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There's never been a better time for the Summerset Isles to be explored. The Thalmor problem is never resolved by the end of any of Skyrim's questlines. No matter what side you choose in the civil war, it's apparent that almost everyone has a silent grudge against them.


So for ESVI, I'm hoping it will be set in both the Summerset Isles and Valenwood. Maybe have the main character free the Empire from the Thalmor influence?


For ESVII, Bethesda should finally consider bringing the Akaviri into focus. With the Empire slowly recovering, the Akaviri can exploit their state of regrowth and invade Tamriel through Black Marsh (since Akavir is to the east of Tamriel). Elsweyr would be nice to see here as well with each province's southern ports serving as a gateway between the two. This would make ESVII the most exotic ES game yet with new Akaviri races and a contrasting desert/jungle landscape.


And if Bethesda insists on making an MMO down the line, it should be set in Akavir to help introduce something new to the lore.

Edited by Enter_77
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If Bethesda makes an MMO it has to have all the worlds to explore and has to be done in Bethesda fashion - not what the marketing and sales people say. Like SW;tor except Bethesda TES all the way. The problem is that you loose all the modding of the game. I could see both game types doing well, they could go on making TES6 & 7 as well as releasing TES Online (ok so they would have to hire a lot of people =p)


But, I only play 1 mmo at a time and even then, I cancel fairly soon after I get bored. And TES (Morrowind, Oblivion. Skyrim) you can return to as you feel like it for free.

Edited by Rastafariel
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I asked someone once to make a Map Marker of Tamriel, so it appears we have 4 Countries to go.




Summerset Isle: A Summer Place for after the Cold Land of Skyrim






Black Marsh: I suppose this Game would be the Last and Closing Book of Bethesda Games for Tamriel, since Everyone Hate Argonians so i keep reading around.

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Haha, I laugh at those who say there will be a TES MMO, stop dreaming, TES is a single player experience, multiplayer would ruin it, oh and theres also the fact that Bethesda said that it's never gonna happen, "And if Bethesda insists on making an MMO down the line" they are not insisting anything, you are absolutely crazy :wallbash:

Also, Skyrim just released, yeah it's cool to think of the future but isn't it better to think of the future of Skyrim, and it's modding comunity with the CK release coming closer? Planing TESVII is kinda ridiculous really TESV just released cmon!

But an idea to TESVI would be focusing on Thalmor VS Empire, and if Ulfric won it would make the conflict even easier to happen but heres the thing, what if you joined the Imperial Legion? Who will actually win lore-wise and will be told as victor in TESVI? I think it will be something different, maybe some DLC or Expansion will end the conflict but I dunno, but then again we are just speculating/giving ideas, still tough, we should focus on Skyrim's modding community for a while.

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Haha, I laugh at those who say there will be a TES MMO, stop dreaming, TES is a single player experience, multiplayer would ruin it, oh and theres also the fact that Bethesda said that it's never gonna happen, "And if Bethesda insists on making an MMO down the line" they are not insisting anything, you are absolutely crazy :wallbash:

I did not say that they were insisting on doing one currently. I only gave a hypothetical scenario if they ever decide to do one years from now.

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I for one think blackmarsh or valenwood would be amazing. Hammerfell sounds boring to me as does high rock and summerset. Elsweyre would probably feel like the first assassin's creed to me but with cats... If I remember anything about blackmarsh and valenwood though it would suck with their current engine. A whole bunch of living and moving scenery seems hard to do in the current engine.


Basically I'd prefer to see an exotic locale in the next game but not if they are gonna do it poorly.



Blackmarsh with undead argonians leaping out of the swamps at you, now there's a game.

Edited by darkblayd
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1st Valenwood would be cool, woods and tree houses, weird plant life. It could be really beautiful too. I would want them to change the look of the bosmer though I don't like them all evil and scary looking like they are in Skyrim.


2nd favourite would be Summerset Isle but again change the way the elves look, they should look more regal and magical.


It should be one of the elven countries for definite.


I also agree that although I love our fury friends too many of them would drive you nuts, and it really would be a bit like assasins creed with cats, lol darkblayd:D

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