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Need help finding a house mod that dont feel like cheating


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Hi guys


After reading through a lot of house mods I find many great houses with all kind of cool functionality and things to do like tanning, baking, gardening, sewing, potion making, animal care and so on. There is also a lot of other cool things like alchemy sorter, storage possibilities, mannequins and other great things.


But one thing that I don't like is that almost all the house mods came fully stocked with everything from animals, kitchen equipment, stuff you need to make all kind of things, and everything is often fully working like alchemy and enchanting equipments. At the same time I often can get if for free or after a short quest.


What I would like is a house where all the possibilities and space is there, but where I as a player need to find/buy everything I want or need in the house, and to find/buy stuff to get everything working.



What I want:

A nice big house that I have to pay for. A quest is nice, but not as a replacement for paying

- where I can have many mannequins to show of all the armor and weapons I like

- with good storage possibilities for all my stuff

- a "empty" house so I need to find/buy all the things I want in the house like plates, glasses, alchemy tools,

yarn for sewing, animals, books etc

- where I need to find/buy stuff to make things like alchemy, enchanting, tanning etc working

- with a good ingredient sorter or something similar

- no get rich possibilities like a lot of things to sell or enchanting that work from the moment I get the house

- some kind of restrictions of powerful stuff like enchanting, spell making etc , maybe some level restrictions




What I don't want:

A house full of equipments and stuff

Lot of items I can go and sell

A lot of cheat like functionality that work out of the box like static alchemy or enchanting


I will be very happy for any help :)

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Integration: The Stranded Light has about 4 or 5 player homes, all of which require a lot of questing to get, and some "require" fairly large amount of money. Require is in quotes because it's a giant quest mod that focuses on integration, multiple solutions, immersion, skill checks, etc. so in most of those cases there's 1 or more ways to get out of having to pay. The houses definitely seem more like something you earn., than something just given to you.. Edited by JCP768
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You want a HUGE home? Plenty of room for mannequins, etc? Requires some questing to gain, and/or a fair amount of money to purchase or furnish?


DLC, my friend. Fighter's Stronghold (Battlehorn Castle) is freakin' huge, Frostcrag Spire has a ton of open space, the Thieves' Den and Vile Lair both have a lot of space... but for your best value, Battlehorn Castle is my recommendation. If you're good with Console Commands and don't mind inflicting a little bit of savegame bloat, you can modify it fairly easily using PlaceAtMe commands to spawn added furniture (say... a throne platform in the great hall) using SetPos and SetAngle commands to position things where you like. Also you can use MoveToPlayer commands to remove any static items you dislike (by shifting them into an unfavored cell... I dump a lot of unwanted furniture into Hawkhaven by teleporting there with COC commands and then using PRID to select the item I want to dispose of).


Sure, DLC costs a small amount of money, but I've found the add-ons are worthwhile.

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You want a HUGE home? Plenty of room for mannequins, etc? Requires some questing to gain, and/or a fair amount of money to purchase or furnish?


DLC, my friend. Fighter's Stronghold (Battlehorn Castle) is freakin' huge, Frostcrag Spire has a ton of open space, the Thieves' Den and Vile Lair both have a lot of space... but for your best value, Battlehorn Castle is my recommendation. If you're good with Console Commands and don't mind inflicting a little bit of savegame bloat, you can modify it fairly easily using PlaceAtMe commands to spawn added furniture (say... a throne platform in the great hall) using SetPos and SetAngle commands to position things where you like. Also you can use MoveToPlayer commands to remove any static items you dislike (by shifting them into an unfavored cell... I dump a lot of unwanted furniture into Hawkhaven by teleporting there with COC commands and then using PRID to select the item I want to dispose of).


Sure, DLC costs a small amount of money, but I've found the add-ons are worthwhile.


Aren't there mods that allow you to, buy and place furniture without any kind of bloat?

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Aren't there mods that allow you to, buy and place furniture without any kind of bloat?

Not that I'm aware of. The way Oblivion stores information in its' savegame files, any time some item gets added that was not originally hard-coded in an .esp or .esm file (for example, when you create a potion, or open a chest whose contents are spawned from a levelled list) the game assigns it a reference ID that begins with "ff" and begins to track its' location in the savegame file by cell, and x/y/z coordinates within the cell. Mods like Imperial Furniture Store which can add an unlimited number of objects (every time the merchant's inventory respawns, and you buy more items) contribute to "bloat" in the same way, though it's usually at a negligable level.


Savegame bloat really only begins to add up if you commit a lot of littering, dumping clutter on the ground (because those references tend to become durable until the cell resets). The only items that truly persist (and thus add to bloat) are...

Inventory items: quest items, items stored in non-respawning containers, or dropped items in non-respawning cells, and...

Static items: Furniture added, whether via a mod, or by use of the PlaceAtMe console command.


My best recommendation for helping trim down savegame bloat?

Don't be a hoarder. Sell everything you don't intend to use, and use a "trashcan" mod to remove unnecessary RefID and location data from your savegames (the trashcan included with Reznod's Mannequins is what I use).


EDIT: @Striker879 -- Imperial Furniture Renovated adds to the size of savegame files in the same way. It's got a cleaner script, sure (so if you decide to pick up and move a piece of furniture, or sell it back, it retains the same RefID and doesn't create an unnecessary new one), but every piece it adds that you allow to remain in your saved game... adds an additional single reference and a single line of code to the saved game.

Edited by humanbean234
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