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Organized Crime Syndicates each with its area of specialization and the settlements they are home based in.


(Each DC Syndicate, home based here, runs its own area of the settlement but there are common areas also and even an attached settlement known as PARADISE TOWN. PARADISE FALLS is generally run by a Syndicates Council and, ironically, has its own Sheriff with authority over common areas. PARADISE TOWN is a settlement proper with its own Town Council, Sheriff etc.)

ARMS ARMOUR SYNDICATE: dealing in arms (basic cased bullet firing guns to more advanced projectile and energy weapons) and armour (basic body-armour to quite sophisticated power armour)

BATTLERS SYNDICATE: (Not to be confused with the Talon Mercenaries) provides bodyguards, security guards, gladiators, light combat mercenaries and some other services.

SLAVERS SYNDICATE: enslaving and trading mostly rhoul and ghouliman slaves but also a smaller number of others.

TROUBLESHOOTERS SYNDICATE: Assassins, hitman squads, marauders, spies etc.

(Not to be confused with LITTLEHORN AND ASSOCIATES)


(Each DC Syndicate, home based here, runs its own area of the settlement but there are common areas also and even an attached settlement known as QUIZMANVILLE. QUIZMAN GULCH is generally run by a Syndicates Council and, ironically, has its own Sheriff with authority over common areas. QUIZMANVILLE is a settlement proper with its own Town Council, Sheriff etc.)

ADDICTORS SYNDICATE: dealing in drugs from psycho to mindflower to many others.

BAGMAN SYNDICATE: dealing in buying and selling of stolen goods of many kinds (not covered by other DC Syndicates) from stimpaks to robots to sowing machines and cans of baked beans.

WHORRIE SYNDICATE: prostitution, sexclubs, mistress services, pornography etc.


DATAMAN SYNDICATE: stealing, buying and selling sensitive data in many forms including top secrets, scandal information etc. Also dealing with forging of hard currencies, identification documents and other such items.



SUPERFOLK COLONY DC: growing colony of superfolk from the Unified Orbital Republic and other folks from the DC Wastelands. Linked with the Unityfolk Colony DC.

UNITYFOLK COLONY DC: growing colony of unityfolk from the Unified Orbital Republic and from the DC Wastelands along with others. Linked with the Superfolk Colony DC.



Loosely democratic republic based on a Subway Network with bunker-complexes etc. and a series of surface-subsurface settlements. Often known as the URDC or just the 'Unified Republic'.

Canterbury Commons


Craterlake Towns

DC River Isles














Subways Central Settlement Network

Subways Secondary Networks (North, North-East, East, South, South-West, West)












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Troopers of Steel, of the Orderhood of Steel, moved in assault power armour as they used assorted stacks of armoured storage containers as shelter and even as battlements. Graharg recognized the symbols at once as that of three platoons of the elite Lyons Pride Troopers. With them were a single platoon of service-support androids now fighting with defensive aggression as they protected the MrCarry hovering robots that carried extra equipment and supplies. Two MrGutsy robots, also metallic globes lifted by underside fanjets, fired off 20mm autocannons at the enemy.


The enemy were zetan soldiers in sparkling energy armour firing disintegrater rifles, zetaman soldiers in exotic scaled power armour using zipdart-rifles or disintegrater carbines and abominants charging in strange heavy power armour equipped with energy blades and close order blasters. There were no zezan supersoldiers to be seen or even 'sensed' to be close enough to be a threat.


CrazyManPoe, of the Fragmentori Thirteen, was not attacking, was crouched beneath a dome of shimmering force-field energies and on a disk of the same. Next to him was a strange globular entity of hard purple-pink flesh and thirteen tentacles, thirteen eye-stalks and thirteen mouth-stalks. The controlling presence was 'felt' with this thing but there was no 'sense' of threat with it; on the contrary the creature was frightened and anxious as CrazyManPoe protected both it and himself.


It was immediately evident that the zetan forces were attacking both the Troopers of Steel elite soldiers and the two beneath the powerful energy dome.


