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Empire Earth - Gold Edition for free until December 14th


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Empire Earth Gold... hah, I have some fond memories of EEG indeed.


Never before(or since) have I seen a game with such an accessable, intuitive level editor-use it well and the maps practicaly fly together in mere hours, and you can make your own campaigns too, which is good fun. Gameplay is just like the editor-simple, but easy to pick up, and good fun. The graphics are hardly modern eye-candy, but as 2-D goes they're pretty great, and better than some of it's rivals had back then.




Extensive (and long) campaign-you can create your own, too.


Great skirmish mode with player created maps and scenarios.


Good balance.


Tech tree is uniquely insane-you start out in the stone-age and finish in far, far, far, far, far future with spaceships and cyborgs and lasers and time machines and space-soviets.


Challenge mode.


Beautiful graphics with two and a half dimensions and thirty two colours.


Very intuitive.


If you love old games, and can A get it going and B have the heart to love something with good gameplay as it's only real feature, you'll love this ancient gem.


Fighting for hours and having the palpable feeling of two empires battling day-in-day-out for millenia is a truly epic feeling.


Fight Ninjas VS Robots VS Tigres VS Stalin on Mars.




Only 32 colours.


2 1/2 D is not 3-D, you'll have to get used to that.


Absolutely archeic, I played it many years ago, when I was 13, and it was ancient then-now it's a museum piece.


There are some bugs that develope when running old games on new machines. This has all of them, not for the IT uninitiated.


Huge timesink.


Top-tier 9000 AD units rarely get deployed due to time contraints.


This game has no appeal to those who consider graphics a priority, if you don't play games for the gameplay, or can't ignore the graphics, you should avoid it entirely.


Me though, I'm going to dig out my original disc-copy, I know it's in here somewhere...

Edited by Vindekarr
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