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GTX 1070 - Max 60 FPS. Why?


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Hi all, is happen a very strange thing. When i had my old videocard AMD R9 280x, at 1080p, i had 130 FPS without any mods but all ULTRA settings.. with my new video card, an GTX 1070 i dont have more of 60 FPS! :mellow: And sometime i have also less 40/50 FPS! This is absolutely crazy, the GTX 1070 destroys the old R9 280x! What is the problem? :ninja:

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Hi all, is happen a very strange thing. When i had my old videocard AMD R9 280x, at 1080p, i had 130 FPS without any mods but all ULTRA settings.. with my new video card, an GTX 1070 i dont have more of 60 FPS! :mellow: And sometime i have also less 40/50 FPS! This is absolutely crazy, the GTX 1070 destroys the old R9 280x! What is the problem? :ninja:


Is the V-Sync, now i have 90 FPS but is strange the same because with the old R9 280x, without mods, i had more of 120 FPS! The refresh of my monitor is 60 Hz but my interest is to have many FPS for regoulate me when i install mods in the game! If i have 90 FPS without any mods, how many FPS i will have with Enb, steroid grass, 2k retextures etc etc? Is very strange, my nVidia card in Skyrim is most severely poor of an old Amd cardì? :ohmy:



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Ok ok, i was confused me! With the old R9 280x i had yes more FPS without mods but with Enb, Grass and many strong mods i had less of 30 FPS! With the GTX 1070 i have minor number of FPS without mods but with an infinite number of mods and the most performnce killers mods i have a mid of 70 FPS in the exterors, over 100 into the interiors and minimum never under of 50! Is good! Sorry all, i thought that Skyrim don't work well with my card!

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Ok ok, i was confused me! With the old R9 280x i had yes more FPS without mods but with Enb, Grass and many strong mods i had less of 30 FPS! With the GTX 1070 i have minor number of FPS without mods but with an infinite number of mods and the most performnce killers mods i have a mid of 70 FPS in the exterors, over 100 into the interiors and minimum never under of 50! Is good! Sorry all, i thought that Skyrim don't work well with my card!


If you normally get 60fps with the capper, you're fine to add mods and keep the capper on. It doesn't matter what your total framerate is, but since you said you can get 120fps then you'll have no problem with 60fps capper with mods. Anything above 60fps and the engine will start bugging out, throwing stuff around and causing character jump issues.


Since you have the computer specs to run 120fps without the capper, you're fine to add mods. You'll probably still get 60fps with rare dips in fps. (if any dips at all.)

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I have the same card and had all kinds of issues mentioned here! Just today I found out if you add iFPSClamp=60 under the [GENERAL] category in Skyrim.ini it makes the problems go away. I was using NVIDIA Profile Inspector but this fix seems smoother.

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