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The Battlemage - A Massacre In Skyrim (Character Build)


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You will have to hunt deer bears and wolves as much as u can. I would suggest that you get a weapon with soul trap enchantment and keep as many PETTY and LESSER soul gems with as you can so you get the leather as well as souls for enchantments. Tan all the leather u find and craft ONLY leather or hide bracers.. it requires 2 leather strips and 1 leather only and gives u a great deal of experience on each bracer that you will craft. I leveled it to 90 by the time my orc was level 25. Also once you have good enough level of enchanting, get light gloves/bracers, a ring, a necklace and any clothes of ur choice and enchant smithing on them all with grand souls. with that set on you will be able to upgrade armors to what you cant even imagin. For example my current armor rating is 508 :P



Thumbs up for you TheBalance


Just to add onto your idea for fast smithing xp:

Hitting the mines for iron ore is a good idea as well. Spam-smith iron daggers as they only take 1 iron ingot (1 ore) and 1 piece of leather strip. Iron is extremely plentiful and dirt cheap from vendors as well. Go into a mine inhabited by bandits in Whiterun or near Riverwood and clear it, walk out with 25- 40+ iron ore each.


Adding on to my adding on...

I've been playing around and found a good way to farm conjuration and alteration! When I play, I fight my way through a dungeon, saving looting for last. After I'm done, I now have a dungeon full of dead bodies. I dual cast oakskin/raise zombie at a body. Once it rises, I hit it with flame or whatever. After a certain amount of damage, the zombie turns against me the same way that follower npc's do. This triggers the combat requirement for skill xp. Taking down your own zombies gives you conjuration, alteration and whatever you used to kill it xp!


Restoration works too if you do turn undead

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I have a similar build, but instead of conjuration I'm doing smithing and alchemy with a side of enchanting and destruction. And I chose Imperial.


It's the ultimate a.d.d. character lol, but whatever. I'm doing ok so far.

Edited by Bubblz
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  • 1 month later...

Yep, that's a great way to raise skills - and a rather safe one all things considered - you know exactly what you're getting yourself into without the possibility of any surprises. Kind of cheesy and I'm sure people frown upon it, but hey - its your game and your experience, why spend hours grinding on 'real' enemies after tracking them down when you can fight the same enemies twice - the second time on your terms!


Also, I'm pretty sure that's why they made necro pets dust when killed. So you can't spam raise/skill up off them :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

i like the build but it "SEEMS" really limited tho.. i mean when did u start to use the forge to make armors, or even make ur own potions/ Enhancements? same goes too do u use any other form of protection, amulets? (anything to make ut build even stronger then it already is)


since i plain on making a player then can sell things to make cash, worst part is best thing to sell are armor/ w Enchantments....

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 years later...

Ahh, im surprised anyone ever post how to build almost exactly what im to do right now, in lvl 97, with build like this, major skill : one handed, block (damn love this perk) conjuration and LIGHT ARMOR, (yeah, im focusing in magicka until in the middle of the game)


As for other, i did fill some of my perks in destruction and enchanting ( seriously guys, i think you had to level this up asap) and smithing


And for armor, if you aim for 0 cost of magicka, i suggest you fortify any magic BUT conjuring (fill your magicka at least until you able to two handed conjure dremora then all good),, my armor focusing in fortify destruction and alternation, (for infinity lightning storm and all paralyze) but, in this level tbh, the only magic that i still use just conjuration, alternation, and restoration... As for attire I even considering to change fortfy destruction to fortify one handed, but destruction perks not wasted at all, it give my enchanting effect a lot stronger, ah if you had dragonborn dlc, i suggest you erase your major perk (example: my conjuration) to enchanting and smithing, make yourself a good set, then reset your perks again, and fill it back where they used to be

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