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Lords and Ladies of the Light

Lords and Ladies of the Shadow

Lords and Ladies of the Chaotic

Lords and Ladies of the Dominance

Lords and Ladies of the Twilight

and perhaps even others.



Of the AncientOne Trio of:




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  • Maharg67








They gained what ever transports they could and moved across the Delta Swamplands but many ended up on foot. Still they took turns on the transport and only a very few tried to cheat the system. These few were quickly discovered and ended up walking the whole way.


RotideCitirca's forces were still out in the Delta. They fought brief savage skirmishes with some locals, often winning those fights but also often doing fighting withdrawals. Clearly RotideCitirca did not want to waste his-her-its forces, resources, needlessly.


Then they came across a broken, burned out trading outpost settlement. A scattering of smashed, burned buildings with fallen in basements centred broken walls, workyards and other features. Yet it had been a battle between three mutually hostile forces that had destroyed the settlement. That is the defenders, RotideCitirca's forces and what seemed to be shadowfolk. They found dead shadow hybrids, having come from the depths of Fort Turtledove itself.


Most of the settlers had fled safely into an old bunker-complex beneath the settlement and now came out to be met by Grakarg and the others. These people were Wastelanders, settlers who had come from the north hoping to find a better place to live. They had found it good, by Wastelander standards, for some decades but more recently Point Lookout was getting more dangerous, more wild.


A mixture of humans, ghoulimans, rhouls and some gorilla-humans, the settlers soon decided they would travel to the Drybone Swamps in hope of joining the others there. There was little chance they would survive where they were. Yet firstly they had a task to do, a promise to keep. Grakarg and the newcomers assisted them.


They called upon scavengers, rhouls, friendlier Tribals, swampfolk who were more friendlier than the norm and others. They came into the destroyed settlement at first only in small numbers but then the trickle became a steady flood. Grakarg began to have teleport-capsules come from Sanctuarius, as many and as quickly as possible. This time each came with multimodular ATVs, all terrain vehicles, that were assembled quite quickly as six wheel drive amphibious machines with light armour and small gun-turrets. There were twenty-three such teleport-capsule two way journeys before none could come for the moment according to Grakarg. The reasons were complicated but also Grakarg seemed reluctant to speak of them. The very young, very old, sick and weak were sent to Sanctuary.


The new vehicles allowed many more to be carried but the problem was there were very many new people. Again many were on foot as they set out towards the distant Drybone Swamps but thankfully many had brought animal drawn vehicles, basic powered vehicles or animals to ride upon. The very young, the very old, the sick and others rode that could not walk and others took turns in the transports.


When a group of fools tried bribery to gain unfair access to transportation, the ring leaders were terminated and the others forced to walk all of the way. When vehicles were found to be carrying heavy or many items neither of survival value or special cultural value, such as swampfolk Swamp Lightening of powerful alcoholic spirits in kegs or bars of 24 carat gold, the stuff was dumped and the fools walked.


When one trio of human adults were found to be hiding a kilogram of deadly mind altering, mind enslaving swamp drugs, Grakarg terminated them and took the drugs to alter them for more positive uses.

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  • 2 weeks later...







The large group paused to rest and this time seven two-way teleport-capsule journeys were achieved bringing yet more multimodular all terrain vehicles and taking more people to the Greenhope Sanctuary of Sanctuarius. Other equipment came also being survival gear suited for swamp conditions, a mobile safe-cycle mattercator and other vital hardware. Despite this the group, now more of a migration of refugees than anything else, was having troubles.


Assistance arrived in the form of unityfolk in thirty fast agile hoversleds. Each had only a minimum crew except those guarding the others with extra guns and with soldiers. They arrived with supplies and departed, as fast as they could, with people. They headed towards the nearest safe, underground shelter. These were volunteers from the Unified Point Lookout Republic, the UPLR. Other such expeditions would come as soon as they could.


Grakarg would sometimes float upwards and hover in mid air in super power armour, searching all around. Clearly he was seeking something with sharp intensity but he would not say what that was. Then he would come down and sit quietly as the others rested.


Grakarg multiduplicated one 6x6 ATV and turned it, along with all the resources in it, into three identical of the same. This was done with much sparkling shimmering of energies and a carefully collected stack of old metal and other stuff gathered from the swamps. He made it clear that this was not a trick he could, or would do, very often.


They came to the Truck Graveyard, a great smart-concrete walled and floored area with basement levels beneath, with chunky smart-concrete squat, broad towers and blocks. There were hundreds of atomic motorized army and civilian trucks from before Doomsday along with other atomic motorized vehicles, big dumb-robots and other machines.


