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Fallout Mars Doom


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Vampiric creature with strange powers that avoids hard, bright, hot sunshine and does not like any sunshine. Attacks with inhumanly powerful strength and seems very resistant to damage from normal weapons. Can transform into a giant bat, wolf, ape or amphibious like creature. Is often held responsible for starting the existence of all living vampires, or biovires, of the Marslands.



The sighting of dragons is surprisingly common in some areas of the Marslands and very rare to no occurrences in many others. Dragons are winged or fast runners-climbers or swim sleekly through the waters of rivers, seas or other bigger bodies of water. Related sightings are of dragon humanoids, swarms of smaller dragon creatures, two legged wyverns and many others. Variations indicate that not all of the 'dragons' might be 'real dragons'.



Black clad humanoid figure, sometimes a man and sometimes a woman but sometimes sexless in appearance, that acts with incredible speed, strength, agility and cunning. Is very hard to damage and if killed always vanishes soon after death.



From a few giant rainbow butterflies to great swarms of very small ones, the amazingly beautiful and fragile looking entities are not what they seem. They are incredibly tough, are quasiliving silicon based creatures that phase in and out between different dimensions.



Woman who moves in immodestly thin tight bodysuits with amazing physical abilities. She uses strange glimmering blades that cut easily through even very tough materials. Suits are always the same purple black patterns.



Great tripod machines are glimpsed, always seemingly in the distance, during foggy or rainy conditions with poor visibility, always with lightening and thunder around. The machines seem, oddly enough, to be in clear weather areas. They are often seen shooting terrible heat-rays weapons.



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Sister Elena Compassionate spoke. “It was a faction of silvertori, in the Martian Underworld, that were influenced by the RotideCitirca to try to utilize the wonder-mechanisms of the AncientOnes in a crazy dark experiment. This was despite the fact that those very wonder technologies had helped lead the AncientOnes to their ending. That faction of silvertori, angry and arrogant, built a very special mothership with copied wonder technologies embedded into it. Then they activated a Stargate and launched the vessel through it but in a special fashion. It vanished. It did not reappear when and where it was supposed to.”


She spoke on. “Silvertori were, and still are, a shared secondary mentality linked multiple entity with semiautonomous individuals. When the silvertori, the great majority who had not gone on the foolish expedition, began to go insane, at first they did not know what was happening or how to deal with it. Oddly enough it was the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow who first assisted, for they also fear that other Great Enemy. They helped, brutally, the silvertori to barrier themselves off from what those other silvertori had become, that is the greytori. Then the Lords and Ladies of the Light stepped in, the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow fled, and a great healing was done. But both the Lords and Ladies of the Light and the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow are limited in what they can do; why this is, we do not know and they can not, or will not, tell us.”


“The silvertori expeditionaries returned but they were now the terrible greytori except for one small number now known as the 'torn silvertori'. They had been damaged by the barrier set up by the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow and now were brought back by the Lords and Ladies of the Light. Yet they remained always changed, troubled to some extent. They vanished from recorded history but there were indications they came to this world, perhaps to part of the vast labyrinth of labyrinths that is the Greater Martian Underworld.”


She shook her head. “Mars, this version of Mars, has been strongly related to with the great events of which I speak but also others. It was linked to the Lunar Labyrinth inside the single natural moon orbiting the Lost Earth. It is connected to the Doomsday that took place on the Lost Earth, that made it into the Lost Earth. It is linked to the Doomsday that took place here, of course. Earlier on, a long time before those events, there were the rise of the IceWarriors, the invasion of the DoomLords, the rise and fall of the Ancient-Martians and their link to the terrible Ghosts of Mars. Not just in the Inner Marslands but in the greater Outer Marslands, there are many mysteries anchored here on-in this world.”


Both Jonni, and Sarah, were impressed to think that the mission they had been on was linked to such an ancient long history. The controlling presence was an ancient entity known as the RotideCitirca that was working through the CentroRadius and the OmniMultiple but which also controlled the OmniNexus and a large part of the surviving Martian Skynet.


