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Where do you get your inspiration for your mods?


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As the thread says, for mod developers, where do you get your inspiration for your mods? What makes you see it through to completion even though its an unpaid hobby? I'm curious because I have a friend developing a game and he's passionate about that stuff and I'm looking into local video game developers and feeling out the professional market for a possible career but I'm still wondering if its right for me so I thought I would ask the creative geniuses here at the Nexus what motivates them with their work.

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I'm no creative genius lol, but I think it's the want or need to do something about what you're not satisfied with or maybe just underwhelmed with. Plus, positive feedback is always very encouraging. Basically, you get the chance to express your creative frustrations and receive positive feedback for it, so it's a win-win situation. xD *shrug*

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Honestly, I wouldn't be motivated enough to work on a mod "until completion", as many of modding projects do. I just make small step updates while taking care to avoid game-breaking changes, so each version of the mod end up accomplishing something.

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(I'm not the right person to ask but) if you count lying in your bed with your face down and your eyes closed as brainstorming, then yes, this is my brainstorming process. xD I do 'brainstorming' when there's something in what I did/made that needs fixing. Ideas just come and go, I suppose. I don't exactly 'brainstorm' for ideas for the most part, at least in modding. :3


I'm sure other people are more organized than I am.

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This game is a giant sandbox to play in, to me. And I love to kick sand everywhere. If other people want to join in on the fun great, if not, I really don't care, simple as that really.


I made a cow flinging catapult for myself. That kind of creative process is hard to explain, unless you are Terry Gilliam.

Edited by triptherift
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So basically you are all are naturally creative? I usually have to brainstorm and think about the creativity part and sit with pen and paper, etc., otherwise its load up the nexus and see what new surprises show up. Maybe I might have to start doing research to unlock creativity or stimulate it in real life.

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