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Battle For Golden Forge


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Once upon a midnight glory, a King told an ancient story, of Trolls and Goblins, Orcs and Dwarves, all battling for the Dragon's hoard. With steel they struck, Goblins had no luck defeating the Dwarves with swords from Golden Forge. Arrows were strung from bows of bone, The Dragon knew he was not alone. He could smell their breath and heartbeats leapt at the sight of the mighty Wyrm. With wings outstreatched for miles on end, but the Dwarves' wills would not bend. Forward, they pushed through the onslaught, but the flurries of Orcs were all for naught. Defeated they lied there upon the ground, Their blood did creep, intestines unwound. The Dragon watched on from the mountain's top, the Dwarves, it would seem, could not be stopped. As Trolls would regenerate their limbs, every time one was chopped, but the cleaver Dwarves from Golden Forge, lit fire their foes, in gleaming throngs. Up the mountain they marched for the Dragons heart they soon would mount a place in songs. The Dragon yawned, fearing not these stockey young with helms worn. Soon he slumbered upon his shining hoard. The Dwarves did arrive with gleaming sword. The Dragon cared not for the lives of Mer, many did die, while the ground duth stir, but the Dragons pride was torn asunder, when a Dwarven spear pierced his left breast, under. And the Dwarves reclaimed their long lost home, for it is written in the ancient tome.
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