The woman went on speaking. “Our problem is that we have too much data but not in any real organized, clear pattern that would indicate what is happening now and why. The Thirteen of Thirteen is linked with UnityWay, the evolutionary force that leads to unity, that has been delayed and dysfuntionalized in humanity. The events that led to the part destruction, and further fragmenting, of a young UnityWay on the Lost Earth, were linked to Mars, to the ancient artifacts of the AncientOnes.”

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Jonni sniffed softly at Elena. “You are not fully human.”


Elena took no insult at Jonni's behavior. “I am a yetaman, a human-yetan hybrid just as a yetan is a silvertori-yaman hybrid, the yamans being an ancient human like species of the UnityWay. I carry both silvertori and yaman UnityMind species memories. I can not and will not speak of the yamans further but their fate was also linked to this version of Mars, to this Alternate Mars.”


Sarah shrugged. “Mars, the fourth planet orbiting, outwards, from the sun. Why so special when there are so many worlds in this Galaxy alone, let alone the Universe?”


Graharg sighed. “Human astronomical knowledge is badly flawed. It is based on severely limited human gathered data, perceptive ability and experience, along with other distorting factors. Apart from what traditional human knowledge has stated, there are many other dimensional aspects to what is the universality of universes, the Multiverse. This solar system is quite different from the basic concept of nine planets, not counting Pluto, orbiting a single sun, along with the Belt. Truth is there are thirteen suns inset into a dimensional pattern as there are thirteen thousand, thirteen hundred planets and other kinds of orbiting bodies.”


He went on speaking. “Instead of being of 'secondary importance' this world is somehow linked to what could be called, in most basic terms, a Multiversal energy artery, a flowing channel of energies of great importance to the healthy stability and evolution of the Multiverse. This same 'artery' is also linked to the Lost Earth.”


Sarah frowned. “So what has all of this to do with here and now?”


“That is what we are trying to find out.” Graharg responded. “How is your other father, Sarah?”


“Still very angry, deep inside, with mother and her decision to have two biological fathers instead of one, especially as one was what Owyn Lyons sees as a charming, seductive, alien monster.” Sarah frowned. “He loves me very much but I am too much like my mother for him to be totally comfortable with me though I am also like him in many ways. Mother is still back in the Lost Hills, in Calibraska, as far as I know. We dreamlink together on a regular basis and sometimes we exchange messages as part of the few real communications that take place between the Orderhood and the Orderdom of Steel.”


There were surviving, functioning communications satellites in low orbit that could still be used by those on the surface. Problem was many were not fully functional thanks to age and a lack of maintenance. There was also the ever present danger of rogue robotic satellite-killers and the Skynet that rarely destroyed satellites for no apparent logical reason.


Jonni frowned. “Something is wrong!” Then she vanished with a flicker of motion.


Sarah sighed. “I wish I could do that.”


Graharg shook his head. “I doubt you would want to pay the price it takes to gain such incredible physical and other abilities. Certainly Jonni, and others of the zezan superfolk, would have chosen otherwise if they had been given a choice.”


Sarah looked puzzled. “What price?”


“To become a zezan is to go through an incredibly painful process that kills at least two sixths of victims, converts two sixths into zezan baseifolk, turns one sixth into true superfolk and one sixth into very dangerous distorts.” Graharg frowned hard. “Jonni is eleven years old and has experienced the terrible deaths of other abducted children or their distortions, along with much other horror. You have yet to meet any zezan baseifolk or distorts, I suspect. Jonni will let you meet some but the experience will be a sharp education to you. That is despite your many experiences with ghouls, mutamutants and other such phenomena.”


Sarah looked doubtful.

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Jonni's platoon, of supersoldiers, struck at the mutahulk from all directions in an amazingly well coordinated pattern of hits, distractions and other tactics. The zezans moved with incredible speed and agility, striking again and again. Steadily they drove it backwards until the low hulking monster, more powerful than a dozen behemoth superhumans, was forced to turn and run. The supersoldiers, knowing they could not actually kill it with out more specialized powerful weapons, did not follow.


The hatred filled mutahulk had tried to sneak into the Ironsides Mercenaries encampment to kill the Ironsides Commanders and-or anybody else of importance. Had it known about Graharg or Jonni or Sarah were mute points for it would have automatically attacked them anyway.


