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The Battlemage - A Massacre In Skyrim (Character Build)


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If you want to buff up before combat, sure - I don't think it applies much to heavy armor wearers though. Appreciate the plug from another article :) I'm not far enough into the game to really need the buff, but it would certainly help in the right situations. Edited by TheBalance
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Man I'm overpowered! Had those 3 hired thugs on my ass right after I killed the troll on the way to Ivarstead and I didn't even need a health potion, just kept moving and slashing (it did help that I dinged (lvl'd up) after the 2nd thug died, but still) :P


Perks/useful stats atm @ lvl 10:


Conjuration 38: Novice, Mystic Binding, Soul Stealer

Block 23: Shield Wall x2

One-Handed 40: Armsman x2, Fighting Stance, Bladesman

Heavy Armor 28: -


I LOVE this build, man! Haven't had this much fun since the first few days in Skyrim :D

Edited by Moredhel
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OK i think you and i are definitely alike or maybe you have been watching my build hiding somewhere here! :facepalm: jk jk :P


I started with different races like 10 times because i wanted to make the exact same build that you have mentioned and finally i decided to be an orc. The only thing that wasnt there was conjuration which is my fav so far in terms of magical stuff. Now my character is lvl 55 and trust me this build is awesome. The only difference is that i leveled up smithing and enchanting faster than anything. Once you have Legendary armor and weapons with double enchantments on them... You are just Godlike (Kill a giant and mammoth with 1 hit of running power attack on master difficutly). I started and played on master difficulty and @Balance you are absolutely right that this is perfect hybrid build so far


So people who are leveling this build up at the moment i have some suggestions on smithing and enchanting.




You will have to hunt deer bears and wolves as much as u can. I would suggest that you get a weapon with soul trap enchantment and keep as many PETTY and LESSER soul gems with as you can so you get the leather as well as souls for enchantments. Tan all the leather u find and craft ONLY leather or hide bracers.. it requires 2 leather strips and 1 leather only and gives u a great deal of experience on each bracer that you will craft. I leveled it to 90 by the time my orc was level 25. Also once you have good enough level of enchanting, get light gloves/bracers, a ring, a necklace and any clothes of ur choice and enchant smithing on them all with grand souls. with that set on you will be able to upgrade armors to what you cant even imagin. For example my current armor rating is 508 :P




On this build most of you will go straight to the Lover Stone to level up all skills as Balance Mentioned in his original post. Since you are traveling to city of Markath anyway, why not make some gold coins and gold ore? for that goto Left hand Mine just outside the city of Markath. Get the mission to clear the Forsworns out of Kolskeggr Mines (Located just beneath the Hill of Lover stone). Complete this mission and you will find urself inside the mine with over 60 gold ore :)


With that gold you can make around 60+ gold rings. Enchanting goes with the time you cant do much level it up faster but i think before my character was lvl 35 i was at 100 enchanting with all perks on it except for the one that squeezes 5% of enemy's soul on death blow. Anyway get those rings enchanted with petty soul gems to make and you will get the experience fast as anything. All the gold that you will spend on petty soul gems will be returned to you when u will sell those gold rings. Other than those rings u will find a lot of junk armor and jewelry which u will sell anyway so why not use a petty soul gem worth 50 gold and make that junk worth 100s? :P


I really appreciate TheBalance bringing this to other people's attention.. And if Any good modders are reading this i request you to make a new character mod who should have Conjuration as main attribute, Smithing, Enchanting, Heavy Armor, 1 handed and block as secondary :)


Thumbs up for you TheBalance

Edited by Wolfenstien
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Hmm, I should start putting some points in health (currently have 200 magicka)... I'm getting pwned by a Forsworn Briarheart + flame atronach in Kolskeggr Mine.


Note to self: make some bloody healpots before you go out to play with baddies, you are not a god! :D

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Hmm, I should start putting some points in health (currently have 200 magicka)... I'm getting pwned by a Forsworn Briarheart + flame atronach in Kolskeggr Mine.


Note to self: make some bloody healpots before you go out to play with baddies, you are not a god! :D




Well thats why i always go there as soon as i get lydia on my side.. if you are below level 10.. forsworn leader wont conjure anything :P Make lydia or the woman from whiterun inn tank for you and stab the bastaaardo in the back :thumbsup:


And as for your healing pot.. id suggest that you complete the quest for the beggar in whiterun because the healing pot he gives you is heaven in start :)


Good luck mate

Edited by Wolfenstien
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I think I'm gonna include some Destruction spells for ranged combat, take a look at this:


Weak enemy:

- shoot ice spikes with left hand. Enemy near? Equip shield, summon sword. Kill.


Strong enemy:

- summon flame atronach with left hand, replace with ice spike and shoot.

- When the enemy is closer, replace spell with shield and summon sword with right hand. Kill.


Multiple enemies:

- Summon flame atronach, replace with destruction spell, hold back and wait 1 or 2 sec.

- Equip shield, put destro spell in right hand, shoot.

- Atronach dead? Summon again with right hand, replace with oakflesh/stoneflesh.

- Summon bound sword, jump into the fray and kill.


The above is just a basic idea, I haven't tested it yet. I'm sure the ice spike is just a matter of taste, you can also use firebolt or fireball if that's your style ;)


It might be even easier if you have a summoner/caster buddy by your side, meaning there's you, your buddy and two atronachs. Instant win! You could also pick a tank (Lydia, for instance) and let him/her enter the fray while you stay farther from your enemies and cast spells all the time (hey you're a battleMAGE, you have magic, use it! :laugh: )

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