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Marriage is fun... sort of


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From what I can see, they rushed this game out at least six months before it should have been and were unable to put in the features and

polish it deserves due to some time table they set and would not deviate from it.


That has been the standard industry practice for the last, what, seven years? Eight? And it's not just Bethesda - the entire game industry.


To add insult to injury, they double the prices (or more) for new release games, $50 to $80 is normal. Six months later, once the game actually works, it drops to $20 to $30. So basically, people pay extra to be beta-testers for unfinished games. And then they wonder why so few people fall for their pre-order marketing scams?


If you really want to look at some classic clusterfarks, look at Silent Hunter 4 when it first came out. Or, more recently, Sword of the Stars 2 - which still isn't stable. And EA can't go two straight weeks without cranking out another patch for Sims3, a game which came out two years ago. Heck, Battleground Europe (MMFPS) recently celebrated their 10 year anniversary, despite 3/4th of their playbase leaving, saying "We're sick of subscribing to a beta-test game." The list goes on and on, and it's not going to end anytime soon.


This gets even worse with the new paradigm of PC gaming, which reads "After-thought console ports to rake in a few more pennies off our Xbox designed game." It's no longer a matter of "wait six months and it will finally work right," rather it is "wait six months and hopefully it will work right because after that they won't even bother anymore, because their accountants have forced them to move on to the next project at gunpoint." Unless they're a big budget monster corporation like EA, they simply won't have the budget to keep trying to make a broken game viable after awhile.


It's really, really sad.

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And let's not even get into the dialogue options you will have with your wife - I sooooooo hoped they would learn from Bioware regarding dialogues... I don't even know the person I married and I don't think I ever will!

No reason to hate the game but this is just another feature that could have offered great possibilities and instead seems rather half-a**ed


Yup. I love companion based games. But not the halfarsed ones. And with Skyrim it certainly falls into that kind of category. I don't even bother taking one with me, since they constantly bump into me, sabotage my sneaking efforts and eventually they simply die on me. You can't even tell them to observe some kind of strategy.


Same with marriage. What a splendid idea. But its a roleplaying idea, not something - as you said - to be ticked off in some imaginary box.

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They got me 3 times now and I do feel a bit foolish for handing them full retail price as I had not been surprised at being let down by them.

I think I learned my lesson though, next time I can wait many months before plunging in. It will save me money and wasted time.



You read my mind, man!

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no need for a mod to test em out - they all the same like robots, anyway.


Yes, that's the problem with this game - all the followers have a few tiresome stock phrases they repeat, and there's not a lot of variation between the followers. The modded companion "Willow" from FNV, and "Vilja" from Oblivion, and many other modded companions, had a huge amount of different things to say in different situations and their own unique questlines to follow, and were all completely different characters from each other. Hopefully some kind-hearted modders will be modding followers like those, for Skyrim, soon!

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no need for a mod to test em out - they all the same like robots, anyway.


Yes, that's the problem with this game - all the followers have a few tiresome stock phrases they repeat, and there's not a lot of variation between the followers. The modded companion "Willow" from FNV, and "Vilja" from Oblivion, and many other modded companions, had a huge amount of different things to say in different situations and their own unique questlines to follow, and were all completely different characters from each other. Hopefully some kind-hearted modders will be modding followers like those, for Skyrim, soon!

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I really wish they did something to spice up marriage a bit in this game. Have a kid, spouse backstory, a meet the parents questline, sex (Who doesn't wanna see an Orc and Argonian goin at it?)


I'd honestly be satisfied if I could have small interactions. Hug, kiss, have her *censored* at me for having a female companion, domestic abuse (wait, we can do that)


But the only effort put into it was the marriage ceremony. Which wasn't bad, but gave me the impression that marriage as a whole would be fairly deep.


Now I'm stuck with a wife that doesn't love me and does nothing but cook the same meal everyday.


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The marriage ceremony is nice, isn't it. But it doesn't last long. And the only difference in the game, is that each day, you get 100 coins from some imaginary shop, and an item called a home-cooked meal. Which is nice as far as it goes. (Fable 2 went into marriage too, only with far more things to do.)


One future mod that could give marriage a bit more variety would be when we can marry more than one spouse at a time, maybe even have a spouse in every town. Then we could try out the different partners without having to wait until the next game. What do you think of that idea?



So you're fine with polygamy? I really don't see how that would work in this world.

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I agree prolovegirl. I like the idea of marrying a lot but it is always the same and a little boring. I would LOVE to find a modder who could make a marriage mod where you could have a lot of different conversation topics both before and after getting married, maybe have a little romance like having a courier telling you that a certain person was interested in you and you could send back lettters in response, eventually meeting, talking and deciding marry her or him, or not. And then yes, I think getting to have more than one spouse would be fun because we obviously can't do that in real life, but here in this pretend world, we can not just be attracted to many people, we can marry them and enjoy multiple relationships. Plus, it makes sense in our Skyrim world to have partners in each town/house/etc. to be followers, helpers, etc. Running from dragons and other enemies would be a good reason to have more than one hubby around! lol


So glad to see you guys talking about this and I hope that modders find this interesting too and will be doing lots of mods! :)


(Or, that maybe when the Creation Kit comes out I'll get brave enough to learn how to make mods myself! lol)


Tracy, wondering who might become her next spouse and if the first one will mind...... ;)

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