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Skyrim looks different after installing Windows 10


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Hello :smile: its hard to explain but my game looks much different than on windows 7 colors are same but game is much wider and everything looks so small and far away like on 4k res or 21:9 and i feel like everything looks sharper and i can zoom out camera so far i use same monitor same video settings same resolution idk how it is possible, I'm not saying it's bad or something but its so weird at least i would like to compare with old looking skyrim :smile: Any ideas whats happened and how to change it ? Thx for help! Wait it might be geforce experience i will check it soon, well its not geforce even if i use some 4:3 res still everything looks so far

Edited by Mixerslayer
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Hmm. Maybe your basic setting in the game have been altered. Try the following.


1) Start your game directly from TESV.exe -If you normally use SKSE, ignore it for now. You want to get to the video options.

2) Goto "Options". Check to make sure it shows your video card. Check the "Aspect Ratio" -it should be "16:9 widescreen" unless you've got a REALLY old monitor. Next, check to see if the resolution it shows is identical to your monitor's native resolution. If not, see if it will let you change it to that using the drop-down menu (If the "Show all resolutions" box is not ticked in the lower-right, see if you can do so.) Try re-starting the game after trying any of these.

3) If none of that helps, go back to "Options" and see if the "Windowed mode" box in the lower-left is ticked. If so, try un-ticking it and re-starting to see if that helps.


Finally, in your PC's Control Panel, goto "Display" and make sure that the "Change the size of text, apps, and other items:(current setting)" is set to "100% (Recommended)".

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