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In dwemers we trust


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I'm not saying that the items themselves should be massively overpowered. Just that to make it something special and unique you need to put in the effort to make it feel special...


I remember with the DLC from another game (was it oblivion? fallout?) anyways, once you got that DLC it was just "bam" it is in your inventory. Lame.


I guess it is the modder's call how to deal with it, and ideally other folks can build on the ideas to make mods or questlines that they find satisfying.


For me "oops my centurion got fried, that's Ok I have another spare sitting in my home in Whiterun." would suck. Having to return to the bowels of the earth with 100 pounds of dwemer scrap and a bunch of soul gems makes it more of an undertaking, know what I mean?

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i will repeat it one more time..cause it seems that you missed it ;)

"Every contraption, armor, potion, weapon, (non organic) companion, accessory and spell will be needed to be crafted with a recipe and\or blueprints."


So if your (perma) centurio is destroyed you will need to build a new one. But well.. there are for sure many mage players outthere (like me) that are in need of

a companion cause they suck in melee (like me) so there also will be summoning spells that summon centurions for a short period of time like any other summoning spell. But also those spell books need to be crafted before, i plan to make many spells like this, and also a lot of destruction spells that work with poison gas, acid or special types of elemental magic ( like soul lightning : powerfull lightning with new visual effects and new scripted effects ),also illusion (for example madness gas: ppl go aggro and attack eachother) and restoration spells (for example repair centurio: healing that looks like a blowtorch fire and only works on centurios while dealing damage to anything else) that need special type of accessories , gloves or other stuff to get access to it. While you equip them you get a spell to your list and if you remove them also the spell gets removed.

Lets take a small example: There will be a bracer with the name "bolt cannon" that will kinda look like the name already says. As long you wear it you get a spell named "bolt fire" that will let your guy shoot bolts like an archer would shoot arrows. The bolts will be so hot that they glow and inflict fire damage to the foe while ignoring the foes armor. The whole thing will work like a "charge up spell" and drain your mana like any other spell. You can for sure also use all other spells while you wear it..but if you remove the bolt cannon from your char, then also the spell gets removed from your spell list. As soon you re-equip it you get the spell again.


My dwemer contaptions will be all usefull, some will be rather powerfull, some not. But none of them will be god like and make your char untouchable, not even that power armor. It will get a huge weak spot with ice type magic...and if everything works like i think it will.. then you will get extra damage as soon somebody attacks your back (where the steam engine will be located). You wont be able to jump high or run fast as long you wear it..cause it is heavy. But melee attacks and arrows will not bother you very much. And as i said before magic will still damage you very well.. specially ice type magic that will cool down the armor and make you even slower for a period of time. You also wont be able to sneak with it.. cause it makes a lot of noise (obviosly...lol). But dont worry.. the sneaky guys will also get a lot of toys and armors that are helpfull for them (traps to deploy, spider centurions with explosives to summon and\or deploy, special weapons, armors that are like that chinese stealth suit from fallout..etc)

Edited by Basaltface
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hmm.. there comes something to my mind. To make both , static and equipment type. But to make the equipment type you need to find a blueprint of the static one.

There are tons of traps in skyrim that shoot those nasty bolts at you..i really hate to get into the crossfire of those things cause my char is basically unarmored XD.

I dont see a reason why there shouldn´t be such "traps" that even aim at you like those soul gem turrets. I for sure add this to my "to do list"...and about the voice sample, i really like it XD. I can hear that already after you take some artifact from a pedestal and see that small movement of it that usually means you are f***cked or if you push a button that opens a treasure chamber.

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I'm really loving this idea. I would love to have a centurion companion. Having a secret Dwemer factory/lab is a great idea. I don't like getting everything free either and being able to make the weapons and atomitons (don't know how to spell it) from blueprints makes them more lore friendly. I'll keep watching and see where this goes. You have my support.

The weapons you have made look good. The're big an bulky. That's how all the Dwemer stuff feels to me.

I noticed when I killed the spiders and some of the Centurions there was a ruby inside. Rubies could be used as a focus for the beam from the soul gem.

Edited by darthmomis
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Hey guys you have some awesome stuff over here.


I'm making a new Centurion type called a Thunder Dynamo, its a ranged beast that shoots large blasts of lightning at intruders.


I'll post a pic tommorow when I've finished modelling it.

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@ Master0Necromancer: I dont think i will add a playable dwemer race to my mods.. it simply would cut with the dwemer mystery. They are gone and nobody really knows why.

Im sure somebody else will make a dwemer race for those who really desire such a char. Im quite sure that i will create war paint and stuff like that, that fits perfectly with my mods.. but thats all i plan to do in the race and char direction... well i correct myself, there will be a few other things that change the chars apperance..such like mechanical hands or legs, but they will be included on armor and clothing where they find a good spot.

And yep.. thats for sure a lore killer XD..but i got a fetish in such stuff, the mechanical limbs will only find its use in cosmetical stuff. But for those who dont want to have such stuff on their armors and clothes there will be always an extra mesh included that removes such things.


@darthmomis: first of thank you a lot for supporting. And yes.. big and bulky is also my vision of dwemer contraptions, the most of the dwemer stuff is complex ..so there need to be a lot of space to make that things work, thats why basically everything (except a few smaller accessories and the assassin stuff) will be like this. I also noticed that ruby inside the centurions, your idea to those gems could be as true as my idea.. that those merely serve as decoration on the chassis , or that bethesda wants to reward us for destroying those machines..who knows lol. As far i know the soul gem dont emits a beam.. i could be wrong there, so feel free to blame me XD.


@huntsman2310: feel free to post whatever you got here, it helps me a lot to gather more ideas :)

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Why should it be a lore break? :) The dwemer did make prostate limbs to upgrade themselves or replace lost ones. :D


As for why and how the disappeared, almost all the ones in Morrowind where slaughtered by Nerevar and those in Hammerfell are a mistery cause Bethesda didn't write the lore that far. :)


Bethesda made them Persian-style which can be seen in this concept art:




So when making dwemer weapons why not use Persian weapons as a base then turn them to the steampunk dwemer style, and same for the armors. :)


Here are some Persian weapons and armors. :) :




















Hope I helped you with the ideas and gave you inspiration. :)

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*got blamed like he requested* XD

yep.. you pretty much helped me a lot and gave me some good ideas, specially for the light armors. I plan to keep the heavy armors with a slight "spartanic" and roman touch.. red capes, scarfs, mohawks on the helm.. i guess you get the idea. Well.. back again to the light armors. That archer with the blue-gold decorations got quite some potential as base..some goggles instead of a visor, the harness a bit bulkier and instead of the chainmail some with brass studded leather armor.

I really like the quivers on the hips.. im sure that i will include some as decoration on the "archer gear". To that a fitting bow with a crossair on it and a special scriped quiver that holds different types of arrows (poison, explosive, magical..etc) that can be changed with a trigger ,gonna try to make that with the ability\shout "slot" , so the archer dont needs to equip a damn spell or quiver all the time he\she needs some other arrow type.

As for the weapons.. well..i already found some favs in your wonderfull pics, specially the katar weapons and the maces *loves maces and also uses them a lot*

The concept art of the 2 dwemers is basically my template for a lot of robe type clothes.. but i got it in high res and colour XD (will be available as light, heavy and non armor).

Thanks a lot for sharing your ideas and your wonderfull pic collection ;)

Edited by Basaltface
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