Ironsides Mercenaries had watched the action with astonishment. Colonel Patterson met Jonni and thanked her personally. Then Patterson, Jonni, Graharg, Elena, Sarah and others met to discuss what they were going to do next. The vital day had come with the manifestations.


Good news had come from Bethesdatown. The number of manifestations was three of every item, not four as feared. This also went for the cloneforms of humans, plants and animals. That meant that the manifestations would be far more manageable for people and for the natural system to deal with.


The enemy were withdrawing, the small mutamutant army moving away towards the east and then it went underground. Scouts and roboremotes followed it, along with psionic officers using special abilities, as best as they could in the confusing underground maze. Then the enemy force vanished in a fashion that was very disturbing.


Why had the encapped mutamutants moved away? There were no solid answers, only speculations based on bits of data coming into the group. There were increasing reports of wild and encapped mutamutants fighting each other close to the Lamplight Mountains. There were also reports of encapped mutamutant armies having trouble with combined enemy forces of the OSDC, the UDCR and other forces. Yes, the small army could have been sent off to either area to reinforce other encapped mutamutants but nothing was certain.


DevastatorLord Sanzkrid was putting up a big battle against the CentroRadius OmniMultiple, had been observed a few times being close to the forefront of the battle and once fighting a mutahulk. That was all close to the Lamplight Mountains.


So they went into Bethesdatown easily enough now, there being no enemies to oppose them. They met with Guardsmen, Militiaguards, Sisters of Steel and volunteer fighters including mercs giving their combat for free except for service-support. There had been some brutal savage fighting but the settlement had stood up well to the onslaught. Its fortifications were standing and the encapped mutamutants had suffered far more losses than had the defenders.


As was normal with surface-subsurface settlements, of the Wastelands, Bethesdatown was mostly underground and its buildings were fortified. This was despite the dome being in existence. While there were a few motor vehicles in action, including a short basic electric tram line, many rode stocky horses or mutated horse like rhorses or used animal pulled vehicles. There was common use of bicycles and other pedal powered transports. Many also went on foot.


An interesting exception was a kind of robochair that clunked along with people in them, on two chunky legs. These had been manufactured in Bethesdatown before Doomsday and there had been a large underground warehouse full of them. They were still being manufactured in small numbers but mostly spare parts were being made for robochairs and other mechanisms.


Most of the settlers lived basic, tough lives but this was normal for most Wastelanders. Bethesdatowners actually had a fairly good life compared to far too many people struggling to survive in the Wastelands.

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Powerful, strong willed and actually a yetaman alien-human hybrid. She was born in the League of High Mars which is an isolated low orbital LifeProclamation colony below the World Bubble.



Graharg is the prime of the entity known as Graharg Thirteen, a survivor of the fractured Thirteen of Thirteen. Linked as part of the same Graharg Thirteen are Gratarg and Grazarg, who are already in the story, but also Granarg, Gramarg, Grasarg, Graearg, Grabarg, Grakarg, Gradarg, Grafarg, Grajarg and Gragarg.



Jonni was a six year old abducted by traitors and Talon Mercenaries from the settlement of Bethesdatown. She, with others, was processed into a zezan superhuman. Not all the others survived or made it to superfolk status. She was supposedly freed by the Unified Orbital Republic but it turned out she was actually bought by a controlling force and its puppets. She and others were controlled for a time but then started becoming free, to finally become free.



Ancient powerful mysterious entity linked with the AncientOnes, the Ancient Martians and the Lords and Ladies of the Light.



Ancient powerful mysterious entity linked with the AncientOnes, the Ancient Martians and the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow.



Born as part of the Orderdom of Steel in the Lost Hills of Calibraska, she was a good soldier, leader and was in truth of the New Arising Thirteens. Her mother was, at different stages, Sarsha Perrin or Sarsha Lyons. She had two biological fathers being Owyn Lyons and Graharg of Graharg Thirteen.



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Jonni found herself getting jittery for she was thinking about her mother, who was in that settlement. She was to run, first of all, into a brother. Jack was in many ways like her, he being actually twenty years old. In the gear of a Militiaman soldier, a corporal, he stood tired and sore, having fought well to defend his home.


He was in superkevlar body-armour over combat fatigues and carried an AKM16 assault-rifle with attached grenade-launcher and multiple mode sights plus bottle-opener. The weapon fired the enhanced cased ammunition of the 5.5mm calibre that was not as sophisticated as the caseless ammo developed later but which was quite efficient.