Graharg spoke even as he caused a large multiple barreled weapon to appear out of mid air, with a sparkling shimmer, and began to fire of huge pulses of energy at the zetan forces. “The enemy has made a mistake... at least one mistake. The enemy used the Fragmentori Thirteen and they have struck back. That is the controlling presence created the poor creature you see there, enslaved it and used it as part of its plan to influence Unityfolk up in the Unified Orbital Republic. It also used the Fragmentori Thirteen, or at least aspects of it. CrazyManPoe has contacted me, with some difficulty, through that special force dome which is also psychic-psionic in nature.”


“That is a psychopus, a harmless type of creature by nature except if made to be otherwise. The controlling presence always planned to destroy it for inside it is the true identity of the controlling presence and copies of all of the data that it stole from the Unified Orbital Republic, much of which it tried to erase so that the UOR no longer had access to it. Turns out that the erasure process mostly failed because the UOR made isolated backups to all important databanks.”


The immediate task was clear, or so it seemed. They had to rescue the psychopus, which had octopus genetic material in it, from the controlling influence and the alien zetan forces. What link there was between the two, if any, was not clear.


The battle raged as the newcomers joined forces with the Troopers of Steel, being both Brothers and Sisters of Steel, the supersoldiers moving against the zetans from their own direction. Graharg kept firing great pulses of energy that knocked enemies back or down more than they actual caused death and destruction.


Then the zetans, ever pragmatic in battle unless directly controlled by the greytori as expendable fighters, withdrew quickly in a fighting retreat. They took with them wounded zetans and zetamans but left the wounded abominants behind.


With the assistance of the Lords and Ladies of the Light, Graharg transformed the abominants into generally peaceful, defensive aggressive only, abominamans. More intelligent, more aware, the nine abominamans wished to serve the mission. To the surprise of Jonni, Graharg instead briefly opened a shimmering gateway and sent them to a healthy safe place secret place known as Sanctuarius.

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So it was that Jonni met Sarah Lyons. It turned out that she already knew, and was friendly with, Graharg. Knight Captain Sarah Lyons, daughter to the powerful and influential Prime Elder Owyn Lyons of the OSDC, was well known in her own right. Older than she looked, thanks to rejuvenation treatments, she had been born in far off Calibraska. Sarah had come with the Orderhood of Steel to DC.


Not all Orders of Steel had done so. There remained the more orthodox rigid thinking Orderdom of Steel home based in the Lost Hills in large region known as Calibraska. There it was in constant tension with the Unified Calibraskan Republic but was in open conflict with the New Calibraskan Republic. The UCR and NCR had a wary non aggression stance with each other with the UCR being against the NCR's desire to crush the Orderdom of Steel; despite propaganda stating otherwise, the NCR was after territory, hitech and other resources it could take from the Orderdom.


The rest of the expeditionaries arrived except for the three cyborg-troopers that were still with Gratarg. This included more supersoldiers, along with other superfolk, more unityfolk soldiers that included some cyborg-troopers and also some rhouls who had joined the group. These peaceful rhouls, with their smooth boneskin that replaced the semiruined skin normal to ghouls, were eager to prove themselves useful.


Soon after the other expeditionaries arrived, so did Gratarg along with the three cyborg-troopers who were still astonished by what Gratarg, with the assistance of the Lords and Ladies of the Light, had achieved. The quasiviable alternate was now changed greatly, along with its lifeforms, and was changing more. It was now a subzone inside Sanctuarius. The ocean was now where oceans normally where and the sky was now a blue expanse dotted with clouds. The gingerbread people were converted into four kinds of entities, former gingerbread eating vehicles were now smart-robots and the great fish-whales were still much the same. Other lifeforms had changed also.


Jonni was surprised to learn that nobody seemed to know anything about the great heat-ray firing mechatripod that she had glimpsed moving across the weird quasiviable alternate realm.


