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Safe, stable Requiem without the kitchen sink


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Hi all,


I've just got to say that Skyrim modding is a bit of a culture shock for me. I played Oblivion with Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, AFLeveling Mod, an interface improvement, and about one other mod (the Last Unicorn is the only one I can remember). That was plenty to give me what I'm looking for.


So with Skyrim, it seems like Requiem is the closest I'll get to an OOO experience (unleveled enemies and some extras), so I'm going that route. Here is where my problem comes in.


I just want to know what I should have installed to make sure everything runs smoothly and does what I want, with perhaps a handful (as in 4 or less, not 40) of mods that do particular things that I consider important, without installing stuff I don't need.


But here is what I find (and similar lists):




Holy crap, Batman! 23 mods is not considered minimal in my book. But a lot of them look like bug fixes. That sounds important. But if they are important, why haven't they been implemented in something ubiquitous like USLEEP? Why aren't they already a part of Requiem? Why isn't there just an "Ultimate Bug Patches - Requiem Edition" that is all you need?


Yes, I understand that someone has to do this stuff, and people aren't getting paid for it. It's just frustrating coming into this ball game and finding out I have to be an expert just to get things working.


I'm using Mod Organizer, because I like the safety of how it works. Here is my current load order:


Legendary Edition, with the USLEEP.

Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized (I wanted the 1024k)

Unofficial High Resolution Patch - Compatible

FISS (for SkyTweak)

Grimy Plugin (for SkyTweak)


SkyTweak (so I can change some Requiem settings that will make it more enjoyable for me)

A Quality World Map and Solstheim - With Roads (saw it on a video and seemed like a good idea)


I would like to add:


Even Better Quest Objectives (recommended in Requiem)


A couple other things that look like I might want them are:

Requiem Plus (the spell tomes and horse healing in particular)

Requiem - Minor Arcana (seems to be highly recommended)

Cutting Room Floor (because I hate stuff saying on the cutting room floor--looks like I need some sort of Requiem patch for this too)

Placeable Statics (*maybe*)


But then I start reading pages like that link above with a bunch of patches and ini file changes (not that I'm afraid of changing ini files, just that I like to keep things simple), and load lists that have things like "Requiem - Legendary Bugsmasher Edition" and "Requiem - Hearthfire" and find out I'm supposed to use the Rectificator even for files that are supposed to already be patched for Requiem...and I just feel lost.

I want to get the game set up, play the same character for 300+ hours, and not find myself with glitched quests, unexplained crashes, or missing some major thing that everyone uses, ("Dude, you did install the 'Game Won't Work Beyond 30 Hours Without This' patch, right?")




Can anyone offer some advice on what to do to meet my goals?




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a couple things you might want to add in are skse (look into memory patch) and crash fixes (read description page carefully). besides the fact that they make the game stable and fix problems, skse is actually a requirement for pretty much everything.


cutting room floor is kinda' like usleep in that it just about every mod will overwrite parts of it without patching or being built on it.


i don't use requiem personally, but if it's anything like the overhaul i use then it patches whatever you wind up with based on your load order so it doesn't have to break every mod that makes a change to an npc etc. if a mod has a skyproc patcher it's not because it's incompatible, and actually it's MORE compatible.


all-in-all as long as you read the mod description carefully, with a short load order like that you shouldn't have too many problems. i will warn you though, it's a slippery slope. you'll be playing and wishing you could change something about the game, then realize you can. next thing you know you're running 200 mods.

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Yes, I do have SKSE (needed for SkyUI and SkyTweak) but it didn't show up in my load order because of how it was installed (I altered that so I have something I can see in there now).


Yeah, every time I look at some video tutorial or look at some recommended mod on one of the ones I want, it seems to have something that sounds really useful. I will resist though.


Which crash fixes are you speaking of?

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