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Fallout Mars Doom


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Hitech matriarchal centred clans network of networks with institutions such as the Clansqueens, Clanskings, ClansGuilds and others. Based in the Clansdom of the Clanslands along with other kinds of territories.




Dumonio are said to be an ancient people of peoples who once served the AncientOnes in a wide range of ways. They then served the Ancient Martians but in a more independent fashion. They are said to be linked with the mysterious Lords and Ladies of the Twilight that many assume do not even really exist at all. A very complex and yet subtle people of peoples. Fundamental intrinsic shapechangers and shapeshifters.



Dwell in an extremely cold sector of Sanctuarius. Exotic species of subspecies such as Leader, Warrior, Thinker, Worker etc. IceWarriors have the IceEmpire subdivided into IceLord dominated territories and both Imperial Territories and Imperial Protectorates. In theory led by the IceEmperor but none has existed for a long time.




Thirteen SanctuaStates, each controlled by a single SanctuaLord, the SanctuaLords having once been the Sanctuard Thirteen. It is said that the fracturing of the Thirteen of Thirteen led to a kind of insanity amongst the Sanctuard Thirteen that led to their splitting and to their territorialism and creation of cults of personality.



SanctumMars based on the Marslands as they could have been if Doomsday had not taken place. Most of it is wilderness or semiwilderness centred on SanctumMarsdom with the big domecity of SanctumMarsburg. There is a population of about fifteen million people already in SanctumMars, about half of them having been sent from the Marslands by we of the Graharg Thirteen and others that I will not name. The sending of lifeforms to Sanctuarius is problematic and we can only save so many lifeforms from the Wastelands or worse areas of the Marslands.





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The others came suddenly to Greenhope, that is JonniA1, Gratarg, Sarah Lyons and others, many others, who had ended up assisting with the project down at the base of the Safe Secure Enclave that was Samson Enclave. Now they all came to Sanctuarius using some kind of trickery that Gratarg refused to reveal to the others but which was linked to the failed, disastrous Enclaven project to open a way to Sanctuarius.


“Sanctuarius is ancient. Not all of the Martian Underworld is Sanctuarius but of those other places I will not speak.” Gratarg stood examining an area of ground between a fast flowing small river and a large grassy clearing where herds of small antelopes were grazing along with a kind of wild pony. The animals were a little restive, as if 'sensing' some kind of possible threat.


Superscouts were crouched in a loose formation close by, being two squads each of four zezans. Supersoldiers were two platoons, each of thirteen zezans, each having a specialist instrumentality operator. These two were trying to track what seemed to be three superhulks, at least, moving through the forests at a fairly close distance.


Lyons Pride was there also, the humans all rejuvenated and with some new abilities that they were still getting used to. These were either physical, mental, psychic boosters or psionic elemental abilities of the kind emerging with increasing frequency amongst Sanctuariusans (peoples of Sanctuarius).


Sarah wanted to return to the OSDC DC-Citadel where the Orderhood of Steel was officially based and which was very important to them. She wanted to show her father, Prime Elder Owyn Lyons, and other VIP leaders of the OSDC of the transformations, of Sanctuarius and much else. For she still had a strong sense of loyalty to her father, to others of the OSDC, to the OSDC itself and to the Oath of Steel that she had taken when starting her official cadetship. Gratarg had asked her to be patient because she and the Lyons Pride were needed there and because Gratarg needed time to find a way to get Sarah safely and quickly to the DC-Citadel.


They were all excited, fearful and there was tension. More dangerous than the superhulks was something else out there. Gratarg and Granarg were both sure it was more dangerous than a mutahulk even but that there was at least one mutahulk out there also.


Something exploded out of the forest, on the opposite side of the clearing from the river. The mutahulk came striding towards them and behind it, spread out, were the three superhulks. As dangerous as they were, the encapped creatures, of OmniMultiple, were running away from something. It was moving like a swirling vortex of black-purple-red energies. The antelopes and ponies fled fast, moving away towards forest trails. The vortex reached out to grab an antelope mother with her young.


