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Can GTX updates kill mods


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Up until the end of June of this year the npc mods, traveller mods from the Populated series; More War in the Wild/NPCs; Travellers of Skyrim. These mods spawn npcs all over Skyrim and were played one at a time and worked perfectly without a problem.

But in July, gtx 860m was updated to 372 then I started to get instant ctd with the above mods. I dropped back to 368.81 [clean install] where it has remained since. Populated series ctd before titles; T of S during horse thief talk; More War/NPCs at cave exit. Yet the mods Solitude Expanded, Whiterun Outskirt Market, JK Town Expansion and Bandit Raids [one cell?] still work perfectly even with any of the above before June and they still work even with a complete re-installation of the game.


I have a Lenovo Y70-70 laptop [sept 2014 release], Win 8.1, 64 bit, 16g ram, Intel 4710, Intel graphics 4600 bought in May 2015. TES3-5 worked until April of this year when I started to get reference memory crashes on Oblivion and Skyrim, I thought I lost Skyrim for good with the 372 driver update, but I found that the reference memory ctd were caused by the multi-cell mods mentioned.


Can driver updates cause a game overload or is it something else? Perhaps an examination of the programming[?] of the mods mentioned here can reveal why some work and some ctd.


Morrowind is unaffected despite 96 mods, Oblivion [69 mods plus traveller and Better Cities] still gets overloaded after 45 mins, but thats ok. Skyrim still works minus the top of page list, but the roads are silent once again.

Edited by WSChase
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eh, i'm using the newest nvidia driver. i was having some pretty bad ctd issues myself. took 3 fresh installs to get everything right, and they seemed to come out of nowhere. broke my saves and everything else. i tried all sorts of things. drivers, different versions of directx, file permissions, everything. sometimes it sorta' worked for and then KERPSKEWWWWW game's dead again. the problem, come to find out, came from mod conflicts. third time around i was conservative with my choice of mods and made sure as little as possible was overwritten between them (via manual patching), that i had all the compatibility patches i needed, and that i fixed the metadata in loot when something could be resolved that way. the result is that the game doesn't crash anymore and ergo is playable again. could be a driver, but rolling mine back didn't fix anything.

Edited by ymf331
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So, no one not even tech has an answer. I am the only gtx user on this forum?


This time last year Skyrim was fully loaded and perfect like rest of the games. I have since found that vanilla npcs fighting each other and the player chopping wood will cause ctd a reference memory crash. Now thanks to these driver updates my once top-of-the-line gaming laptop is fit only for internet, movies and spreadsheets.

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did you not notice the post where i said i was using the latest nvidia drivers without issues? also, i only have a 550 ti and running enb, vivid weathers, 3 different lighting mods, and texture overhauls for about everything. i don't think your problem is your video card or the driver.


the situations you're describing make it sound like you're overloading the script engine. lots of npcs + scripts running on them = lots of scripts running all at the same time.

Edited by ymf331
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I only have this page bookmarked.


The only script related mods I have are Whiterun Outdoors Market, Sofia, Bandit Raids [just running back and forth], Solitude Expanded and one of the above traveler mods. All these mods I use now are the exact same ones I used before July and all worked perfectly together until driver 372 in July. The game was deleted completely off the hard drive in August then reinstalled in this month with the exact same mods.

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I was able to get the default driver packages from https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-P-Y-and-Z-series.


Lenovo Y70-70T - nVidia Display Driver (Win7 x64)

Lenovo Y70-70T - nVidia Display Driver (Win8.1 x64)

Lenovo Y70-70T - nVidia Display Driver (Win10 x64)


I did a clean install of the Win 8.1 version [332.91] and got PLRP back. What is the solution to script overload?

Edited by WSChase
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