Gratarg smiled at Jonni. “You caught a glimpse of something happening not directly in the quasiviable alternate realm but indirectly, through it, in another alternative reality based on the Mars you know. This is important because such 'glimpses' often mean that a linkage of sorts is forming between two alternates and that can be very dangerous. We fear we know who the mechatripod belongs to and hope that this comes to nothing. We need to focus now on more immediate concerns but are grateful that you have alerted us to a possible future problem.”


Jonni was puzzled. “If Graharg is one of my fathers, are you a mother to me?”


“If you wish, yes.” Gratarg kept on smiling at Jonni. “You wish to send some of your superfolk, along with others, to one of the Sanctuaries of Sanctuarius. We have already prepared the way for this to happen. The Sanctuary is officially called SanctumMars and is based on the Marslands as they could have been if Doomsday had not taken place. Most of it is wilderness or semiwilderness centred on SanctumMarsdom with the big domecity of SanctumMarsburg. There is a population of about fifteen million people already in SanctumMars, about half of them having been sent from the Marslands by we of the Graharg Thirteen and others that I will not name. The sending of lifeforms to Sanctuarius is problematic and we can only save so many lifeforms from the Wastelands or worse areas of the Marslands.”


Graharg was gently dealing with the now calm and comfortable psychopus. It had one tentacle wrapped around Graharg's arm and Graharg was gently stroking its side as he empath-telepathed with it on a psychic level. Then he, with the Lords and Ladies of the Light, sent the psychopus to a new safe and secure home in Sanctuarius.

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CrazyManPoe spoke even as he hopped up and down on one foot. “Got to imagine what the poor psychopus went through, what with being made to do that controlling presence nonsense. There is no controlling presence now, though, it is gone and we know what, was behind it.”


Graharg was frowning hard. “CentroRadius still exists and remains powerful, influential and cunning. It created the controlling presence, tricking and exploiting the Fragmentori Thirteen and creating, exploiting the poor psychopus. CentroRadius was always linked with the Greytori Zetan Hierarchadom and the Enclaven. The alien-human hybrid technologies of CentroRadius were not to be confused with the wonder technologies as provided by the LifeProclamation Aliens or the hybrid technologies that came from them. CentroRadius was dangerous and probably remains so.”


So the hunt for the 'controlling presence' was over, the mission was completed, but now they had to find out just what this CentroRadius was up to, where it was and find a way to deal with it.


Sarah Lyons was not just herself but was 'Sarah Thirteen' just as Jonni was really 'Jonni Thirteen'. Neither of them really understood what this meant they they trusted Graharg and Gratarg when told so. They also 'sensed' this was true but were not sure of this 'sensing' of things.


The Fragmentori Thirteen were still insane. They were of the original Thirteen of Thirteen, as was the Graharg Thirteen but both the Sarah Thirteen and the Jonni Thirteen were new.


Gratarg spoke then with the expedition spread out around them except those on sentry and patrol duty. “We damaged the efforts of CentroRadius in that we recaptured all of the stolen data and we now know its identity and yet we do not know why CentroRadius did what it did, where it is based or if it is working alone or not. CentroRadius was never designed to serve its own purpose but that does not mean it can not have mutated, transformed, as other entities like it have done since Doomsday. All the old PreDoomsday assumptions have to be questioned now.”


Graharg took over. “CentroRadius is a network of network-systems functioning as smart-computer network-systems, special secondary network-systems and encapped minds of humans permanently cyberlinked to itself in a special way. It has humans, androids and others encapped so that they become semiautonomous or dependent-servile to CentroRadius.”


“Those in the cap-linkage network-systems are called the OmniMultiple. The mentality generated from this fusion of minds is called the OmniMind. Special avatars projected by OmniMultiple, and OmniMind, are known as OmniOnes, OmniTwos and OmniThrees, each level down being more common but less powerful.”