Gratarg fired off a multigun that projected a pulsebeam of hot, white light including powerful ultraviolet. It struck the terrifying entity and the thing screamed inhumanly, as much a psychic effect as auditory. It writhed and then it vanished.


Despite her quick victory, Gratarg seemed to be very troubled. She spoke. “I do not know what that was, though I have strong ideas what I could have been, but I know it should not exist in the Positive Multiverse let alone in Sanctuarius.”


The mutahulk, and superhulks, fled back towards the forest. Clearly they had no desire to start a fight that they had no chance of winning. They did not get far. Gratarg used her multigun but shot them with different kinds of energies and they fell, transformed, to the ground.

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They became metahulks, one being a prime metahulk while the other three were standard metahulks. The webcaps were gone now, were transformed into positive augmentations. Free now as semiautonomous to the Sanctuaries, the metahulks freely spoke all they knew. Except that they did not know much. OmniMultiple did not provide its puppets with any but need to know information. They had not been sent to Sanctuarius from outside but had been created there. Only problem was that all knowledge, and memories, of where they had been processed, had been erased. Gratarg checked anyway and found traces, for no erasure was perfect, that indicated they had been created in one of the SanctuaStates.


The SanctuaState to the north, it was a very strong candidate but what to do? The SanctuaStates were all heavily fortified and well defended. The SanctuaLords were all powerful and dangerous. The Dark Three were more dangerous than the others and the SanctuaLord to the north was one of those.


SanctuaLord Tyronacus staid inside his fortifications, inside a great polarized dome. Nobody really knew what went on in that place. Nobody had gone in or out for centuries, or so it seemed. Graharg himself had gone there, once, and had come away refusing to say what had happened. When he departed he did so taking with him a whole lot of people, animals and plants of exotic suffering nature. That was just before SanctuaLord Tyronacus had isolated himself in his SanctuaState of Tyronacustala.


Graharg was deeply busy, examining the captured Lesser Shadow Sphere in the MultiTransCubeShip, but did respond to communications. He spoke of dangerous destructive, self-destructive, insanity and sadomasochism. He revealed that he had rescued a great number of exotic victims from SanctuaLord Tyronacus and had bound that same SanctuaLord into his home as a form of 'home arrest'. There had been no better solution at the time due to a whole lot of factors including a lack of resources, the relative power of SanctuaLord Tyronacus and his relative and dangerous instability.


Tyronacustala hated Graharg but Tyronacustala hated everybody, including himself most of all. How had he gotten that way? All Graharg knew was that the Sanctuard Thirteen had encountered, and fought, a very strange and very mighty entity in Sanctuarius itself. They had already been fracturing and then they had lost a terrible battle of mind, body and spirit. Though they had lost, they had inflicted great damage on the mysterious enemy but then their fragmentation was complete. They had then gone from being the Sanctuard Thirteen to the SanctuaLord Thirteen, from unified carers of Sanctuarius to disunited separate feudal lords of their own isolated domains inside of Sanctuarius.


Sarah Lyons, Sara Thirteen, found herself becoming more distant from the other Troopers of Steel. They were becoming metahumans but she was something quite different. They were becoming of UnityWay but she was not going to go in that direction. Thus it seemed almost natural when she gave up command of the platoon and the second in command became the temporary commander.


Sarah supposed that her brother, Handel Lyons, would take over the platoon, as was tradition. He was a good soldier, a good officer, though he had some odd ideas. For one thing he badly wanted the Lyons Pride to return to the Brotherhood of Steel and to be no longer linked to both the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Steel. That meant only male soldiers would be recruited into Lyons Pride and one day it would be all male again. She doubted he would get his way in this even if he got to command the Lyons Pride.


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Jonni's real mother, along with others taken from Bethesdatown, had not been found in SSE0A01113 despite the best efforts of Gratarg and others to seek them out. They had no idea where they might be.


It was Jonni Thirteen that began to 'sense' that her real mother, and others including her brother, Jack, were in Sanctuarius. Indeed they were not far from Hopetown. This idea did not make much sense until Gratarg and Granarg investigated it and found that a transdimensional passageway between the DC and Sanctuarius had been opened successfully. This had happened many years ago but was traceable because of the unsophisticated way it had been done.


