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Are you going to dl a nude mod?


Nude Mod.  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you dl a nude mod?

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I use a nude male+female mod not because I want to see a bunch of nake people running around, I can just mosey on over to my local internet connection to see that but because I don't think Bandits would really care about wearing underwear besides it's more humiliating for them to strip them bare and leave them by the side of the road after they've tried to kill you. Or my personal favorite, after the Silver Hand attacks Jorrvaskr I leave their naked bodies strung up outside on the archway as a message to not f**k with my Shield-Brothers and Sisters.


Right. have to side with you on that.

I use male/female nude because of undeveloped people in the skyrim world. There are wild bandits and crazed mountain people and beggars about. I doubt they take the time away from plundering and pillaging to sew up some undies and bras.

They are savages, not aristocrats. In old times, when a person was robbed on the roadside, they were stripped of all their belongings, this includes their clothes. Any witness of the victim would know to fear the gang and 'pay dues'.

I would never want nudes just walking around in my game, so i use it for a level of realism.

Let's face it, we are all naked under our clothes >.<

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll vote no, because there already seems to be one on my computer....


For me, I mostly enjoy the higher quality outfits and mods that arrive later that are based on the nude bodies. Stripping naked is worth a giggle every once in a while, perhaps, but I never actually play that way, or fill my screens with naked bodies. But I do enjoy questing in form fitting and somewhat revealing outfits.



Just realized I never answered my own question!


Oh and Caliente your response made me giggle a little.

Yes I intend to use them.. but only because in real life my underwear isn't painted to my body (though that would be an interesting way to get dressed).

My first thought when I begin playing TES games and found out about the permanent underwear was... DEAR GOD THAT CAN'T BE SANITARY! DON'T THEY EVER CLEAN IT?!

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I find it odd everyone has underwear on that you can not remove, so I use both a male and female nude body replacer.

Much more real if the underwear was a item that could be removed rather then stuck on.


Naked people all over? Not really the point of why I download and use nude mods... I do enjoy naked male bodies though so.... XP

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I use them, for one reason i find the underwear to be tacky, female looks painted on especially the bra and I dont like that ridiculous flap thing that's on all the armor I definitely dont want it on my underwear. Another reason is I use skimpy clothing and armor and no nude mods just doesn't work there. In Oblivion I used the companions mod and skimpy see through clothes on them and have the unused companions hang out in my houses. Having default dirty brown underwear on them just never worked. I am doing that now In Skyrim but with NPC's that has no quest and modding them to live in my houses.


As for the corpse issue it doesn't bother me to see a nude corpse, i am neither interested in them sexually or repulsed by a naked corpse. Its just a corpse with no clothes and affects me in no way shape or form the same as if it had underwear on. its a corpse and not something to look at once I am done looting it. I am an adult and can see a nude body and not be sexually excited by it.

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I voted yes. When someone makes a nice one that doesn't suck, isn't anatomically grotesque, doesn't pander to juveniles or promote the 'Skyrim Skank' factor I'll download it. Everything I've seen uploaded so far is just dumb or not to my personal tastes.
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