“Encapped humans are Alphas, Betas or Gammas while androids are Deltas and specials are Epsilons. Alphas are semiautonomous elite, Betas are dependent-servile middle ranks and Gammas are lower caste cyborgs. Epsilons are supersoldiers, superservitors and superworkers.”


Gratarg then spoke. “CentroRadius was thought to have been destroyed on Doomsday. This was considered to be a good thing by most, including the fragmented Thirteen of Thirteen. CentroRadius was one of the main reasons that the Thirteen of Thirteen became fragmented in the first place, part of it become dangerous. The DarkThirteens are still dangerous.”


CrazyManPoe giggled and hopped on his other foot. “Not us of the Fragmentori Thirteen, not us. We are not of the DarkThirteens. I am off with the golden fairies.” Then he vanished with a sparkling shimmer.


Gratarg only paused briefly, with an odd little smile, before she spoke again. “I suggest we return to the new Unified Orbital Republican Colony here in the DC Wastelands. We have much to do, including preparing for the next major mission in which we will hunt for CentroRadius itself.”


So it was done!



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AlphaOmega Thirteen (Changed but kept old name)


Watchertii Thirteen (Changed but kept old name)

Servertii Thirteen (Changed but kept old name)

Keepertii Thirteen (Changed but kept old name)


Graharg Thirteen (Changed but kept old name)

Yavin Thirteen (Became the Fragmentori Thirteen)

Taratia Thirteen (Changed but kept old name)

Savoy Thirteen (Became the Perfectus DarkThirteen)

Zephkin Thirteen (Became the UnderLord Thirteen)

Carotene Thirteen (Became the Shadower DarkThirteen)

Sanctuard Thirteen (Became the SanctuaLord Thirteen)

Palina Thirteen (Became the Devastator DarkThirteen)







Patriot Thirteen




Jonni Thirteen

Sarah Thirteen

Eddie Thirteen

Ariana Thirteen

Tara Thirteen





RotideCitirca Aligned

*CentroLords (As linked with CentroRadius)

*OmniLord Thirteen (As linked with OmniMultiple)

*PackLord Thirteen (As linked more directly with RotideCitirca)




CentroRadius (OmniMultiple)




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Plans changed, as they tended to do in such times; Jonni Thirteen, her supersoldier platoon, Sarah Thirteen, Lyons Pride and Graharg traveled to the settlement of Bethesdatown. Why, because Jonni wanted to meet her mother and because of stories of trouble that came from there.


Bethesdatown was semiautonomously linked to the Unified DC Republic, the UDCR, which was easily the largest, best organized but not the strongest DC Faction. Yet it was strong enough to have claimed, and kept, large areas of DC, to recruit old settlements and create new ones. Based in a large set of Subway Networks and LifeVaults, the Unified Republic was unityfolk based. Thus it came as no real surprise that the unityfolk of the UDCR had been in secret communications, and negotiations, with the unityfolk of the UOR.


Mutagenic mutants were raiding Bethesdatown and the UDCR Guardsmen were tied up heavily defending other Unified Republican areas. The OSDC had managed to get a Sisterhood of Steel combat unit there of one fighting platoon and support specialists but they also were tied up fighting mutagenic mutants that had started emerging from the Lamplight Mountains.


The forces were made up of supermutants, metamutants, zenmutants and beastmutants. Beastmutants were mutagenically transformed dogs, cats, rats and even birds. All of the mutagenic mutants, or mutamutants, were webcapped to control them at least in a basic fashion. The whole set up smelt of CentroRadius and OmniMultiple.


Graharg had mentioned, earlier, a dark secret deep inside SSE0A01113A1, also known as Samson Enclave, but it was Gratarg, with another platoon of zezan supersoldiers, who went to investigate that.


All other expeditionaries returned to the Duel DC Colony of the unityfolk and superfolk from low orbit.


Bethesdatown was a settlement created from the Bethesda Virtual Reality Corporation Complex there which was at the northern edge of the Bethesda Ruins. Bethesdatown even had its own dome that had a thin crack running across it that had been seen to many times in order to repair it.