The group took shelter there, in the Truck Graveyard, and locals came to them from a large secretive settlement simply known as Trucktown. People lived inside old trucks adapted to be shelters but also inside other machines, buildings and underground areas. There were a series of big fortified office blocks, garage-workshops, warehouses and other such structures. The Truck Graveyard was very much like another such place in DC and there were others to be found across the Inhabited Marslands.


Locals were mostly rhouls, peaceful swampfolk, some tribals, some exotic alligator-humans, some ghoulimans and other humans. There were Sisters-Brothers of Compassion there along with Brother-Sister Protectors. These ran a large help and self-help assistance outpost including a small hospital, a small school, a small orphanage and other facilities. The Order of Protectors were Soldiers of the Way of the Light. Such would once have been thought impossible but Mars Doomsday and worsening conditions in some places had made the creation of order necessary.


It was there that the superfolk found the ultra zero frequency radio transmitter and fixed it up with some difficulty and with some help from Grakarg. They made contact with the superfolk of the Drybone Swamps only to find out that the people there were under siege by RotideCitirca, his-her-its forces including a whole lot of altered mind controlled swampfolk and tribals. So far the situation was a painful stalemate with RotideCitirca having lost many of the puppet soldiers but these were treated as expendable anyway.


So they could gain no further assistance from the superfolk at the Drybone Swamplands. Nor could any more teleport-capsules be sent from Sanctuarius for some time. Yet they were soon to find some very useful resources there in that place.

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Word came from Graharg, and Granarg, in Camp Turtledove. There would soon be a great implosion and Camp Turtledove would cease to exist. They, along with the strange transdimensional starship, would vanish to some destination that they refused to disclose. Grakarg knew but would not speak of it. Teleport-capsules were being used to take life and things from Camp Turtledove, and the area around it, to Sanctuarius. Thus there would be no teleport-capsules available for the use of the group in the Truck Graveyard for some time to come.


JonniB1 stood with the hulking Grakarg, and the Johnstone Triplets, in the top chamber of a security guard tower. They watched as in the distance a large number of swampfolk refugees moving away from the direction of the Drybone Swamps. As tough and nasty as they were, such people were no match for RotideCitirca and his-her-its forces, including the altered expendable puppet-soldiers that were tribals and swampfolk. They moved on foot or riding mutated horse like hornhorses or in vehicles pulled by mutated bulls or cows of swampcattle. These were savage cannibals but, by local standards,

far from the worst of the swampfolk factions.


“With even swampfolk and tribals leaving old territories closer to the Drybone Swamps, one has to guess that the fighting at the Drybone Swamps must be quite savage.” Grakarg turned to look at JonniB1. “What would you have to say on the matter, since you are 'linked' with the superfolk there?”


“The fighting is savage at times but mostly peaceful except for small enemy raids and supersoldier counter raids.” JonniB1 shrugged. “My guess is that RotideCitirca is building up forces in that area and is deliberately pushing out anybody, or anything, that could cause problems for his-her-its campaign.”


Yes, RotideCitirca could easily be that ruthless. RotideCitirca also had power to dominate the area with no locals being tough enough to really take him on, let alone to damage him. Or so seemed to be the situation at that moment. The unityfolk of Point Lookout had yet to make any real challenge to RotideCitirca and there were the more powerful of the tribal and swampfolk 'nations'.


There was also the question of the Graharg Thirteen really being RalochsTsitra. Would the Graharg Thirteen be able to gain greater power, skills, knowledge from this 'discovery'? That is a discovery of something that they had already suspected was true though it was a truth that they did not want to face.


In the distance a great big bubble arose from a strange bubbling pool and exploded. Such toxic pools were partly the result of secret underground toxic waste dumps being placed in the area before Doomsday. One had to be careful about such things.


Ellie spoke with concern showing in the tone of her voice and in her words. “How are we going to get the refugees any further to the Drybone Swamps with RotideCitirca and his-her-its forces between us and the zetan saucercraft? I do not see it would be easy. If we left the refugees here, just how safe would they be. I suppose safer here than approaching the Drybone Swamp. A stripped down military expedition would be faster and more secure.”


Grakarg smiled. “You answered your own question, Ellie, but before we go we are going to make this Truck Graveyard, and Trucktown, far more secure than it is against attacks from RotideCitirca and his-her-its forces.”

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RotideCitirca is following a hidden agenda!?


