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In response to post #43573125.

andreinishihara wrote: I'm fine with the interface of the nexus as is.
So I'm going to ask a question, are the future mods for skyrim special edition be compatible with the original version?

Immediately, no. Scripts are supposed to be compatible out of the box both backwards and forwards, however SKSE won't be immediately available. In addition, Bethesda has moved from .bsa to .ba2. They're also using a similar but not identical system for meshes and textures to Fallout 4 for the Skyrim Special Edition. I haven't even said anything about how long we may have to wait for the Special Edition Script Extender Eventually, everything could be compatible both ways, but it can take a while just converting files and cleaning up meshes and textures. Unfortunately, it has been stated that animation replacer will for the most part be entirely incompatible due to the updated 64-bit Havok physics.
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In response to post #43562570. #43562700, #43562890, #43564045, #43564600, #43570665, #43570905, #43571205, #43571390, #43572610, #43573445, #43575250 are all replies on the same post.

Pelopida wrote: 2 things.
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.
2) At this point, i believe a lot of people, aswell as me, have a nearly-infinite list "tracked" mods, in the apposite nexus tab. Yet there is no real search button for that tab. Can you implement the same "categories" filter for the "tracked mods" tab? That would be so sweet.

Thank you for all your work.
mfeile1974 wrote: I second this
Knarrow wrote: Sounds like a great idea.
captangan wrote: +1
zanyoutlaw wrote: Me too.
rayquaza94 wrote: That idea I proposed some time ago
Dark0ne wrote:
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.

Can you explain this one more? You only need one account, and they are linked across the sites and the forum so if you login to one, you're logged in to the other.
Dragonetti wrote: +1 ;) for these propositions. :)
Pelopida wrote: Oh, really? Damn... so i guess it's bugged for me... whenever i'm logged in (or im not, doesn't matter) on the site, it doesn't connect me automatically to the forum. Like, in this very moment i'm logged to the site but not logged on the forums (i don't even remember the password lol). It was always like this for me, so i guessed it was meant to work this way.
NeoH4x0r wrote:

Can you explain this one more? You only need one account' date=' and they are linked across the sites and the forum so if you login to one, you're logged in to the other.
I can confirm that being logged into www.nexusmods.com does not mean that you are also logged into forums.nexusmods.com.

I was logged in while looking at a user's profile on www.nexusmods.com and clicked the link to see their forum profile -- when I did this I got this message "Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" -- because I was not logged into the forum site.

Once I logged into the forum's site I could see their profile.

powerchimp1 wrote: YES! Another vote for this.

And for the love of Talos, the ability to see all your posts / comments so you can click straight to them and see if anyone's replied.
Dark0ne wrote: The login cookie is made when you use the login form on the site. If you haven't logged in to the site for a while then log out, then log in again, and see if its logged you in to the forums too.

If you aren't logged in after doing that then let me know, as that's a bug.

Oh, you are right, logging out and back in again did the trick.
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Oh and I forgot mannygt. He has kinda retired but is coming back for a short time maybe if you interviewed him he would come back to stay.

I forgot a few more. Sheson, kyrocopter(however you spell it lol), darkfox127 if only for the tutorials I do like his mods a lot, bring isoko back please!

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In response to post #43555830. #43557210, #43557440, #43557540, #43562830, #43564510, #43572160 are all replies on the same post.

SparrowPrince wrote: Hi BlindJudge,

I would honestly recommend interviews with lesser-known mod authors and software developers. There are lots of mods on the Nexus that don't get much attention, but they have had lots and lots of effort gone into them. It's easy to just pick out mod authors from the top 100 and have them iterate how good they are, but I'd like you to search around and give attention to the other end of the spectrum.

Alenet (for example) is not as well known around Skyrim as he was with Oblivion these days. I'd like to see some 'blasts from the past' as well now I mention it.

If anyone here has any suggestions, it would be interesting to look them up and have a look at their work!
ZZZ02 wrote: trur there are somany great mods that are hidden because they got overshadowed. I think I may create a "hidden gems" thread to try to get people to see these mods.
Rebel47 wrote: I just took a quick look through my fallout 4 mod list and came up with these 3 authors, all who've made mods I wouldn't play without, such as CDante , kinggath and Karmacoin
SlacksNawfside wrote: I second this post think of the small guys
SparrowPrince wrote: Oh yes, CDante. He is a nice guy and very modest.
HadToRegister wrote: I agree with this as well, maybe an "Up and coming" articles/interviews.