The new, smaller expedition set out for Bethesdatown by going through more of the huge Samson Enclave. There were no troubles except that Jonni was soon 'sensing' that they were being followed by at least two platoons of supersoldiers. To her surprise she 'sensed' no hostility from them.


They came to a large chamber full of dead looted zetan soldiers, zetaman soldiers and abominamans. Graharg crouched amongst the dead, frowning, and soon the bodies began to vanish with a sparkling shimmer. He spoke only of a place called the MultiTransCube-Alphina that was of special nature and where the bodies were being sent for study and possible Resurrection of the Light.


They soon worked out that the supersoldiers, with the zetan expedition, had turned against the others and had massacred them, taking them by surprise. These other zezan supersoldiers were no longer under the control of the zetans.


Jonni reached out to the other supersoldiers, found they had with them some superworkers, superservitors and superbeasts along with some surprise others. The zezan superfolk came in to meet Jonni and her people. Jonni met them peacefully and it turned out that somehow unity, arising amongst the zezans, had destroyed their webcaps.


In a huge chamber, partly full of carefully stored machines, the new expedition was restructured. Jonni met Samuel, the leader of the newly free zezans, only to find out that he also had been taken from Bethesdatown. They had known each other as six year olds, had played with each other.


Jonni liked Samuel, he was in many ways a fine leader, but was wary of a brutal streak that ran through his nature. She was not happy that he had ordered the massacre of all of the zetamans, abominamans and zetans though this had not been necessary. He was not pleased when the zetans chose Jonni to lead them over himself but he accepted the decision fully.

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They came to a shallower, higher, level of the Greater DC Subway Network of many Subway Networks. The Bethesda Subway Station was partly collapsed and yet the other part was surprisingly intact. The collapsed section was sealed off from the outside by the rubble itself.


As they moved carefully through the big underground station, they passed under still functioning emergency lights and past still softly humming machines fixed into a metallic wall. A faded mural showed green countryside dotted with wondrous fantasy towers, farm cottages and small groups of sheep or cattle. The words, in Esperanto, read PARADISE MARS PROJECT: A PATH TO FUTURE HAPPINESS FOR ALL. The dark irony of the poster was only too obvious, especially with the long dead remains of people piled up against part of it.


For a second they 'sensed' psychic-spiritual activity and saw some phantoms, ghost like images of the past, with people racing to get onto or off from subway monorail-cars. Policetrons, a version of protectron, moved like clumsily graceful humanoids along the platforms. Monotrains hummed along monorails. Power-ramps moved people steadily up and down, along with roboremotes and much fewer smart-robots.


There were many soldiers, and other military people in uniform or even body-armour, amongst the civilians. War was obviously coming. The much feared Terran invasion, by those left behind on the Lost Earth, was shown up on cheap 3Dposters and in the headlines of 3Dnewsmags being sold. People were showing ID-smartcards to armed and body-armoured Security Police.


Christmas was coming soon and genetically engineered and holographic Christmas trees and decorations were common through out the station. An android SantaClaus gave out small, cheap gifts and took donations for the Military and Civil Defense Effort.


A couple of genetically engineered chimpanzees, chimpmans, wore basic grey coveralls while using simple cleaning devices. They were used because they were cheap to hire and because of the growing shortages in technological hardware, software and specialized firmware. Concerned about the coming interplanetary invasion, and other troubles, the Martian Government was taking up resources from civil sectors to bolster military forces and defense networks of network-systems.


The sounds, bustling movement and smells were all so very real but the phantoms were not solid and passed through expeditionaries in a fashion that gave them odd sensations, making the superfolk and unityfolk uneasy except for Jonni. Graharg accepted it all quite calmly as if he was quite used to this and events far stranger, which he was.


Then the phantomic vision was gone as quickly as it had begun.


Graharg spoke to the zezans, who had never witnessed anything like it before. “Perhaps it happens less often up in orbit, or not at all, but phantomic visions of that kind are fairly common in the Wastelands in general and, in some places, far more common. In the DC they are considered an ordinary part of life, they are so numerous.”


