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Reverse Engineering XRE Cars New Vegas for Fallout 4 (theories and logic)


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In the end the Power Armor stuff maybe better. The animations could be swapped out, theoretically. I like the headlights idea. Instead of carry capacity increased, how about some type of container mounted to the motorcycle for storage?

Adding a mounted container might be possible, not sure how the game would like that or not, but if not carry capacity is always available as a fall back.

All in theory of course.

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I just remembered. Wasn't there a lot of motorcycle stuff from J3X for Fallout 3 and New Vegas? That would be useful for the motorcycle logic. Turns out a quick search revealed some possible resources: http://www.nexusmods.com/games/mods/searchresults/?src_order=1&src_sort=0&src_view=1&src_tab=1&src_name=motorcycle&src_language=0&src_showadult=1&page=1&pUp=1


EDIT: Even better, I was playing around with the scripting and adding scripts, it turns out you can edit the source of a script. So if I understand correctly thus far, I can create a script in the Object window, edit the source to something similar to logic outlined earlier in this discussion and attach it to something. That would just require me to learn the syntax of Papyrus but it's looking more doable all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...



As you know, I am the author of Car Bot.


I received a PM from genolune to participate here on this thread.


I wish I could help out but...


I am unable to work on modding right now.


I have been quite sic, had heart surgery and have to move to another country due to my health problems.


I hope I will get better soon and will be able to resume modding, something I really love to do.





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It is you, it is you! :smile:

thanks for stopping by - you do AWESOME work!


it is a shame real-world is throwing at you some curve balls,

when it rains it pours eh?

it will be great to see what ideas you come up with,

and your script-fu is the stuff of legend.


good luck, and I hope real-world treats you better!

may you be back and modding again in no-time

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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I know this thread is like 4 years old by now and i'm just being hopeful but has ANY progress been made? i'm just curious

Drivable humvees came out recently: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38393?tab=posts


Driving physics are still ungodly, boxy and eerie to look at. It's lots of good visual stuff and having one's military war machine around with you is great - but not if it goes like a shopping cart without wheels attached.


I think for this to move forward, someone needs to dive deep in PA mechanics, and do a car of - let's say T-51.


I'd like to do it - but don't know where to start - I can only do texture work and basic xedit.

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  • 8 months later...

I know I am basically necroposting at this point, but wouldn't a good starting point for creating a vehicle with smooth drive physics be to have the inert vehicle be a static activatable item, then make the moving car a five entity construct? four wheels that move like npcs that have to maintain their relative distance, the body can be an object programmed to move to point relative to the tires. Just spitballing, PHP is more my scene than papyrus, and I am ashamed to admit I do not even know which language F4SE uses.

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