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In response to post #43562570. #43562700, #43562890, #43564045 are all replies on the same post.

Pelopida wrote: 2 things.
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.
2) At this point, i believe a lot of people, aswell as me, have a nearly-infinite list "tracked" mods, in the apposite nexus tab. Yet there is no real search button for that tab. Can you implement the same "categories" filter for the "tracked mods" tab? That would be so sweet.

Thank you for all your work.
mfeile1974 wrote: I second this
Knarrow wrote: Sounds like a great idea.
captangan wrote: +1

Me too.
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In response to post #43549675. #43549990, #43550270, #43550860, #43550915 are all replies on the same post.

elderscrolliangamer wrote: Please add the ability to change usernames, this is the only place I can't use my new username and PLEASE sort the ads out! I've had forced downloads, forced redirects to spammy sites such as 'the brit method', loads of pop ups, ads that forced the screen to the bottom of the page and many ads covering the screen. It ONLY happens on this site. I can barely use the site anymore because ads make it intolerable.
elderscrolliangamer wrote: ffs, i literally just got redirected to the brit method AGAIN
VictorDragonslayer wrote: IIRC, you can report bad ads. If you encounter so many annoying ads, buy supporter membership(2$ - I would gladly pay them if I knew how to do it via mobile phone) or use uBlock Origin.
StupidAnswer wrote: Report ads that do this.On you'r part you could pay the small fee to have ads permanently removed, or if you're to stingy and these ads really ruin your experience you could use an adblocker.
elderscrolliangamer wrote: I've been reporting ads for months now, it's getting boring and having no money is hardly stingy.

I've been reporting ads for months now, it's getting boring and having no money is hardly stingy.

It's like $2 to shut off ads, that's more than you're currently paying for your internet access that allows you to post here
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In response to post #43562410. #43564460 is also a reply to the same post.

Jimmyflow wrote: Having something in addition to just hosting mods, like how to's and tutorials. Similar to what is found on Reddit's skyrimmods. Or at least directing users to credible content. I realize this might entail a lot of work and time, but its essential if you're going to be pushing out the next generation mod manager.

As we've all come to learn, modding is not just plug and play anymore.
HadToRegister wrote: +10

There DEFINITELY needs to be a Modding Tutorial Section.

This is a MUST

I second this
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In response to post #43549550. #43551830, #43561140, #43562455, #43562595, #43562715, #43562720 are all replies on the same post.

KALOWG wrote: I would love to see a spotlight for the owner of the GamerPoets YouTube series 'Start to Finish: Modding Skyrim'.

I got sucked back into Skyrim recently, and each time I learn more. However stumbling upon this channel has given me the information necessary to make sure I'm doing it 100% correct. The tutorial videos are detailed, easy to understand, and easy to navigate.

I think many others, like myself, when we start dipping out toes into the modding pond, that we don't do so with the understanding we need to optimize our Skyrim, and as such our experience. Given the remaster that is coming out this week I think it would be great if this is the first thing the spotlight is shined on.

Because quite frankly it does us no good to get into the mods, if we don't know how we should be setting them up in the first place.

GamerPoets wrote: You're a good person = )
I'm always up for a chat.
NexBeth wrote: I would 2nd Game Poets. Wow he/they put out a lot of helpful vids that by every measure are highly professional and utterly helpful.
Jimmyflow wrote: Agree.
Sexyowl wrote: And he is extremely helpful and willing to give advice.
SparrowPrince wrote: Nah, that guy is a right douche. I heard he kills puppies for fun!

mfeile1974 wrote: Agree

GamerPoets is an amazing site and please look into them blindjudge.
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In response to post #43557005. #43557195, #43557225, #43562425 are all replies on the same post.

janishewski wrote: Gopher, more Gopher, Gopher all the time, Gophers mods, Gophers Vids,etc.
snowblowme wrote: Agreed
davidkarji wrote: I approve this comment x100
freddyhernandez wrote: A must have for any Bethesda site! More Gopher!!!

The gamer gods should have section that includes their exterior links on youtube.

Heck Gopher, Brodual, Gamer Poets, Hoditon, etc. all deserve a permanent page section where people can discuss the content, and comment/connect directly to their organized external links.
-Brings the community together here as a 'Nexus'!

