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Fallout Mars Doom


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02-20 (0038)






OmniLord AltraDelta rose out of the pit like a mutahulk in heavy fleximetallic body-armour except that Jonni and Sarah both 'sensed' it was more than just body-armour. The very powerful entity charged at the supersoldiers with incredible speed but they out sped it, darting to one side except for Jonni who leapt right over the entity. She left a couple of nasty surprises behind in the form of sticker-grenades. Even as she hit the ground running, the grenades exploded savagely but AltraDelta only cried out in pain and rage; he was not really damaged at all.


AltraDelta slammed the carelessly, and easily, smashed the mutahulk to one side and crushed an encapped human guard to death with out any concern. Missiles, rocket-grenades, shells, bullets and pulsebeams struck it from the two elite fighting platoons. He kept on moving, striking a supersoldier so that he flew through the air, rebounding to come up on his feet but he was lightly injured. If he had been a standard human, he would have been dead. Still he was not longer able to fight at full capacity until he self-healed, was healed, so he moved back and kept firing his weapon as support fire.


The elite soldiers kept up firing but OmniLord AltraDelta was only slowed. He cried out hatred and aimed a great weapon at the supersoldiers, who shot away to any possible shelter.


Then came a tall humanoid in exotic, amazing, impressive looking super power armour. Graharg landed on the OmniLord, driving him into the ground, and plunged a great sword, with a shimmering energy blade, into the creature's back. OmniLord AltraDelta screamed out in agony and vanished with a sparkling shimmer.


After that it was a matter of destroying the cap-zombies and freeing up the encapped humans, even those who had not wanted to be free for there were such people. The wounded mutahulk had escaped, fleeing off down through the tunnel.


The black orb, with its disturbing golden symbologies, was now parked on the ground. Graharg went to it, examined it, scowled and made it vanish with a sparkling shimmer.


He turned to face Sarah and Jonni. “Unfortunately OmniLord AltraDelta is far from destroyed but, fortunately, he will take months to return to his full strength and at least a month to be of any use at all to the OmniMultiple and to RotideCitirca. That was a Lesser Shadow Sphere as created by the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow during the War of Light and Shadow. It was a relatively short but brutal war fought between the Lords and Ladies of the Light and the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow that, fortunately for at least a few universes, the Lords and Ladies of the Light won. During the War of Light and Shadow many powerful artifacts, of both sides, vanished and both sides have been seeking those artifacts since.”


“Since the war happened many millions of years ago, one wonders how a Shadow Artifact ended up here and now. It could explain a good deal like why RotideCitirca was stealing data from the secure databanks of the Unified Orbital Republic because they could easily hold clues to where any such artifacts could or would be hidden.”


An answer to what the 'controlling presence' had been up to! It sounded good and it good to have at least a strong possible answer to an important question. Yet Graharg did not seem pleased at the discovery. It appeared that the appearance of the Lesser Shadow Sphere had worried him deeply and that in turn concerned both Jonni and Sarah.

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They were back in the Harrison Diner but in a more friendly commonroom that was part of the big underground house behind and below the diner proper. Jonni was sitting next to her mother who was lying on a big old couch. She was smiling at her daughter.


Angry and frustrated, Jack stood with his back to a wall. He had suspected that there was something very wrong about his mother but had allowed his commander, who turned out to be another doppelganger, to convince him it was nothing. Doppelgangers, and both willing and unwilling mind-puppets, had been captured and rounded up.


Doppelicapsules had been found and people in them freed, exposing doppelgangers and weakening them. Many doppelgangers had transformed into their natural shapeforms and had fled leaving their victims to climb out of doppelicapsules.


Willing mind-puppets were incarcerated in a large semi-enclosed compound. Unwilling mind-puppets were being treated. A few who were in a grey area between the two, were being treated but under guard.


Sarah was with the Lyons Pride and others of the OSDC. The OSDC was eager to gain knowledge from what was happening, to get more involved. They wanted to send more units to Bethesdatown.


Graharg had vanished off to somewhere unknown for a time but Jonni and Sarah were given means to contact him though only in an emergency.