The Lords and Ladies of the Ways are an insane fragmentation of the same thirteen entities!?


All the mysteries lead back, in their origins, to the one mystery!?


Everything goes better with NukaCola!?

Edited by Maharg67
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Shadowfolk forces struck at RotideCitirca and his-her-its forces. The Lords and Ladies of the Shadow had neither forgotten or forgiven the treachery of RotideCitirca but that was hardly a surprise considering the basic nature of the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow. Earlier fighting between the two forces was as nothing compared to these new savage battles.


For a time the zezan superfolk, and those with them, in the Drybone Swamps, were left in relative peace. Gratarg appeared amongst them, along with androids, robots, cyborgs and cloned followers. She also brought equipment and supplies, most of it for the zezans and those with them. The Graharg Thirteen had worked out a way to teleport basic capsules to the Drybone Swamps but this was a one way journey only. Doing so was far easier and less energy costly than the use of two-way teleport-capsules. Thus Gratarg had come with her companions and the stuff.


One way teleport containers began also to materialize at the Truck Graveyard, close to but not in Trucktown itself. More stuff came including robots, androids and some cyborgs. At once they began to construct a teleport-capsule sender-receptor that increased the energy efficiency, safety and performance of using teleport-capsules, both two-way and basic. Soon after another teleport-capsule sender-receptor was being built in a big saucercraft at the Drybone Swamps.


A great shudder ran through the whole of the area, sweeping in from the direction of Camp Turtledove. Grakarg was able to confirm that something big had happened but of an unexpected nature. While a large globe of underground area had vanished, much of Fort Turtledove was still intact and safe; the area of globe was filled with great metallic stone buttresses as if some mysterious, powerful force had intervened; which was exactly what had happened.


Energies of strange nature had run through the area and PreDoomsday buildings, other structures, machines, had appeared but also hundreds of confused people, animals, some plants on lands no longer so swampy. Humans were there but though they seemed to be vanished from Doomsday, they were no longer the same. They were extreme Unity, not just UnityNeo. Many of the animals, even the plants, were part of this Unity that was calling itself the CommonU. CommonU was already sending out feelers to the Unityfolk in Point Lookout seeking union but not an alliance; no, CommonU wanted to absorb the rest of UnityWay and UnityWay was not interested. Graharg was investigating this CommonU but no word was yet coming from the Graharg Thirteen as to what was the result of this.


The strange transdimensional ship was now gone to the MultiTransCubeShip, to a special sector of it, where it was now its full size and safely stored inside multiple forms of security isolation.


The fighting between RotideCitirca's forces and shadowfolk forces, ended abruptly as both began to withdraw. They did not leave Point Lookout but they slowly, steadily, ceased fighting each other. Was this good or bad news? It was hard to know!


The upgrading of fortifications, of the securing, of Trucktown and the Truck Graveyard, was largely completed. Other resources had been added.


Then word came that RotideCitirca had vanished, along with his-her-its forces. It was not known where RotideCitirca had gone! He he-she-it left Point Lookout or not? It was not good news for it was always better to have RotideCitirca well in one's sights.

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“The Lords and Ladies of the Ways had no real intention of deluding themselves to their true nature or in tricking others, not even the darker of them.” Graharg had arrived from Fort Turtledove along with a large collection of others in a convoy of atomic motorized and special electric vehicles. The first had come from Fort Turtledove itself, being upgraded in varied ways, and the latter had come from Sanctuarius. Graharg now stood in the top of the same tower that Grakarg and the others had stood in before. “The Lords and Ladies of the Ways had their own home world that was an Alternate Mars. It was destroyed a very long time ago. They have been drawn to this version of Mars and also to a world known as Nirn where many of them became known as the Divines or the Grand Daedra.”


“The Lords and Ladies of the Ways caused the Martian Invasion of the Earth that took place in the late Nineteenth Century. Those Ancient Martians were trying to escape from the insane, chaotic influence of the Lords and Ladies of the Ways. They realized that the Ascension of the Lords and Ladies of the Light was a falsehood, that the whole Ascension of the AncientOnes had failed miserably in a form of a shattered joint mentality, a bizarre kind of multiple personality or even multiple false entities.”


He shook his head in wonder. “What really ended the invasion, killing those warlike Ancient Martians, was a specialized weapon that destroyed their powerful immune systems to leave them vulnerable to Earth bacteria and viruses. Who, or what, did this is still unknown to us. The form of attack was carried out so as to disguise the deaths as being of a natural cause.”


