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permanent black screen loading in whiterun


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I randomly get permanent black screen loading (not sure its loading or crashed) usually when I go out to whiterun from inside cells in whiterun for ex from bannered mare to whiterun.

It's actually not permanent loading, just black screen without loading bar. sometimes it starts to load after few secs but sometimes it just stays with blackscreen so I need to use ctrl+alt+del.

I'm not sure about other cities cause I didn't visited them yet.

I played with a laptop at first for a while, and I built up a new desktop last week. This issue is a new thing that I didn't got when I was using laptop. The specs just doubled so no problem. Main difference is now I'm using ENB but I didn't with my laptop.

There are almost no CTDs so far but just this problem I'm getting. I guess another city cells (like solitude or windhelm) will occur this problem again.

I used enblocal memory patch at first and turned it to crashfix memory patch and both of them have this problem.

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Infinite loading screens are fixed by either the SKSE memory patch or crash fixes.


If you use crash fixes (and you should) then you dont need the SKSE patch. You still need SKSE tho.


So make sure one of those are CORRECTLY installed and configured.


there are many vidoes out there on SKSE


for crash fixes open the ini file and set useallocators to 1 and assign heap allocate to 1


also download the preloader and install it to your skyrim directory.

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Infinite loading screens are fixed by either the SKSE memory patch or crash fixes.


If you use crash fixes (and you should) then you dont need the SKSE patch. You still need SKSE tho.ÃÂ


So make sure one of those are CORRECTLY installed and configured.


there are many vidoes out there on SKSE


for crash fixes open the ini file and set useallocators to 1 and assign heap allocate to 1


also download the preloader and install it to your skyrim directory.ÃÂ

oh yeah I did it all already. I tweaked crashfix.ini and installed skse preloader. Fast travel doesn't have any problem so maybe I'd better to use coc console..

oh I found another difference - I used 2k texture pack and now I'm using official high-res one

Edited by ckhong87
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