Repair work, along with some upgrades, was already happening to the area of the settlement where attackers had gotten through two dome doors, armoured as they were. The mutamutants had paid heavily for that victory, being bottle necked as they attacked through them and then having to move across open areas under the nose of heavy fire power. Except that they should not have gotten that far and it was now known that they had inside help in the form of willing puppet-minds and doppelgangers.


The cloneforms were a mixture of children, teens, adults, animals and plants but amongst the older teens and adults were many skills and even a kind of virtual real experience that seemed strongly effective in nature; it was more effective than even super virtual reality of human technologies. They had the vehicles and trailers but also the gear and supplies that came in them. All such resources were more than welcome.


All of the cloneforms were strongly UnityWay, were UnityPrime but were somehow different from the UnityPrime that already existed, were somehow even more intrinsic of Unity. So they gained the name of UnityCore. Many of UnityPrime were not pleased by this development but most accepted it positively.


Kate spoke tiredly to her daughter. “Eleven years old, amazing. So mature and so tough. You could become again part of the Harrington Family in Bethesdatown but something tells me you might not wish to do so.”


Jonni smiled. “In my own special way I am going to do so. You have been told about the Duel Colony of the UOR in the DC?”


Kate nodded. “I remember most of it, being tired when I was told of it, but go on.”


Jonni smiled some more, responded. “The colony there is being converted into a large outpost while most of the population is being shifted here to Bethesdatown. The UDCR and the UOR are busy negotiating and are consulting with other bodies. Bethesdatown will become larger but not hugely so since the population of the Duel Colony is not very large.”


Kate snorted. “More customers for the diner, that will not hurt. UnityWay is rising amongst us. The doppelgangers became aware of it amongst us. I suppose they came to fear it. It made it harder for them to control us even when were were in the doppelicapsules. Yet many of us would remain as UnityNeo, on the edges of UnityWay. Bethesdatown would make a fine diplomatic place between the UOR and the UDCR.”

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(As in DoomLords)



Brotherhood of Steel became Orders of Steel as in both the Orderhood of Steel in DC and the Orderdom of Steel in Calibraska.

Centaurs became zentaurs and other zentmutants.

Enclave became Enclaven with the Enclaves as special underground settlements.

Ghouls staid as general name but became ghoulimans, zhouls and rhouls.

New Californian Republic became the New Calibraskan Republic.

Supermutants remained as general name but became massemoths, megamoths and behemoths.



Ancients became AncientOnes.

Stargates are much the same being ancient artifacts of the AncientOnes.



As in glimpsed mechatripods.



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“You sound very convincing, mother.” Jonni responded. “We found some heavily coded databanks that spoke of a group of AntiUnity activists, that is unityfolk who hate even the idea of the UnityWay. They were active here in Bethesdatown from the start; indeed they were part of the founding of this settlement. They also made sure that Bethesdatown remained only a semiautonomous member of the Unified Domain of Centros Republic. Some of those who pushed heavily for the settlement to become a full member of the UDCR, they vanished or met with horrible 'accidental' death. The group called themselves Glorious Freedom, a rather grandiose name for a bunch of frightened killers. You were one of its primary three leaders until you met Graharg and he influenced you to turn against them.”


She sighed. “It is something that I will always struggle to live down. Graharg destroyed the Glorious Freedom with the assistance of others, including myself. What was a surprise to me was when Graharg informed me that the foolish group where but puppets to a far more dangerous movement known as the Anarkins or 'genetic anarchy for freedom'.”


“The Anarkins are gen-engineered to oppose UnityWay and use other weapons to sow chaos, to disrupt the rising of Unity. It was some Anarkins who betrayed the settlement, who abducted you and other children but who were then murdered by the stupid, greedy Talon Thug-Mercenaries. Those mercs were later torture killed by the Talon Mercenary Corporation because it was not meant to happen.”


“Your human biological father was an Anarkin but was also a double-agent serving Graharg. Everything he did was meant to help destroy the Anarkin Cell-Network embedded here in Bethesdatown. He also intended to help stop the abductions but something went wrong. He vanished and the abductions took place.”