It's great that everybody wants to cover the big celebrity modders, but that just pushes other smaller modders farther and farther down if all you talk about is the big ones, as if they're the only ones who exist.
cdante wrote: #blushing :)

Fully second SparrowPrince and would like to add authors that made fine weather- or quest-mods for FONV and/or Skyrim, although they haven't been active - if I'm not mistaken - so far on FO4 and partly have withdrawn from modding generally, but still support their work on Nexus:

Minty 911 and
Mike Hancho
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I'd also like to throw into the ring those who review Skyrim mods. The two that I subscribe to are MxR and Brodual.


A lot of the mods I've discovered are due to them. And while both of them are very different in their approach they are both very effective. Even when I'm not playing Skyrim I'm watching their videos to see what the latest mods are, and often times it's due to them I get pulled back.




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I really had nothing to offer, since I'm a bit of a minimalist, but I read down a bit and I have to agree on one that I saw.

I'm guessing that the subject is links to tutorials.

If that's the case, GamerPoets gets my wholehearted support!

They are concise, easy to follow and to the point!

Easily the best!

The next tutorial I'd like to see from them is a tutorial on how to make a tutorial!

Next I like Bestinslot. He's simple and doesn't get caught up in trying to be a "personality" as well.


Other than those things, whatever you guys do will be fine with me. I'll adapt!

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Have you considered hiring someone like MxR or another main stream mod reviewer to link their new videos here first? It would be nice to go to one place, get reviews and commentary on mods, help us find those we miss, as well as peruse the mods ourselves.




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In response to post #43562570. #43562700, #43562890, #43564045, #43564600, #43570665, #43570905, #43571205, #43571390, #43572610, #43573445, #43575250, #43576535 are all replies on the same post.

Pelopida wrote: 2 things.
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.
2) At this point, i believe a lot of people, aswell as me, have a nearly-infinite list "tracked" mods, in the apposite nexus tab. Yet there is no real search button for that tab. Can you implement the same "categories" filter for the "tracked mods" tab? That would be so sweet.

Thank you for all your work.
mfeile1974 wrote: I second this
Knarrow wrote: Sounds like a great idea.
captangan wrote: +1
zanyoutlaw wrote: Me too.
rayquaza94 wrote: That idea I proposed some time ago
Dark0ne wrote:
1) Let's merge the account of the Nexus site and the forum. I always found it totally pointless and really unpleasent (and unpractical) to have these 2 separated.

Can you explain this one more? You only need one account, and they are linked across the sites and the forum so if you login to one, you're logged in to the other.
Dragonetti wrote: +1 ;) for these propositions. :)
Pelopida wrote: Oh, really? Damn... so i guess it's bugged for me... whenever i'm logged in (or im not, doesn't matter) on the site, it doesn't connect me automatically to the forum. Like, in this very moment i'm logged to the site but not logged on the forums (i don't even remember the password lol). It was always like this for me, so i guessed it was meant to work this way.
NeoH4x0r wrote:

Can you explain this one more? You only need one account' date=' and they are linked across the sites and the forum so if you login to one, you're logged in to the other.
I can confirm that being logged into www.nexusmods.com does not mean that you are also logged into forums.nexusmods.com.

I was logged in while looking at a user's profile on www.nexusmods.com and clicked the link to see their forum profile -- when I did this I got this message "Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" -- because I was not logged into the forum site.

Once I logged into the forum's site I could see their profile.

powerchimp1 wrote: YES! Another vote for this.

And for the love of Talos, the ability to see all your posts / comments so you can click straight to them and see if anyone's replied.
Dark0ne wrote: The login cookie is made when you use the login form on the site. If you haven't logged in to the site for a while then log out, then log in again, and see if its logged you in to the forums too.

If you aren't logged in after doing that then let me know, as that's a bug.
Pelopida wrote: Oh, you are right, logging out and back in again did the trick.

Categories for tracked mods? A bally brilliant idea!!!
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