He turned to Jonni. “Grazarg, of the Graharg Thirteen, is now busily sending people, with the assistance of the Lords and Ladies of the Light, to Sanctuarius. That is zezan superfolk and unityfolk from the new Duel Colony in DC, along with ghouls of varied kinds and other Wastelanders. In return from Sanctuarius are coming cloned entities of varied kinds for they are needed in the DC and exchanging lifeforms makes the teleportations to-from Sanctuarius more efficient as does the exchange of non living resources or quasiliving entities.”


Quasiliving entities being such as silicon aliens and androids of the duplicant, replicant, simulicant kind.


Jonni was pleased, and wanted to know more, but they needed to focus as they moved on towards Bethesdatown because the area was marked as highly dangerous.

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They halted to buy NukaCola from a NukaCola autovendor. The infamous type of drink had come out in the year before Doomsday, causing sickness in many but strange effects in many others while yet many others seemed not to be effected. The controversy over NukaCola, and its links with other controversies, had been so strong that the Patriot Thirteen had been in the process of banning it, of having it gathered up, when Doomsday had taken place. Yet it was its cousin, NukaCola Quantum, that had been really controversial.


Zezans tended to like the NukaCola, it went with their superfolk physiologies, boosting their energy levels, but even they had to drink it carefully. Even they had to treat NukaCola Quantum with caution. More importantly they, like many others, found both NukaCola and NukaCola Quantum to be useful in many ways such as cleaning hardware and even powering infamous DocMad Motors.


The autovendor was full, deliveries still being made to top it up, and according to its hacked databank, rhouls had recently bought up drinks with scavenged or traded PreDoomsday coins. PreDoomsday dollar coins, notes and cards still held good value thanks to working autovendors and Emergency Issue Dollars also worked in the autovendors.


They also bought NukaColaSoda that was something of a joke for it was harmless, lightly nutritional sodapop that had nothing in common with real NukaCola except it was sold in almost identical looking bottles. Then there were NukaCola Cakes and NukaCola Icy-Poles that were not real NukaCola.


To Graharg's amusement, and the amazement of the Troopers of Steel, the superfolk eagerly bought up NukaCola Tshirts, caps, small toys and small beach towels. For a moment the superfolk behaved like children and not growth enhanced adult figures. Jonni had to intervene in some squabbles and oversaw some 'swaps' and 'trades'. Then Jonni became involved in a squabble of her own and Graharg intervened gently but firmly.


It was a reminder that Jonni was eleven years old and that many of the superfolk there were even younger.


Graharg spoke to Jonni. “Some unknown super faction is supplying goods to autovendors, and Emergency Dollars to autotellers, through out the DC Wastelands. We do not know what or who it is or why or how it is doing what it is doing. The same secret super faction also maintains many functioning areas of the DC Wastelands through the use of robots and roboremotes of different kinds, including nanobots, microbots and macrobots. This effort supports the good, bad and other DC Factions. Even many of the creatures have learned how to gain from such efforts.”


Jonni examined the autovendors. “Why must you know the why of it, if it is doing good?”


Graharg sighed. “Because we Graharg Thirteen can not afford to take anything for granted. Still, our resources are limited and for now we focus more on other matters.”

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Amazingly vivid reflections projections of past events, people, environments etc. These appear through out Lost Mars but are more common in some areas than in others. Are slowly but steadily increasing in frequency and intensity.


Like the above but these seem to reflect other world realities, some being stranger than others, some seeming to be from the history of the Lost Earth. Seen have been dragons, castles, giant robots, vast cities of crystal towers, battles of World War Two of the Lost Earth and much else.





Powerful, fast SantaClaus robots in robotic rocket-sleds (ornamental reindeer head at front) deliver gifts to good, to reasonably good, peoples in need. Gifts vary from basic practical to basic luxuries. Tend to appear all year around.