“Because he betrayed us.” Graharg walked into the chamber, frowning hard. He stood there giving Kate a dark look. “Just as you betrayed us. Did you really think that I would never find out. Then again you are not Jonni's real mother just as that man was not Jonni's real father. A very clever deception to replace people with Anarkin clones and then have those clones become willing victims of doppelgangers so as to make them, you, seem innocent and legitimate. It did not work. Such a convoluted plan has to have come from such as Abadonton, the twisted leader of the Anarkins. It did not work because you Anarkin clones are far from perfect, you have noticeable differences from the originals and you are 'natural' sociopaths.”


Jack went for his gun, being an Anarkin clone. A supersoldier struck him down before he could move very far. The false Kate did not even bother to do anything except to close her eyes and quietly die as she activated a device in her brain. The organic device closed down her brain, and other major organs, in seconds.


So it was that the fuller story of deception was exposed. The cloneforms had not only detected the doppelgangers and puppet-minds but had also discovered the other kinds of clones pretending to be the copied originals. Most Bethesdatowners were not any of these but were just Wastelanders struggling to survive.


A great deal of trouble had been taken to infiltrate, and take control of, Bethesdatown. Many valuable resources must have been used. Was it all to do with the Lesser Shadow Sphere or was there more to it than that?

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Graharg called upon the assistance of the Lords and Ladies of the Light and the Kate clone was resurrected. Shaken now, no longer enslaved by the work of Abadonton himself, she spoke willingly of what she knew. This turned out to be limited but was more than Graharg had expected she would know. It turned out that the clones created by Abadonton had become more independent than he had intended.


The real mother of Jonni was to be found in the depths of SSE0A01113, the very place where Gratarg was still leading an expedition seeking out a secret project hidden there. Others were there also, including Jonni's real father. The clone did not know anything else. Graharg sent her to Sanctuarius because the clone had been a victim and needed assistance she could get in that other place. The Jack clone was transformed and set as well. It seemed that the Anarkin clones were unstable and that this made it easier to transform them but then they needed more long term healing, stabilization, in Sanctuarius.


Graharg sent a few people to Sanctuarius being victims of doppelgangers, unwilling victims of mind control and the unstable clones. Graharg was not impressed by the enemy's plotting. It was too complicated, too multiple leveled, too self contradictory and he soon computed that this was because of conflicting commands and the in fighting of power factions amongst the enemy. Abadonton, leader of the Anarkins, was commanded directly by RotideCitirca him-her-itself. Yet both CentroRadius and OmniMultiple had tried also to control the situation in Bethesdatown. The result was that RotideCitirca had lost the Lesser Shadow Sphere and he-she-it would not be at all pleased by this turn of events or his-her-its subordinates.


Somebody had gathered lots of data about what had been happening, had hidden it in heavily coded databanks in the form of special firmware in hardened solid-state modules. They had already gone through much of the data and this had helped them deal with the crisis in the town but what they had not learned was who, or what, had created the hidden data trove in the first place.


They needed to find more information. An expeditionary group would need to go to join Gratarg to bolster her resources. Jonni wanted to go but she also wanted to return to her people now in the DC Colony. Graharg showed her how. She became one that was two that was one. She became JonniA1 and JonniB1 but somehow remained just Jonni. This was a foundational special ability of the Thirteens, as she was one of.


JonniB1 teleported straight to her people, taking along with her other superfolk, using exotic technologies only usable by such as the Thirteens. Graharg had given her, and JonniA1, some very special devices. Each gained a teleband, power-bracelets, focusi-rings, a multigun, an ET-module and other items.


JonniA1, the Prime of Jonni Thirteen, assisted with forming the new expeditionary group. Some supersoldiers staid with her, enough to form a new platoon. The Lyons Pride would also go into SSE0A01113 to meet with Gratarg's group.


OSDC units were arriving in greater number and strength at the settlement as were UDCR convoys. The lessening of the storm had helped in the ease of transportation and two big old aeroships, adapted and armed-armoured, had come in from the DC Republic. OSDC used some aeroboats and vertibirds of different kinds including two great big eight rotor using tiptop-vertibirds. The monstrous vertibirds were slow flying fortresses with the capacity to take lots of cargo, living or otherwise, or big portable modular buildings. Their weaknesses were their slowness, lack of agility and that there were not enough of them.

