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Guns: Range Mechanics


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Hi people. sorry if the topic was raised before, but every time i'm playing this bugs me. A lot.


A really irritating crap is going on all the time. Example. You are being attacked from somewhere very very far. Not a lot of damage, but you decide to pin the bastard. So you run and run and run, blow the bastard's head off and what do you see? He was using a .38 PIPE AUTO PISTOL! But, you think, there was like ...half a mile distance? Doesn't this gun have like 90-something Range? How could he even hit me?


So, the question. How is that even possible that there can be a HIT form a crappy gun from a huge distance? What does Range affect? I suspect it decreases damage the bullet does once it's out of max range, but I'm not sure. And what about spread? Is it also affected? Later in the game you'd notice that enemies are way too accurate with: machineguns (kickback, spread ignored), sawed-off shotguns (spread ignored), gatling guns and all. Does the game even CARE what guns do they use?


Maybe it's important, so: I'm using Weapons of Fate, which affects ballistics. I'm mot sure whether this is the case, the desc said that bullets would eventually hit SOMETHING, so I take it all it does is calculating full trajectory w/out affecting guns' stats.

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