Since the community works across them so much - and terrorfox does have something to say about it - I say we have a page for resources like skyrim mods - with a searchable link across both the nexus forums and reddit r/skyrimmods - heck even if it a boolean search from a google plugin that lets you search across both forums. Even if you have to be careful of the content and ownership issues there is nothing that should prevent the nexus from searching (and having the community tag searchable content externally - for an internal nexus 'community' discussion. having a reddit search button, a dedicated page mentioning it as a resource and the link to generic google search tool (add some boolean logic) and having the nexus content given a slight priority should satisfy ownership while not completely ignoring external content.

I'm pretty certain that external communities like the reddit and tes alliances communities would have no issues with a little cross promotion that would tie the greater community together and cement the nexus as an the best internal and only external organizer of content from multiple places.

The Nexus shouldn't completely ignore steam either (or tools like mod organizer was) - it should praise the external community and give them good reason to make the nexus the end all - one stop foundation. The Nexus should simply not have a blind spot - or appear to have any weaknesses, or areas it would avoid. It should be the obvious starting spot for everything and lead people to make good nexus value added choices. The Nexus should be the organizing force for the community and the leader to bring the Skyrim community to the next level!! It should be the rising heart of skyrim inspiration and innovation!
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Improving the creative process:


So I believe the biggest thing the nexus could do to increase popularity is to honor and focus on the creative process. Leading players to become great and inspired modders.


Plenty of good mods, and beginning modders get overlooked when they should be the spotlight for growth in the community.


I think there should be a single modding support chat room (like with Discord) where anyone new or struggling can catch the attention of people who have immediate answers.


I also think that we need to focus on positive attention and encouragement(maybe not a spotlight since people are seeking support and not necessarily fame).


Helping people with modding obstacles should be an exciting challenge and community goal - to bring more positive content. It should receive that level of attention. You get more of what you focus on- and creation is the most important things you should want to encourage - next to having players easily find what they want.


Maybe the Nexus should handle more achievements, events, and contests. You could even auction of modding help time from some professional grade modders, Build an apprentice community with incentives for people to assist each other, and even join modders pairings and teams. Even though most modding is a solitary function people still learn from each other. The more you know - the more you can accomplish.


I think you should build community excitement and positive focus towards building challenges. It doesn't have to be a contest. You could have an hosted discussion with some great modders in a group to lead towards modding gaps in the community. Like easy or challenging mods ideas that would be great to have the community work on together like the community loading screen project...

NCLS - Nexus Community Loading Screens - Community Project



all the way up to Beyond Skyrim and Skywind.


There is plenty of open discussion about what mods people would love to see. And this type of ongoing consolidated discussion can lead to actual projects.


Personally I think speculative mod project pages should be created in forum, but auto generate a actual project webpage - that could be a filterable category and allow people to endorse, vote, and sign up as easily as possible - with buttons to apply for select positions or just to show support in general. It should be easy for any modders to click a button to show they want to help, and for any player to endorse that they support such a project. Anyone who follows a project should have easy to access news on the projects health. It should be organized and easy to find and participate as people wish.


It shouldn't be so hard to let project owners know you are interested or that you are still interested in a project. You should not only be able to show that you support/ are interested in a project by clicking a support button (that gives people an idea of how much support there is) but you should also be able to regularly choose to ping support so authors know you still care in any easy way. People shouldn't have to work so hard to show they care or that they still care about the success for a mod.


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Inspiring and uniting the community:


Modding and playing may still be mostly an individual effort, but we all can help each other accomplish more.


The players, and the modders are essentially 2 teams.

1. the players - are enjoying and supporting content. They need the easiest ways to provide actual support to the modders.

2. the modders - are creating content and helping others do so. They need to reach out to the players to inspire and lead players to become budding modders and improve things.


Both groups are a vital part of this growing community.


Cooperation and coordination is what is going to lead this community to greater and greater heights.

As the community matures we see more and more mod teams looking to tackle and actually finish DLC type epic mod projects. The desire to accomplish something even better, even if it not necessarily something bigger.

Even a team of a beginning and a veteran modder working on a single good idea moves the community forward.


I believe the community needs to come together to coordinate and the teach the ease of the modding process.

We need to show players how easy it is to edit a simple damage value in tes5edit, or how to merge plugins, or fix load order correctly. This leads to people wanting to fix or create mods themselves.


The community needs to have purpose and the leadership of veteran and great mods can move the community forward to the next level. The more we focus on doing that together as a team, the more progress gets made.


The Nexus has a unique opportunity at this time to inspire momentum and direction for all of us.

Just how far can we all explore and create as a team?

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