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Arnold Blue, the boy, was sitting cuddled up to his sleeping mother in a hospital bed. Both were recovering from mistreatment by those who had taken to captive, who had forced Arnold to materialize something. He was under guard now by some tough Guardsmen in fatigues and body-armour. Nurses in white uniforms of kneedresses, bustled around them.


Graharg had examined the boy by looking into his eyes while touching first his chest, then his forehead and then his upper back with just one fingertip. He smiled at the young one and then spoke. “Everything is fine, very fine. You will be nice and happy especially as I want you, your mum and the others in your household, including your pets and your chickens, to go to a nice place called Sanctuarius.”


The boy smiled. “That is because there is something strange about me?”


“Not strange, not strange at all.” Graharg shook his head. “Special in a special way, that is what you are. You have a puppy called Pupsi that I saved in a special way.”


The boy went to be sad but then looked surprised. JonniA1 came in with the resurrected puppy and plopped her onto the bed. The Lords and Ladies of the Light had assisted in this also. Graharg said they were doing so because the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow had been interfering in worldly affairs and the Lords and Ladies of the Light needed to, were able to, restore the balance of Ying-Yang, of Light-Dark.


JonniA1 sat on a chair close to Graharg and the boy, who now clutched a very happy puppy who kept wagging her yellow brown tail madly. She was not all yellow brown but was a crazy patchwork of yellow brown, shades of brown and red brown.


Arnold smiled at Jonni. “You a supersoldier. I wish I was a supersoldier.”


JonniA1 smiled back. “Yes, I am a supersoldier, but you do not need to be a supersoldier. Being a supersoldier is very tough work. Sanctuarius sounds like a very wonderful place. I wish that I could go there.”


Graharg smiled. “I think you can, Jonni, at least one of you can. JonniB2 can go to Sanctuarius with Arnold and others. Other superfolk are going there along with unityfolk, rhouls and others.”


Arnold grinned. “What is Sanctuarius?”


Graharg responded. “Sanctuarius is what many call the Martian Underworld as created a very very long time ago by the AncientOnes. There lay great seas, lands and more. Ancient Martian cities still can be found there. There are peoples who have dwelt there a very long time and who are peaceful. There are dragons flying through the sky, swimming through the seas and running fast over the lands.”


Arnold said, “Gosh!”


Graharg nodded. “There are the SanctuaLord Thirteen, the Clansfolk, the last of the IceWarriors, the aumans, the wozfolk, the Dumonio and many others. You will be going to one of the Grand Sanctuaries well away from those peoples, at least most of them. There Earth conditions have been attained, as much as is possible.”


Arnold said, “Gosh!”


His mother woke tiredly, hugged him and said, “What are you 'goshing' about, chookins?”


Arnold grinned happily. “We are going to Sanctuarius, to the Martian Underworld.”


His mother smiled but could not quite hide her surprise and concerns.



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JonniB2 stood at the top of a small hill, clad green with both forest and ergonomic fortified buildings designed to blend with the forest. She was in survival power armour and was scanning the distant area of forests. Superfolk, people from the Wastelands, unityfolk from low orbit and others were settling into the area. Hopetown was, despite its name, a city that was most underground though it looked like a series of hill top towns from above.


Something was out there that should not have been. Zezan superscouts had encountered something briefly, had found it devouring a dead forest buffalo, had noted its chameleon armour blending in with the surrounds. It was like a mutahulk but not as powerful and they were soon calling it a superhulk as related to the supermutants. It hurled back the superscouts, attacking with out provocation, but hurt none of them, then vanished into the greenery. The superscouts followed only to find it had vanished down a smart-concrete tube of a tunnel.


Squat gnomes, something akin to humans but being demihumans, dwelt in the area in subsurface hill communities. So it furry tree, lake and warren dwelling wozfolk. A gnome and wozzle hunting party, armed with traditional hunting weapons, had encountered the superhulk. It had attacked them but then had suddenly turned and fled as if something else had frightened it off. The appearance of a powerful dragon, flying low over the forest canopy, might have explained it but JonniB2 was not going to make the assumption it was the dragon that had frightened the superhulk away.


