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Need urgent help, Skyrim is giving me a headache


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So recently i started playing skyrim again. I had a lot of mods installed before, so to remove them i think i uninstalled them all and deleted them from some folder. Now this is what i imagine is causing me the prioblems, this step here. Because now, im 100 or so mods in, and skyrim (steam version) simply wont recognise me as having any mods. Now trust me, i've spent about 8 hours in the last few days trying to fix verious mods, and its really getting me down. Right now if i launch my game with SKSE from the shortcut, my game works with mostly all my mods. I say this because while the game is clearly modded, i feel like a lot of things are missing, and some mods i know for a fact are missing. Example, my jewellery simply isnt in the game, and when i do some FNIS animations the characters just stand still. I'm not even convinced my enb is working. I am just so confused and exhausted right now, i'm gonna attach a ton of files and hope someone can help me.

Edited by Emanuel179
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Check your %localappdata%\Skyrim folder - there should be a plugins.txt and SteamModList.txt - they need to have all your mods listed in them for the launcher to use them (although that's always happened automatically for me) - try manually editing some mods in and seeing if they show up maybe?

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