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Grand Soul Gems/Black Soul Gem's


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Ok, I could've sworn a week or so ago (before I patched 1.2 and 1.3) I could put a human soul into a grand soulgem. Am I on crack or did either 1) they patch it or 2) One of the many mods I installed broke it ?


I'm getting a "You don't have a soul gem large enough for blah blah blah" message when I try it.


I have the black star, not really concerned, just that going out and getting one soul at a time is really annoying ;)




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It would have been a glitch if that was at some point the case for you. A grand soul gem/Azura's Star is ONLY for creatures, and a black soul gem/The Black Star is only for people/npcs. I've never had such a glitch, are you sure?
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Grand soul gems never held humanoid souls. just the Black soul gems. if was a bug no one reported it from what i seen with all the posts. :thumbsup:
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I want to add a question on top, related to the thread.


The game does not imply that a black soul gem is better than a grand soul gem,

but is the black gem better?


so the only reason for black soul gems is to get grandsouls more easily

by not having to defeat uber bosses for them, but merely a bandit or even

a shopkeeper or homeless.


nice..... I'mma enchant a new greatsword and name it "Hobo's Bane" and

use a grand soul from a street person to do it.

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black soul gem is a Grand soul gem but turned evil in a way. never had any in skyrim but same as oblivion.



Grand soul gem - creature souls " wolves, mammoths, trolls, etc.. " best of the soul gems but = to the Black.

Black soul gem - humanoid souls " bandits guards etc.. "

Edited by Guss
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