So the tripocs had been destroyed not just by nature but by a combination of nature and another force. This was extraordinary news.


Graharg sighed. “We gained this and other data from managing to infiltrate the AI-supercomputer network-systems of the strange dimensionally shrunken ship. The infiltration was only of minor success. How such information came to be inside the ship in the first place, that is a very good question that we have yet to even to begin to really answer.”


JonniB1 spoke in a solemn tone of voice. “Everything leads back to the Lords and Ladies of the Ways, to the AncientOnes, to we Thirteens and to you, to your siblings.”


Graharg frowned in his super power armour. He paused before speaking. “The Graharg Thirteen will continue to exist but will become known as the Hopebringer Thirteen. RalochsTsitra will arise from, and separate, from them as a new entity. Truth is we have evolved as Graharg Thirteen and as RalochsTsitra. The process will be difficult and painful but will take only a short time in standard terms because we will go to the MultiTransCubeShip and undergo the process in a relative time compression field. We will be away for a month. Before that we need to get many from Point Lookout to Sanctuarius except a very few going with us to the MultiTransCubeShip.”


RotideCitirca had seemingly failed to gain what he had sought in Point Look and had vanished. Yet nobody was going to take that for granted until they had proof. Shadowfolk forces were still spotted scouting the swamplands but their numbers were decreased and they all seemed to be recon units. The Lords and Ladies of the Shadow had clearly decided that the main forces were either needed in reserve or elsewhere.

Edited by Maharg67
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The ending of the mission was a big anticlimax. The zetan saucercraft were teleported to Sanctuarius except some stripped hulks of vessels that could not be repaired with out too many resources being used. Others went in teleport-capsules from both the Truck Graveyard and the Drybone Swamps. The vast majority went to Greenhope Sanctuary in Sanctuarius. A very small minority went with the Graharg Thirteen avatars to the MultiTransCubeShip.


The Johnstone Triplets were still at the Truck Graveyard, with others who chose to stay, when Unity forces arrived to assist. UnityWay soon lay claim to the Truck Graveyard and Trucktown volunteered to join them. Much of the swamp population in the Delta had been disrupted by the troubles and now it was unityfolk who ended up being called in to mediate between some factions and to help deal with hostile factions trying to take advantage of the situation.


The teleport sender-receptors were dismantled and returned to the MultiTransCubeShip from where they had really come from. There was too much risk to security of both the MultiTransCubeShip and Sanctuarius for them to remain at Point Lookout.


Point Lookout seemed to return to its old, quieter, self. It remained dangerous but less so now that neither RotideCitirca or shadowfolk forces were on the loose. The main threats were again such as rogue robots, savage feral ghouls, cannibalistic swampfolk and head hunting tribals. The two unityfolk republics, the smaller open one being the puppet offshoot of the bigger hidden one, were once more the strongest force on Point Lookout. Or so it seemed!


The Johnstone Triplets returned homeward across the swamplands, moving steadily but slowly, back towards Camp Turtledove. CommonU was still active there but had seemingly become isolationist of mood since the unityfolk had refused to be 'progressively absorbed' by the newcomers. Graharg had not said much about CommonU except that they were dangerous and that unityfolk were not to trust them in the slightest. There was something very wrong with the CommonU at a very fundamental level of existence. The only animals that tolerated CommonU humans were CommonU animals and the same was true of plants. Mutated creatures, be they swampclaws or swamplurks or ghouls or others, either fled in panic or attacked savagely. The CommonU did not seem to use robots or androids but did seem to have their own cyborgs but these also had the 'sense' of 'wrongness' about them.


By the time the triplets got very close to Camp Turtledove, the CommonU had vanished away, disappearing just as RotideCitirca and his-her-its forces had done. As the triplets got even closer to the encampment, they began to feel troubled. They came upon no signs of animal activity, across only dead or dying plants, as if something had been draining life energies away. Then they came upon the first crumpled, desiccated corpse of a zhoul, a savage feral ghoul. Soon they were passing hundreds of dead zhouls, GlowingOnes, swamplurks, tribals, swampfolk and other lifeforms. Something had drawn at these savage entities and had 'fed' upon them.


But what ever evil had been there, was gone! Much of the fortress was the same as it had been except that it had been stripped almost bare of useful resources and there were even more horrible corpses inside. The 'residue' of evil was fading. Strange morgue light glowing fungus was visibly dying, was burning away in a strange fashion as it died.


The triplets were glad to depart the fortress and to continue onwards to their deep underground home.



Edited by Maharg67
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