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Radiant questing? Not so radiant.


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Well... After countless hours of questing and concluding several of the faction quests I have found that I may not be so fond of radiant questing. I have had a couple of problems with it such as it assigning a location that I have already cleared for a quest. Also... this is the most annoying one to date. After concluding the Dark Brotherhood quest line over the weekend (not near as good as the one from TES IV). You receive a quest called Dark Brotherhood Forever. Forever is about right. What good is being listener if you have to run all the quests yourself? The quests in this recurring quest are supposedly random generated by the radiant system. I ran five of them in a row and was starting to grow bored with them Then it throws the ultimate slam. Off you go to receive the contract and even though a different person is making the request you get to kill the same person that you received in the first quest. Was it poor coding? Simple laziness on Beth's part? Who knows? But. this could have been avoided simply by making sure that not only did the contract giver become checked so as not to repeat but the target should receive the same.


I love Bethesda's games and always look forward to the next one coming out no matter how buggy or poorly optimized. I am used to seeing standing dead bodies, floating weapons, disappearing body parts, and what not. That is all part of what makes a Beth game a Beth game. But this radiant thing???? Not so sure about it.

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Yeah, radiant story system are just generic quests put on you, so you have the illusion there is always something to do, but they get old pretty quick since all of them are the same.


You cant really expect anything better when the game was developed 3 years...oblivion was developed 4-5 years and it was horrible, but then again they had to cut out many things...i wonder if actually a full uncut oblivion radiant AI and quests would kick skyrim @ss, becouse i dont see much improvement in skyrim.

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Far better than running out of things to do. It is by no means perfect, but my definition a system that randomly generates quests will run into repeats. If it didnt, then it wouldnt really generate infinite random quests, would it?


Still, infine fetch quests? Who really finds that appealing? Instead of spending time on radiant questing I would have liked to simply have longer guild story-lines. You can progress to the master of any guild with one day of game-play. How many simple A to B quests can you do with gold as the only incentive... When gold is not all that interesting of a prospect as it comes easily to begin with.

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Far better than running out of things to do. It is by no means perfect, but my definition a system that randomly generates quests will run into repeats. If it didnt, then it wouldnt really generate infinite random quests, would it?


A matter of taste obviously. But I'm not so sure if repeating the same thing over and over is much better than running out of things to do.


Personally I love the open world setting Bethesda introduced, but I don't like the open end setting. Once my character has beaten the main quest, I tend to quit. And from the developer's side, the open end setting is a sure way to put quantity over quality.

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This reminds me of the saying "A mile wide, but only a quarter of an inch deep"...

If I just wanted to repeat the same thing over and over again I would just play a generic puzzle game...

The least they could've done was make it so that you have to perform assassinations to rebuild the DB sanctuary.


Edited by OnlyOneWing
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Far better than running out of things to do. It is by no means perfect, but my definition a system that randomly generates quests will run into repeats. If it didnt, then it wouldnt really generate infinite random quests, would it?

Yeah right, you will do the same thing over and over again, the DB forever quest was really annoying that I did it only 3 times, 1st time, kill fisher ladyin Riften , 2nd time kill random camping guy, 3rd kill fisher lady in Riften, oh wait, didn't I just did that? It's quantity over quality really...

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