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Quest Order for Factions


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Just a quick question from a newbie, who has entered many factions, completed many of the faction's entry and low-level quests (like...maybe 3-4 faction-quest deep), but never actually reach the highest rank of any faction.


This time, I wish to complete ALL faction quests and become the highest rank faction leader of both good and evil factions.


I have two main concerns:


1) Is it even possible to become the guild leader of ALL factions? Like, if I attained the highest rank in Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood (evil axis), is it possible for me to later obtain highest rank in the "good" guild such as Mage/Fighter Guild?


2) What is the recommended order in which to complete all the faction quest? Is there anything specific I need to be extra careful? Such as the fame/infamy? Killing of some NPC for Dark Brotherhood quest that will thwart progression in other faction/quest?


I don't really care about the "optimum"/"best"/"fastest" way to get there (I would love to learn if such ways exist, nevertheless), just want to know all "the catch" or if reaching there is even possible.


Like, Dark Brotherhood > Thieves Guild > (wash all infamy by Pilgrimage quest) > Mage > Fighter?


Anyone experienced in becoming the guildmaster of all faction?

Please help out a noob!


Thank you.

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its relatively easy to join all the factions at the same time


just follow each on through to the end


making certain not to actually kill any guild members


pay attention to the main quest and the question to get to the arrow of extrication - don't fight or kill that mage.


but the bottom line is ---


its been done



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If you are the type of person who likes to avoid the 'Gotchas' (and the game's quests offer you plenty of those) you can have a look at the UESP Wiki walkthrough for any of the quests. If you prefer to not get the step by step of how to do the quest, but would still like to learn about the gotchas you could just scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the Bugs section.


You will notice that many of the bugs have been fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch ... it's not a bad thing to install first.

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Thanks for the replies, so I guess it is truly possible to achieve that...




I intend to finish one faction at a time, to have a better "continuous" sense of the story...and I do intend to only look at the bug section, to avoid too much spoilers...


How about this one last question then: Will I able to become the guild leader for all faction, if I do the faction quests in this order:

1) Dark Brotherhood

2) Whatever other factions that will gain me infamy

3) Thief Guild

4) Reset my infamy by doing Pilgrimage

5) All the other good faction (assuming that they won't conflict with each other? I mean, the good faction won't require me to kill anyone that prevent quest progression, right?)


Will this work? Without too much hassle/conflicts/bugs?

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I went the other direction with my old guy (the 'good' factions first starting with Mages Guild) but providing you have a plan for 'cleaning up' your record I don't see why not. Have a look through the Thieves Guild quest Notes and Bugs sections ... if there is something to look out for it will be documented there. I never have done the Dark Brotherhood (my old guy was waiting to get all his skills buffed to max and then I was going to use the Arena Grand Champion match for the entrance, but my 'new guy' has been kinda overtaking the old guy for play time). I can't see that Bethesda would have you kill someone there who was needed for another quest line, but they are known for some strangeness in quest interaction.


When you say "Reset my infamy by doing the Pilgrimage" you are talking about doing the Knights of the Nine Pilgrimage, right? This quote is from the Notes section of the UESP Wiki walkthrough for the Knights of the Nine quest Pilgrimage:

It is not possible to clear your infamy without the Knights of the Nine plug-in installed. Without the plug-in, visiting all of the Wayshrines awards the player with the greater power Pilgrim's Grace.
Edited by Striker879
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Yes, indeed, I am talking about KoTN.


But you brought up an interesting perspective...


The reason I am starting with evil faction first, is because I fear that I will be expel from good faction if I did anything too bad...or maybe the evil faction will require me to kill/steal from some good faction member, which will result in an expel.


Thus, by doing bad things first, then clear the infamy by Pilgrimage *should*, I suppose, be the better/easier way.


BUT, if that won't happen (will it?)...I definitely favor the good-guy-first, bad-guy-last without going through Pilgrimage.

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I went through all the 'good guy' factions without a hitch. If you look through the Notes and Bugs sections for all the 'bad guy' factions you'll mostly see situations that would only arise if you are trying to do a mish mash of good and bad at the same time. I did all the guild quests before I completed the main quest that play through. With my latest guy I'm trying the main quest first, then the guilds. The first time I never considered doing the bad guys first. Your question has me thinking I'll study on the merits of one way vs. the other before I tackle the guilds this time.
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After much reading and considering, I decided that this is the best way:


1) Do all the evil faction first, and become the guild leader of all the evil factions. Avoid all the conflicts by reading the UESP Wiki.

2) Do the KoTN quests, clear my infamy (which is useless after I completed all evil faction quests).

3) Finish up all the neutral/good faction quests.


Hope it will work out fine...I am going to start it this weekend.

If any of you knows of any problem/conflict I am going to run into, please, do not hesitate to tell me! Thank you.

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  • 2 years later...

1 yes do all evil factions first

actually do dark brotherhood first (thieves guild dislikes killing and so does mages but you kill someone in each so best to not get kicked out of the guilds for performing your quest)

2 even if you dont have kotn the end of thieves guild quests will wipe public

infamy and if i misremember then doing all the side quests will erase your infamy


best to start DB by killing one of the tong thugs in walker camp north of cheydinhall

thus avoiding any npc deaths that are needed for other quests later on

Edited by Psimancer
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