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GOD DAMN! when I exit oblivion i get a black screen and am forced to restart my pc


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ok, I am understanding there is a some sort of "black screen" taking place?

on game boot? what?

No, on game exit.


The game loads, and plays fine. But when I close the game, it causes my screen to go black and stay like that until I hard reset my PC. Ctrl+Alt+Del does nothing, Alt tab does nothing. I tried turning my monitor on and off just in case, but that also made no difference.


Now that I think about it I could potentially alt tab out and close the game with task manager and see if I can get out that way. Not the best work around ever, but better than a hard reset every time.


ok, do it, now I understand

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I'm not sure how you would do this on a more modern OS (I'm an old WinXP dinosaur) but I found that turning off the reporting to Microsoft part the the crash cleared up some of my own freeze ups that required a complete system restart.

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  • 2 months later...

This is a big problem for me. Fast Exit 2 doesn't work for me in my Steam game. Exiting will result in the Black Screen of Death requiring a hard reboot.


Alt + F4 will open and close the map. Seems that Alt tab can at least bring me to the desktop where I can click it closed.


Bet this is not a problem for those folks running the retail version on Windows XP.

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