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How do I delete my account??


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A few months ago, I was an active user of these forums - and damn, I love 'em!

In the last few months, however, I have slowly lost interest in videogames, and I keep getting email reminders of all sorts of junk from the forums.

Is there any way to delete my account?


Thank you for the great time I've had here



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Deleting your account would be bad for the site as it reduces legacy (i.e. lots of posts not linked to an author). I can change your email to something random so you do not receive any email from the site, or I'm sure there must be a setting somewhere in "My Controls" that can unsubscribe you from any topics you've subscribed to in the past.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh, okay. I only thought of deleting it in order to save your DB from storing stuff that wasn't regularly used. I still visit the forums every now and then, I'm just not a regular user anymore. I'd prefer just to keep the account, then :)


Thank you for your time

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