Jack gave Jonni a wary look and then, after she took her helmet off, a puzzled look. She smiled, sort of. He frowned softly so she frowned back. They stood in a large walled off, semi-enclosed workyard used by the Bethesdatown Militia to do work on vehicles and other machines. There was a row of vehicles being fixed and in one corner some techies were examining a 40mm autocannon.


He spoke. “You look familiar. You a cousin? We are supposed to have cousins in Megaton and RivetCity.”


She frowned. “I am Jonni.”


Jack snorted. “Same name as my little sister who got taken by aliens years ago. You could be an older version of her. She would be eleven now. We recently celebrated her birthday. Mother insists we do so. I don't know why but it makes her happy.”


Jonni shivered and felt all odd. “No, not a cousin, I am your little sister, Jonni. I am eleven years old. The zetans turned me into a supersoldier, they accelerated my growth.”


Jack just stared at her in shock and then he gulped, gave her an awkward hug, which she returned just as awkwardly. Then they stood looking at each other again.


He spoke. “Yes, but it is a shock. A supersoldier? Before you were abducted you hated guns and the idea of killing anything, even livestock for meat or cockroaches getting into the pantry.”


“I have killed many; I am a good killer.” She smiled at him. “I remember you, kind of. You were naughty some times. You hid my dolly. You were nice sometimes. You gave me piggy backs. You got caught trying to peek into the women's public shower-bath house. July Hamish got very annoyed with you. She chased you.”


Jack grinned. “July Hamish is now my wife. She is July Hamish Harrington as you are Jonni Harrington. We have a one year old daughter who is also named Jonni as in Jonni Hamish Harrington.”


Jonni frowned. “Where is the woman called 'mummy'?”


Jack looked startled and then he smiled. “You were six, of course, she was 'mummy' to you but we all call our mother 'mummy' when very young. Her name is Kate Harrison. I think we should go and meet her before gossip gets to her first. Secrets are hard to keep in Bethesdatown.”


She sniffed the air. “I can smell the old smells and hear the old sounds but the town seems a lot smaller and more primitive. Those techies are working with crude instrumentation and tools; why?”


Jack sighed. “Because that is all we have to work with. By the look of your gear, you are familiar with using much more advanced stuff.”


Jonni gave her brother a look of surprise. “This is just basic gear for a cut down mission so that enemies will not get our special technologies. We have much more advanced stuff but such is classified. We zezans could assist with new equipment and supplies along with upgrades and augmentations.”


Which was when a tall solid man strode up, scarred and twisted of features, and cursed. “We don't need the help of abnorms like you, alien freak.”


Jonni turned, grinned at the man and then killed him.

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“Pedro Granger is alive once more but will need a few days to recover.” Graharg spoke calmly as he sat down at the table in a multiple purpose back room in the Harrison Diner. “Jonni, you need to be more careful in your response to such people.”


One part of the chamber was a storeroom for the diner complete with a small walk-in freezer and some big old refrigerators. There were even some status preservation containers full of perishables. Another part of the room was tables, chairs, a big old 3DTV-set, a couch, cupboards and bookcases quite full of an amazing array of items.


Jonni was sitting at looking at her mother, who was sitting on the other side of the table looking back at her. Her mother was holding both of Jonni's hands as if fearing her daughter might vanish away if she let go of her.


Sheriff Eve Wanglee stood in hornlizard leather body-armour, almost as good as old fashioned kevlar in some ways and better in others, frowning softly. She was a handsome woman, tough and slimly muscular, with her large, powerful revolver-pistol holstered at her side. She was clearly oriental in background being yellow brown of skin. She spoke. “Your reaction was overly hostile. You could be charged for man slaughter.”


Jonni turned and frowned. “The man I killed was under the influence of a dark psychic presence. To remove it I killed him, knowing he would be revived. It seems that the controlling presence, the RotideCitirca, is active here in Bethesdatown. When the fool makes a statement, if he is honest, he will state that he only vaguely remembers what happened as if it happened in some kind of disturbing dream like state. Unless, that is, he was willingly a follower under the guidance of the controlling presence. Then he needs to be executed. You are UnityNeo, you know what I mean.”


