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Skyrim Locked at 30fps


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I bought this computer less than one week ago and everything works fine. I played skyrim for about 20 minutes (started a new game and played for a bit) and it ran at a consistent 60fps. The next day, I downloaded the nexus mod manager and the SkyUI mod and skyrim appears to be locked at 30fps. I have an Nvidia GTX 960m and an Intel i7 HQ6700 so I am certain that hardware is not the problem. Anyone know what to do?

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Try clearing your Steam cache.


You don't happen to have this fps limiter installed, do you? Check to see if you've accidentally subscribed to a similar Steam Workshop mod.


Also, if you are not using SKSE, do so. (Be sure to watch Gopher's video on how it works and how to install it.)

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