weapons, armor etc. borderlands did it right with weapons (well i guess Diablo did it right) a random engine, millions of weapons. would be nice to see with armor as well. but only having X amount of weapons kind of stinks. like in this game i played for PS3. the level cap was 712. (all stats at 99) nearly impossible to get without glitches. but yea. a great lvl cap none the less. but you could get all the items on your first play through pretty much. and while you might need a second or third play through to upgrade those weapons, you still werent getting anything new. and while there was a selection of weapons, there were clear cut good and bad weapons. so you could litterally play all those level using the same weapon....and armor didnt even matter as damage was so high, armor didnt make a difference (some what improved in Dark Souls)....point being not only do i want a lot of weapons (even if its the same weapons with different abilities like in Borderlands) but i dont wanna be using the same weapon for the whole game. i want there to be a better selection as i lvl up and progress. and the same goes for armor and other items


also mods! for your weapons and armors. FONV went this route. it could drastically have been improved (and was largely in community mods) but when i find a weapon i like, whats better then making it better. even simple things like adding a foregrip and scope. something like Brink did. you could mod certain parts of the weapon to improve certain things. there is a bunch you could do here. and it doesnt have to be totally realistic. you could throw enchantments in there, make my gun shoot lightning. or concussive shots, slowing enemies down. different ammo doing different things. etc. and the same goes for armor and other items'


i want a reason to keep playing. something to strive for. that better weapon. that new ability/perk. that new area to challange my new equipment. in Fall Out, once you got to the high levels, the rest of the game was extremely easy. the enemies scaled, but you could still take on whole Enclave Bases solo. now im not saying i want the enemies to be God like, i still want to be able to take on multiple enemies. i still want to feel like im the bad ass of the world. but there should be a limit.


also something Fall Out does that i like is perks! and other. i should get rewarded every level. FONV did this wrong (though it was fixed by mods) where you could only perk every 3 levels. not a good idea. esp at higher levels when it takes longer. i want something to look forward to every level. they dont have to be over powered perks. and for the most part FO perks werent until the last couple. but ya, just something to keep me grinding to that next level. and weapons and armor is apart of this too. knowing that at the next level i finally get to use that shiny new gun or wear that shiny new armor is deff something to keep me playing. but it all comes down to giving me reasons to keep in truckin' esp at the higher levels when truckin takes a long time. and getting those new items/abilites takes longer.


for now thats all i can think of. there are other things that are kind of "well duhh" like you need a good engine and graphics. physics are nice. fluid movement. obviously the bigger the game, the harder it is to make everything perfect, but ya. companions are good as well. especially characters with life. not just that dude who says nothing and just follows u and shoots at things. i like it when i feel an attachment to the guy following me like in Dragon Age. and of course with companions comes the need for Good AI. and that goes for enemies too.


but ya (repeating myself) thats all i got of the top of my head!

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Amazing graphics


Varied landscapes


Destructible buildings and deformable terrain


Randomly generated terrain


Ability to gather resources and build (think Minecraft)


Sandbox type game story wise


Decision you make effect other things


Randomly generated quests


A science fiction/fantasy setting, with both lasers and magic, guns and bows, mutants and mythical creatures



So basically Daggerfall combined with Fallout and Minecraft and heavily updated (both graphics wise and complexity wise)

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as long as building stuff isnt required. if someone wants to give me a house where i can store stuff thats fine. but i am not about to mine wood and stuff to build my own dang house. there is minecraft for that and i have no desire to play that :P
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yall gonna laugh at me, but i always wanted _more modesty_

both for a fallout type game, and for a magic-type game

instead of the 1000 shops with 100 000 magic swords, and 100 million magic rings, i'd want everything scaled down drastically

a _single_ magic item should be considered priceless. its magic ffs... its not some mundane everyday junk you can pawn away for some pennies.


that and - i would do away with levelling creatures in a goddamn heartbeat.

what is the POINT in levelling up, working your ass off, if it only means your enemies will kill you with more and more ease? it makes NO sense.

the whole point of leveling is to reward you, not to punish you :S


levelling should be

1. much more slow, much more tiresome, much more boggy, it should take "forever"


2. the reward should be much more obvious, you should feel greatly rewarded, and you should notice a palpable difference - especially in combination with a much more humble and modest game world, where you have to do with your rusty iron sword for many a quest, before you can even graduate to a polished steel sword - and still only dream of an enchanted sword.


i realize, all of this will of course never work. the adhd-generation would revolt, cities would burn, and everyone would blame me, so... ill just dream about it for now :(

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yall gonna laugh at me, but i always wanted _more modesty_

both for a fallout type game, and for a magic-type game

instead of the 1000 shops with 100 000 magic swords, and 100 million magic rings, i'd want everything scaled down drastically

a _single_ magic item should be considered priceless. its magic ffs... its not some mundane everyday junk you can pawn away for some pennies.


that and - i would do away with levelling creatures in a goddamn heartbeat.

what is the POINT in levelling up, working your ass off, if it only means your enemies will kill you with more and more ease? it makes NO sense.

the whole point of leveling is to reward you, not to punish you :S


levelling should be

1. much more slow, much more tiresome, much more boggy, it should take "forever"


2. the reward should be much more obvious, you should feel greatly rewarded, and you should notice a palpable difference - especially in combination with a much more humble and modest game world, where you have to do with your rusty iron sword for many a quest, before you can even graduate to a polished steel sword - and still only dream of an enchanted sword.


i realize, all of this will of course never work. the adhd-generation would revolt, cities would burn, and everyone would blame me, so... ill just dream about it for now :(


This. ^


This is the exact reason I love Mount and Blade so much. A single (decent) sword could be priced in the tens of thousands range, and a horse would be around the same area. Leveling is pretty fast at first, but as soon as you hit level 5, it starts to slow down exponentially.


It really does leave a "taste" of success when you level up, because you can allocate one stat point, one or two "perk points" (it's two if you choose INT when you level), and a certain number of skill points to add into your skills.


It really makes you think carefully.

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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This is the exact reason I love Mount and Blade so much. A single (decent) sword could be priced in the tens of thousands range, and a horse would be around the same area. Leveling is pretty fast at first, but as soon as you hot level 5, it starts to slow down exponentially.


It really does leave a "taste" of success when you level up, because you can allocate one stat point, one or two "perk points" (it's two if you choose INT when you level), and a certain number of skill points to add into your skills.


It really makes you think carefully.


i havent heard of that game

looks very interesting indeed

paradox entertainment are behind it i see, they are good at creating a good realistic sense of immersion

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i would rather level up at a decent speed and just have a lot of levels. if i have to spend 10 hours trying to get one level, when im only lvl 8, then ya, id be selling that game fast.


the other thing, is a magic item wouldnt be rare i a game that revolves around magic. like Diablo or Torchlight.

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Low Fantasy I believe its called Zegh and your certainly not the only one who enjoys that kind of setting. I certainly need to give Mount and Blade a try soon too.


Is leveling up the preferred method of progression? I was toying with stuff like just having skill practice (Elder Scrolls without the level up from getting X skills) or maybe just have one big experience point pool which you could than spend to upgrade abilities.

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