laur27000 Posted October 19, 2016 Share Posted October 19, 2016 PLEASE HELP A PEASANT NOOB Disclamer: Yesterday i got into modding for the first time, so you know i don't have any experience and this could be the reason. I installed the Static Mesh Improvement Mod as first mod, ran it and it worked, i was happy and stuff, so i added more UI, weather, man was i happyAnd so i went on a moddin spree ended up counting up to 30 mods. After of which i couldn't see Static Mesh Improvement Mod anymore. I had tried to reinstall the mod , hell.. even reinstall all mods , reinstalled the mod manager. And yes, i did turn it off and on thank you very much XD. But now , that i installed around 5 mods...4 work , and the fifth one being smim ... still doesn't work... is it like a cache which i have to delete so smim would work ? please helpppp Anticipated thanks ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DoctorKaizeld Posted October 19, 2016 Share Posted October 19, 2016 which mod manager are you using? what is your load order? (the list LOOT generates for you, also if you arent using LOOT the link to download it is below and you should be using it) please share it in a column format and use spoiler tags. example: insert mod load order hereremove period[/spoiler.] next what are you doing during the install? also i recommend writing down the order you installing things on a piece of paper or a word document. as it can help a lot with troubleshooting. format it as such install skyrimrun skyrimmod 1mod 2mod 3mod 4mod 5run LOOTrun sksestart new game mod 6mod 7 and so on. always install in sets of 5 or fewer. this way when the game stops working you know it was one of 5 mods that is causing the game to break and can quickly find which mod is causing the issue. the reason for writing it down is so that when you reinstall in the future and just want to play and not spend a decade modding you have a pre-built mod build to use that you know works. make sure also to add the choices you made for each mod, such as did you overwrite another mod with this mod or not, or if the mod has an installer what choices did you make. oh also use Alternate Start and Racemenu they help a lot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laur27000 Posted October 20, 2016 Author Share Posted October 20, 2016 Hello and thanks for the reply! :D I am using Nexus, and now LOOT as well, though it didn't resolve the smim problem 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 unreadbooksglow.esp 3 3 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 4 4 SMIM-Merged-NoDragonborn.esp 5 5 StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp 6 6 SkyUI.esp 7 7 WetandCold.esp 8 8 RaceMenu.esp 9 9 RaceMenuPlugin.esp About the 5 mods set at a time, that will be really useful and i'll use from now on :D A think i forgot to mention is that when i opened the game with all the mods loaded , i spawned in whiterun where i last saved , and if i went at another location , the game would simply crash... Fortunately that's not a problem no more and now my main objective is to make smim work . But after i do all i am supposed to be doing to make it work ... it just doesn't... *sorry for bad english * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moksha8088 Posted October 21, 2016 Share Posted October 21, 2016 (edited) In Nexus Mod Manager, look under the mods tab rather than the plugins tab. The mod name can be set to alphabetical. In my mod list, it comes between Sounds of Barenziah and Stones of Barenziah. You should have both the main file 1.93 and the update 1.94. Make sure both are activated and pick out which options you want when you are adding 1.93. When you add 1.94 make sure you click "add normally" and then let it overwrite all. Texture and mesh mods without an .esp will not show up in the plug-ins list, but are still installed. If you have installed the barrel lids option, you can easily confirm this by the barrel lids moving. Edit to add: You probably already have the full 1.94. I am not familiar with all the options, but I am wondering about what seems to be a duplicate for mod 4 & 5 on your list. This might be a question best asked on the SMIM mods own page. Edited October 21, 2016 by Moksha8088 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeterMartyr Posted October 21, 2016 Share Posted October 21, 2016 PLEASE HELP A PEASANT NOOB Disclamer: Yesterday i got into modding for the first time, so you know i don't have any experience and this could be the reason. I installed the Static Mesh Improvement Mod as first mod, ran it and it worked, i was happy and stuff, so i added more UI, weather, man was i happyAnd so i went on a moddin spree ended up counting up to 30 mods. After of which i couldn't see Static Mesh Improvement Mod anymore. I had tried to reinstall the mod , hell.. even reinstall all mods , reinstalled the mod manager. And yes, i did turn it off and on thank you very much XD. But now , that i installed around 5 mods...4 work , and the fifth one being smim ... still doesn't work... is it like a cache which i have to delete so smim would work ? please helpppp Anticipated thanks ! Some lite reading material for a Newbie or just to polish up on some rusty modding skills. Read it all or you'll have no one to blame but yourself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DownRange Posted October 21, 2016 Share Posted October 21, 2016 @PeterMartyr: Light reading...LOL. I remember reading that when I first started... @laur27000I couldn't agree more with PeterMartyr. Neovalen has created a fantastic set of instructions for modding Skyrim. I started out knowing nothing about modding, and through experimentation with SR:LE I am now running close to 500 mods while keeping the game relatively stable. There are tons of youtube videos out there, and of course, always read the modder's instructions. Important things to bear in mind: Many mods replace the same resources. If you load 2 mods that modify the same thing, the last mod you load will overwrite the previous mods, either making the first mod you loaded useless, causing instability or changing the original mod to something different . In some cases, this may be desirable. For example, it is a common practice to use one mod to improve another (example: loading Amidianborn Book of Silence to give better textures to another armor mod) Check out Mod Organizer: It puts your mods in their own space (doesn't modify your skyrim directory), so if you make a mistake, it is easily fixed. If you install a mod and your game stops working, you can simply uncheck the mod, drag and drop to a different load order. It also will tell you about conflicts between mods, and which mods are overwriting others. Tannin (the developer) is now working on NMM, so I expect we'll all be using a new mod manager before too much longer :smile: I'd also recommend getting all the opens up a whole new world...and many mods require them. Best advice is to take it slow and read up. It doesn't take long to get the hang of it. You'll be merging mods and reordering at will in no time. If you have any questions, Nexus is an amazing community with many helpful and knowledgeable people who are more than happy to help, and you can PM me as well with any questions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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