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Upcoming features and interviews


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We’re in the throes of the redesign at the moment and while I have left the actual development to our seasoned professionals, I have still been on the lookout for new content to fill it with. Like I mentioned in the redesign post of yesteryear, we are making the news and articles a bit more of a prominent feature. We’ve been in the process of collecting information, preparing interviews with prominent members of our vast and varied community and looking for ideas that we can follow up on for features.


As the redesign doesn’t look like it is going to be completed within the next few months, we have decided to begin trialling these interviews and features to gauge what the reaction is from the important people of the site - you guys. We want to ensure that what we provide to you all is interesting and insightful. We’re not all mod creators, texture creators, screen-shot artists or audio engineers (amongst many other specialist roles) and I for one have found the conversations I have been having with them to be both enlightening and entertaining. I hope you all find that too. We will be trying to post an interview to the site every Monday beginning from the 6th November. Features will be following on the Thursdays and may be things such as tutorials, history, articles on developers etc.


With this in mind, I am reaching out to our community to see what you would like to have featured on the site. Do you have a specific mod creator with whom you have great respect for and would like to hear from? Is there someone within the industry who you appreciate and would like to learn more about? The list of people is pretty endless due to the diversity and range of modding, but if you have ideas for people to interview then please let me know and I will do my best to add them to the growing list of people that I should try to get in contact with. We would also like to showcase some of the work of our community, so if you have an idea for a feature that you would like to potentially get out in front of our users then email me at [email protected] and I’ll let you know if it's something we would love to feature.

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Hi, Judge. Thanks for the invitation.

This seems like you are less productive on regarding what you do, your perspectives, visions and you know I guess.

I am talking about the entire staff.

You have become some blubb that doesn't dare do anything without asking if it is OK with everyone?

I really look forward to some bravery in the nearest future.

This is boring.

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Probably kryptopyr Emma or EnaiSiaion those three are really dedicated to their mods the community and seem friendly.


Everyone is going to mention Arthmoor of course

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I would love to see a spotlight for the owner of the GamerPoets YouTube series 'Start to Finish: Modding Skyrim'.


I got sucked back into Skyrim recently, and each time I learn more. However stumbling upon this channel has given me the information necessary to make sure I'm doing it 100% correct. The tutorial videos are detailed, easy to understand, and easy to navigate.


I think many others, like myself, when we start dipping out toes into the modding pond, that we don't do so with the understanding we need to optimize our Skyrim, and as such our experience. Given the remaster that is coming out this week I think it would be great if this is the first thing the spotlight is shined on.


Because quite frankly it does us no good to get into the mods, if we don't know how we should be setting them up in the first place.


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Please add the ability to change usernames, this is the only place I can't use my new username and PLEASE sort the ads out! I've had forced downloads, forced redirects to spammy sites such as 'the brit method', loads of pop ups, ads that forced the screen to the bottom of the page and many ads covering the screen. It ONLY happens on this site. I can barely use the site anymore because ads make it intolerable. Edited by elderscrolliangamer
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