The Sheriff paused before responding. “Yes, we have been watching Granger, and others like him, for some time. They have been acting strangely even by their standards and they have gained unexplained material resources including hard currencies.”


Kate spoke then. “I was sort of expecting you, Jonni, thanks to UnityWay but even so, this is... well I never expected to see you again. So you were a supersoldier.”


“I am still a supersoldier.” Jonni smiled at her mother. “There are superfolk and others back at our colony here in the DC. I suppose you know of it. I will need to return to them. My babies, and other sweeties, are missing me.”


Kate looked surprised. “You adopted babies?”


Jonni grinned. “No, I had sex, became pregnant and gave birth to three babies and three more. The first three are neobabies; I gave birth to them when I was eight years old. The second three I had when I was ten. They are growing strong and fast as first generation superfolk. When I reach about thirty and die, they will be adults like me and they will look after the neobabies.”


Her mother smiled at the news of having more grandchildren but then frowned. “We need to see if we can do something about the length of your life. Even we Wastelanders now live to about two hundred years of age, in general, thanks to rejuvenations.”


Jonni smiled. “Yes, we will see what we can do.” She turned to look at Graharg.


He sighed deeply. “Yes, we will do what we can do. The zezan superfolk deserve more than to suffer shortened lifespans. I suggest that there is much more that you need to learn from each other.”

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Graharg changed subjects. “We also need to learn more about the materializations and the child behind them.”


Kate frowned. “Yes, the poor boy Arnold Blue. Some stupid adults pushed him into causing the materialization to happen. Luckily for him he was not too drained and is recovering in our small hospital. The adults are all locked up in a semi-enclosed compound while we figure out just what to charge them with.”


Graharg nodded. “Then I must go see this Arnold Blue to make sure he is okay. What of the vehicles, other items and cloneforms?”


The Sheriff responded. “We have them locked up in a large underground chamber, an old underground parking area, for their own good. They did cause some fracas yesterday over some odd reasons. They still have weapons and security robots so they are safe enough.”


Graharg smiled. “Then everything is fine.” He gave a short, sharp whistle and slipped a small silvery metallic sphere out of a pocket to throw it up into the air. It flashed bright and sharp across the chamber. Jonni was ready, clutching her eyes closed but both her mother and the sheriff froze with strange expressions on their faces.


Jonni freed his hands from his mother and stood up. “That is not my mother and that is not the sheriff. Doppelgangers, nasty living-dead doppelgangers. Which means mother and the real sheriff are alive inside doppelganger capsules hidden somewhere not too far away.”


Jonni had encountered and dealt with doppelgangers as part of a series of missions. She, along with other superfolk, had tracked them down and destroyed them but why, they were never told. Doppelgangers were zetan cousins, were zevoks, were nasty. That they were considered enemies by the controlling presence, by RotideCitirca, was a very interesting fact when RotideCitirca seemed to have some kind of wary alliance with the zetans and greytori; clearly the relationship was complicated and not altogether friendly.


Graharg was well aware of doppelgangers, one off specialized shapeshifters that copied one shapeform and then staid as that one for a time, usually keeping the copied victim alive, in a doppelicapsule, to strengthen their false shapeform and identity. This trickery could make them quite hard to discover especially if one did not know what to look for or how to do so.


Supersoldiers came into the room bringing some dazed looking people with them. Three were people freed from mind control and one had been taken from a doppelicapsule, the doppelganger that had mimicked him being killed. Corporal Janine led the soldiers. She spoke to Jonni, “The settlement is not totally taken over by the controlling presence and doppelgangers but much of it has fallen under their influence. The materialized cloneforms realized what was going on and with aware, free minded, unity they took over part of the settlement.”


She went on. “Lyon's Pride are protecting the materializing boy and others in the Bethesdatown Hospital, if one can call that primitive place a 'hospital'. I am amazed that they achieve what they do with such resources that they have.”


Graharg placed an odd crystal head band, translucent and softly glowing with changing colours of the rainbow, around each doppelganger's head. After a moment each shimmered and became a kind of almost featureless purple-black blotched humanoid. Their victims would be waking and climbing out of their doppelicapsules.