A constant whisper of a place that offers sanctuary from the savagery and hardship existence of most of Lost Mars. Also related stories of those who save who they can by sending them to the place known as the Sanctuary or, less often, Sanctuarius. Details are never clear and are often mixed up with other stories of other sanctuaries or safe havens.



These beings appear in an amazing variety as individual characters or in groups of the same. They are difficult to classify but can come as superheroes, monsters, quasihistorical personalities, distorted copies of 'normal people' and so forth. Some are androids or robodroids or robots.



These exotic autovendors, game-mechanisms, transports, special gateways, robots and others are too varied to easily put into neat categories. They appear, often to disappear but sometimes they remain.



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Only a secondary utility tunnel was not blocked by rubble, at the Bethesda end of the station, and they found there a usable monorail-car of a semi-enclosed maintenance staff using kind. Security lock downs were easy enough for Graharg to hack through. They then added some monorail flatbed cars used to carry around stuff for local work or just the movement of important items to keep the station and tunnels functioning smoothly.


Everybody fitted, along with their equipment, with some slight squeezing. They headed out fairly quickly as some supersoldiers shot out ahead to scout for dangers, resources and for other concerns. Soon the expedition was moving below the Bethesda Ruins.


Jonni sat with Graharg for a time and spoke with him. “Dad, I get the feeling that the whole 'controlling presence' affair was not really finished at all.”


“It was not!” Graharg smiled at her. “The Fragmentori Thirteen have failed to tell us just how they fell under the influence of CentroRadius in the first place. It would have taken them opening up their minds in a foolish and difficult manner to CentroRadius and, being paranoid, it would take much to induce the Fragmentori Thirteen to do such a thing. CentroRadius does not have the power or the skill to take over the minds of the Fragmentori Thirteen with out such a thing happening first. Unless, of course, we are overlooking certain important factors in coming to such a conclusion.”


Jonni gained an empath-telepathed report, a warning, from the supersoldiers scouting ahead. The zezans had come across prowling zentaurs, zentmutant creatures created from mutagenic processed humans. These zentaurs had altered webcaps fused into their strange glistening rubbery flesh that was very resistant to many types of harm. They moved with great speed and agility, especially in comparison to their clumsy appearance. They could spit toxic acid gunk that could even damage power armour. Their tentacles could strike with great whip lashing speed and power or strangle. Zentaurs were quite good in swimming through water or getting through the horrific deep mud pools of the Wastelands.


Graharg frowned. “There is a good chance OmniMultiple is controlling those mutagenmutants, those zentaurs. That makes them very much more dangerous than wild zentaurs would be.”


Sarah Lyons joined Graharg and Jonni before she spoke her concerns. “We can continue on through the Subway Network here, closer to the surface. It is a more direct but dangerous route to Bethesdatown. There is a UDCR Guard outpost not too distant from here. The outpost always has three platoons based there, one always being on patrol duty. The UDCR also has traders, aiders and others there to work with the local rhouls along with others like techies, workers and such like.”


Graharg nodded. “We need to take the risk and go more directly to Bethesdatown, through the outpost. I have been to the outpost before and need to speak to somebody there of the Sisterhood of Compassion of the Orderhood of the Way of the Light. They work with the rhouls, helping them as much as they can. Rhoul existence is very tough. The rhouls have a handy skill for picking up information about what is happening in the Wastelands, especially as the mutamutants tend to ignore them as long as they remain passive and out of the way. I want to know if they have learned anything more about what is going on with the mutagenic mutants from the Lamplight Mountains.”



Most of the great networks of the Marslands were prefabricated, autorobotic constructed with human special assistance, often in the form of workers in worker power armour or in work-mechas and smart-robots. Cyborg-workers had also played some part. The outcome was that from one end of the Marslands to the other, most of it looked much the same. This included the Subways of monorail, road, cycle-foot and even canal tunnels. Many areas had older type, more Subway Networks of double-rails but not the DC.

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