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Please disable the switch guarantee advert.


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I am using srware iron, which is a chrome alternative. The switch guarantee plays on every mod page, over and over, pulling me to the bottom of the page so I cannot escape it. I can be off on another page, and i'll hear it blaring away, every time I open a mod it'll push me away from reading about the mod, and repeatedly do so if I try to scroll up. Which makes browsing mod pages near impossible, yesterday I seemed to escape it but the day before it was just this advert and no other, today I am getting it probably one in two pages but I seem to be going through a length of them at the minute at once.

If this is an advertising trick by your provider, well the feedback is I have never been so anti a financial company since the banking crash, and the people abusing the housing market securities. There is no way in this life or any other that I would recommend this product to anyone, because it abuses browsers and peoples natural viewing of webpages so it can be played, literally several hundred times. There is repetition and then there is the limits of your sanity.

You can quote that if you send feedback! :D Thanks.

And of course this isn't a rant at the site, just the ad provider, been a member many years and always appreciated the site.


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I can confirm this same issue.


It's been happening for a few weeks off & on, I've normally just refreshed to clear it.


Decided to check into it a bit more after reading this post & it does seem to be the "switch guarantee" advert, included a snapshot of the offending advert.




Pulls you to the bottom of the page to force you to look at the ad & will not allow scrolling back up.

I do not get any video play though as I have automatic video play disabled in Firefox for just this sort of reason.


Refreshing the page so another ad loads returns the ability to scroll on the page as normal.

Also waiting a while for it to move to another ad also returns scrolling.


I kept refreshing to change the ad & it was only this one causing it.


EDIT: Found one other ad causing the same thing, "St. Kitts Want Escapism?", other adverts like Television License & Lego played fine & did not lock scrolling (were even animated).


They are always in that same place, at the very bottom right corner.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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Dark0ne - Hello!


Happens on my two latest mod pages (Mega-City One Judge) for sure but also happens on other mod pages.


My mod page where the screenshot was taken at:




Just tried that one again before posting & reproduced the problem by refreshing the page until one of the problem adverts appeared.

It was a holiday ad about Tobago this time similar looking in style to the "St. Kitts Want Escapism?" mentioned in my above post.


I'm in the North of England, using Firefox.


Hope this helps!



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