A message had come from Graharg stating that he now assumed that RotideCitirca had been after both the Lesser Shadow Sphere and the boy Arnold Blue, if not more than that. JonniB2, new arisen aspect of Jonni Thirteen, was to take great care in protecting Arnold Blue and his loved ones. Arnold was actually Arnold Thirteen, a new Arising Thirteen, but was also a key to something special, something yet to be truly understood.


Jonni was still getting used to be three people, being one primary and two secondaries. That she could also be nine baseries was rather startling. Yet the feeling was settling and she had come to appreciate that JonniA1 was now in the depths of SSE0A01113A1 with others, doing a difficult task, that JonniB1 was with other superfolk in the DC Duel Colony, including loved ones, and that she, JonniB2, was in Sanctuary Greenhope.


Arnold Blue was relaxing with his family, pets and friends, along with others having come from Mars, from Bethesdatown of DC. Granarg, yet another aspect of the Graharg Thirteen, had shown up and would soon start doing some painless, as entertaining as possible, tests on Arnold. Graharg was off somewhere examining the Lesser Shadow Sphere. Gratarg was in SSE0A01113A1 trying to find out what was hidden there with amazing cleverness. Grazarg was in the Duel DC Colony and yes, plans were changing yet again.


On Doomsday over a billion people had escaped down into the Martian Underworld. Now there were easily over three billion people, not all human, there but the Martian Underworld was vast and most of it was wilderness or lightly sentient inhabited semiwilderness. In fact much of it was a mystery even to such as the Graharg Thirteen.


It did not help that the Sanctuard Thirteen had become the SanctuaLord Thirteen, had gone from positive carekeepers of Sanctuarius to obsessive rulers of their own Sanctuaries, each being heavily fortified and ruled by what could only be called a 'cult of personality'. The Thirteen SanctuaStates had become problematic to the positive unification and development of Sanctuarius. Some SanctuaStates were worse than others. Some were very good while some were very bad while most were moderate either way. One was a complete mystery, was completely isolated.


One of those SanctuaStates was relatively close, in Martian Underworld terms. Granarg suspected it had some link with the superhulk intruder, with RotideCitirca, for it was one of the Dark Three SanctuaStates. This made matters very problematic.

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JonniB2 stood fairly close to where Arnold, his sister Asha and his mother, Paula, were doing some work on the small garden at the back of the cottage. The cottage was more advanced than it looked, being made of very strong self-repairing smart-materials. The three could have used roboremotes, or even robots, to do the work but what was the point of that?


Trombo, the big old pet molerat, now rejuvenated along with others who came to Sanctuarius, was assisting in his own way. He was digging up part of the garden as allocated to him to do such things in. Good chance was that he would make his own small molerat warren.


A large ginger tabby cat sat next to JonniB2, busy grooming. The big beautiful feline liked Jonni but animals tended to do so. She was Ginger.


The superhulk intruder had been spotted moving fast along a river shoreline before vanishing into the ground into a tube tunnel that turned out to be part of an old labyrinth of such tunnels running through the area. No official records were found to explain or describe them but Grazarg had soon worked out they were an experimental network-System of some kind. The tunnels were almost frictionless. There were tricks in using them to move quickly from point to point, in a safe manner. Wozzles, gnomes and other locals used them, including some chimpanzees and other animals.


The superhulk's presence indicated trouble and the trouble was that the Sanctuary was not really in a position to deal with it. Resources of many kinds were abundant in Sanctuarius but some vital ones were not abundant enough. Autorobotic networks of network-Systems were only full functional in some areas, often being semiactive or inactive. Roboremotes and dumb-robots were fairly common but cyborgs, smart-robots and androids were not common enough.


There was a big plan of multiple programs consisting each of multiple projects to bring back the Sanctuaries, and all of the Known Sanctuarius, to full functioning but all of that was in the early stages at best.


A small carplane buzzed through the air, a clever designed combination basic electric car and fixed wing aeroplane. The carplanes were short landing and take off aircraft with solar power panels melded into the roof and wing tops. They were very useful but they were hardly military machines.