Jonni went off to find her real mother. They were in a basement chamber of a ruined house, along with other doppelganger victims in the strange green jelly like capsules. There were some old motorcycles there in a status-box that were soon being claimed for use in the settlement.


The cloneforms were mostly human men, women and children along with some dogs and cats, a few chickens, geese and even some caged white mice and small song birds. Vehicles were all electric with multiple fuel generators, rechargeable batteries and solar power panels. The cloneforms had 'sensed' the controlling presence easily and also the presence of the doppelgangers.

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Town Council Hall

Town Public Service Centre

Emergency Command Hall



Sheriff's Office and Holding Cells




Bethesdatown Hospital

Bethesdatown Women's Clinic

Bethesdatown Children's Clinic

Bethesdatown Ghoul's Clinic



School for Children

School for Adults

Arthur's Collage



Harrison's Friendly Diner

Moriarty's GirlsNGames

Hanzo's All Goods Store



Orderhood of the Way of the Light Outpost

*Order (Sisterhood/Brotherhood) of Compassion

*Order (Sisterhood/Brotherhood) of Protection

*Others from various other Orders.



Stone Quarter



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Fighting was going on in the Stone Quarter, the reason for the name being long forgotten but it being an area of petty criminality, family run workshops, small time merchants and some low level organized criminal activities that was not Crime Syndicate level at all. Doppelgangers, and puppet-minds, were holding out in a series of strong, self-repairing buildings but were cut off. Also the doppelgangers' victims were being found in doppelicapsules and as they were freed, the doppelgangers were collapsing.


Doppelgangers had fed on other kinds of victims, their remains being found in a deep abandoned basement. They were rhouls and waste-scavengers, being those who would apparently not be missed but they had been missed anyway. Sisters of Compassion, and some odd townies, had known them and had gone looking for them.


Jonni moved with her platoon, flanking Lyons Pride, across the Stone Quarter and noted some buildings of smart-stone all fancified to look trendily quasihistorical. The muffled sound of firing was to be heard as Guardsmen, Militiamen and Ironsides fought the puppet-minds and doppelgangers.


Jonni could 'sense' something else out there, something more dangerous than any mere doppelganger or puppet-minds. Graharg had warned her, and others, that something very nasty had infiltrated Bethesdatown while the mutamutant army was attacking. It now seemed that the main purpose of that attack had been to distract people's attention away from the real threat to the settlement which was the infiltration.


RotideCitirca wanted something below, Bethesdatown and wanted it badly. In this case he-she-it was working with doppelgangers though up in the Unified Orbital Republic he-she-it had got the zazens hunting after doppelgangers. It was a puzzle but not a surprising one for doppelgangers, like zetans, like greytori, did have different power factions that were not always friendly with each other. There was also the very alien nature of all of these entities, especially the greytori, who had once been silvertori, that needed to be taken into account.


Graharg was linked with hidden networks that provided him with some data, such as RotideCitirca's hunt for something beneath the settlement but he would not speak of such. He did make it clear that his knowledge was far from complete and that what he had was partly guesswork and computations.


In SSE0A01113A1 Gratarg was continuing her search for something hidden there and had found something as a strong clue. All that Graharg would say was that it was a PreDoomsday Enclaven experimental project that had actually been instigated and then quickly ended, then abandoned, years before Doomsday. Grazarg was back in the UOR DC Colony still working with people there.


They came upon the collapsed building suddenly and were surprised. The structure was supposed to be quite sound. Humans were working there, laboring hard, and on their heads were webcaps to control their minds. Other encapped humans were guards with an odd range of body-armours and weapons. Part of the building site was now a hole in the ground and from the shaft that plunged down from its centre was being slowly and painfully pulled a black shiny metallic orb with bizarre, disturbing golden symbols scrawled over it in an apparently insane fashion.


The encapped guards stood no chance against either the supersoldiers or the Troopers of Steel but they were not alone. The other thing plunged out of the same hole in the ground, a monstrous encapped mutahulk thundering over the ground. At once Jonni, and her force, began shooting the entity. A Trooper of Steel launched a shortlong missile that exploded into the mutahulk. It would have struck down a behemoth but it only brought the mutahulk to a sudden halt.


But the mutahulk was not the main threat.

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