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Nifskope, changing the skin shader flags.


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I just downloaded and ran the new Nifksope for skyrim (not just the xml file, the new completely skyrim friendly version). Eventually I found the flags that holds the shaders in the hopes of making a skin section retexturable. Unfortunately, every time I open the flag dropdown menu in the block details of the shader section of the appropriate trishape, the flags reset themselves.


To clarify, I open the menu, click the check boxes to activate/deactivate particular flags, when I click outside the menu (or push enter) all boxes are cleared, all flags removed, including the ones that were there by default. I do it again, and it never remembers which ones I checked, it just clears the whole list over and over again. It also will not let me write it in.


I know this is a very new version of Nifskope so it may have some issues. However, I do not use the program regularly and I was wondering am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?

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Well I have been trying with different version all morning, and so far none of them seem to show a flag where I can turn a skin section into a normal cloth/material. So how do i that? I can do it in Oblivion and Fallout, but not in the official Skyrim nifskope, and yes, I tried the one released on Dec. 11.
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Okay, I managed to change the skin to a dark texture. Most of the time it is black, which is okay, but under the right lighting, it shows a pattern in almost halfof the area where the rest is dark grey translucent blob. Any way to fix this or do I just have to hope the nifksope guys identify more shaders so I can fix it right....


By the way, I am modify an Oblivion port I found on the nexus, so it could be the mesh itself perhaps.

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