That was when it happened, when with a sparkling shimmer three large fanjet lifted hovering globe shaped robots, and four supermutant like humanoids in special power armour, appeared out of nowhere. Except that the globe bots were special with better armour and weapons plus other improvements, were multibots. The supermutant like entities were cleaner, smoother looking and their eyes showed a spark of intelligence through the visors of their helmets for these were multimutants. They were armed with 3B1rifles but also with other devices built into their armour and some smaller weapons. Both multibots and multimutants were capable of much more than fighting.


Arnold Blue smiled. “Now we are safer from the bad things that are out there in the forests.”


Jonni turned to Arnold. “The superhulk?”


Arnold Blue looked puzzled for a moment but then he nodded and then shook his head. “Superhulks and other bad things like them but also something bigger, badder and.... not very nice.”


Arnold's older sister spoke. “How not very nice, sweetie?”


“Lots and lots not very nice.” Arnold tried to put things into his own words, to state them as he knew them. “The very not nice thing wants me but also Jonni.”


JonniB2 smiled a little odd smile. “Well, let it want me. It may easily regret doing so.”

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Plans changed and the first superfolk, rhouls, unityfolk and others began to arrive from the DC Duel Colony that was being turned into an planetary outpost for the Unified Orbital Republic. They materialized in Greenhope Sanctuary and there they quickly became part of functioning settlements. JonniB1 appeared with the family and others.


Superservitors, superworkers, supersoldiers and other zezan superfolk, all were more than welcome. Rejuvenated rhouls worked hard mostly in underground areas where they were most comfortable and adjusted to. Superworkers were assisted by the cybernetic augmented basifolk and some zezan distorts capable of being with people. Rejuvenation helped basifolk and distorts greatly.


The next materialization brought eight multimutants and six multibots. All of the multimutants and multibots were examined carefully and it was decided that manufacturing of multibots would begin along with the greater production of spare parts. The idea of cloning more multimutants started as a research development project.


JonniB1 and JonniB2 met and looked upon each other with wonder as others studied them in the same way. Jonni's neobabies and children were amazed to now have two mummies who were one mummy but soon happy enough to go along with the extra attention this meant, at least for the short term. Arnold Blue was soon sitting with a neobaby in his lap, a small chubby muscular baby figure who assisted Arnold in the pencil drawing of a cottage scene complete with pink giraffes.


An important report came from SSE0A01113, from the expedition there. The project there had been an attempt to open a transdimensional gateway and passageway to Sanctuarius itself. The project had been abruptly closed off when the gateway had instead opened to a hellish dimensional realm. Creatures had come out of great evil, twisted humans in light power armour being just the basic ones. They were the DoomHorda of the DoomLords, once of Mars but long ago imprisoned in their own hellish dimensional zone of Doomloria. The gateway had been closed and dismantled.


There was also evidence that a Lesser Shadow Sphere had been stored there, that there had been plans to send it to Sanctuarius but no data indicating why this was being done. The Lesser Shadow Sphere might, or might not have been, the same one that Graharg now had hidden away somewhere.


Graharg had not brought the Lesser Shadow Sphere to Sanctuarius, considering that to be too dangerous an action to carry out. Instead he had taken it to something called the MultiTransCubeShip. The exotic transdimensional transport, and mobile base, was made up of MultiTransCubes and a MultiTransCore at its 'transdimensional centre'.


Graharg Thirteen had been searching for the lost MultiTransCubeShip for a long time and when they found it, they also discovered four of the Thirteens of the fractured Thirteen of Thirteen in deep locked suspension there. The difficult process of freeing them from a clever prison was begun. They were the AlphaOmega Thirteen, the Watchertii Thirteen, the Keepertii Thirteen and the Servertii Thirteen. The process was made more difficult for the Graharg Thirteen had to make sure that these were genuine Thirteens and not fraudulent imposters created by overly clever enemies.


The MultiTransCubeShip was, itself, trapped inside a transdimensional pocket zone, which was no accident. The same mysterious forces that had overcome and locked away, the four Thirteens, had also trapped the amazing transdimensional vessel. Graharg Thirteen had sought answers to questions such as who or what had done this, why they had done so and how to get the MultiTransCubeShip free, but answers were frustratingly slow in coming.

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