Granarg sat in the first of the Atomic (Motorized) Land Armoured Vehicles, ALAVs, moving in amphibious fashion along the shoreline of the Crazy Snaking River. JonniA1 was there in assault power armour and with her 3B1carbine. She was focusing on trying to 'sense' the actual location of her mother and others.


Granarg spoke. “The dates add up. Your mother, your bother, and others were replaced by Anarkin clones when they must have first been infiltrating and taking over the settlement, or at least a large part of it. They were sent to the then empty SSE0A01113 where the transdimensional project was successfully carried out. They were sent here but why, well that is a puzzle. There does not seem to be any good reason to do so except that your mother, of course, you have gained a genetic inheritance from your mother, Jonni.”


“Abadonton was involved and he would focus on such things. He is an elite geneticist of a kind known as a Gene Wizard from PreDoomsday Mars. Gene Wizards were heavily involved in the Terraforming of Mars and many came to believe that they were partly responsible for its failure for they played at being God but failed badly at it. The Patriot Thirteen had over half of the Gene Wizards officially executed or unofficially assassinated. The Patriot Thirteen were not so much villains as antiheroes with both a dark underside and a compassionate tone to them. They killed those Gene Wizards because they committed terrible crimes and Abadonton was one of the very worst of them though back then he went by another name. The Patriot Thirteen were also very angry at the failure of the Mars Terraforming Project, though it was partly successful, and wanted to find scapegoats as well as those actually responsible. They found both in the very same people.”


JonniA1 responded. She was there while JonniB1 was with the new extended network family (family of families) and JonniB2 was with Gratarg assisting with some other project in Hopetown. They were trying to send Sarah and the Lyons Pride back to the DC-Citadel in the Domain of Centros.


Things had changed! There was no longer any real great threat in Greenhope, at least not for the moment. The bizarre, dangerous, intruder had not returned. No mutahulks, superhulks or any other such creatures were to be found in the area.


Granarg had contacted SanctuaLord Tyronacus and he had refuted being anything to do with the superhulks or the mutahulk. No, he was into super virtual reality and biomechanical constructs these days, into the making of solidified illusions and delusions. After Graharg had punished him, then healed him greatly, SanctuaLord Tyronacus had lost the desire to harm himself, to harm others or to have others harm him. Or so he said. Granarg was sure he was telling the truth but did not wish to tempt him by allowing anything living to be in Tyronacustala with him.


Except now Jonni Thirteen 'sensed' that her mother might be at the edges of Tyronacustala even if not in the SanctuaState proper. The nine ALAVs, powered by their atomic motors, flickering softly with deflection shields, dotted with roboremote turrets including a big one each with the main weapons, moved quite quickly.

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Jonni and her escape from the slavery of the brainbugs and the brainbugs' escape from slavery.


The transformed brainbugs!


The ending of the menace of the 'controlling presence' in the Unified Orbital Republic.


The controlling presence was RotideCitirca. RotideCitirca dominates CentroRadius and OmniMultiple along with Abadonton and the Anarkins. OmniMultiple dominates mutamutants and others through encapping. There are special units like the OmniLord Thirteen, the mutahulks and the superhulks.


So far Jonni Thirteen had become JonniA1, JonniB1 and JonniB2.


Sarah Lyons has ceased to command the elite Lyons Pride unit as she transforms into Sarah Thirteen. The Lyons Pride Solders, Troopers of Steel, are becoming metahumans.


Unity continues to rise as UnityWay, as mostly UnityNeo. As the process continues UnityCommons and UnityPrime also become stronger, as does UnityCore of the cloneforms. Being Unity, everything is linked in a special way, including AntiUnity of active resistance or even aggression and NullUnity of passive resistance. The irony is that most unityfolk have no desire at all to force anybody to be part of Unity or to be a deeper part of Unity.


Graharg, Graharg Thirteen, is very central to what is going on, perhaps more than is obvious.


The AlphaOmega Thirteen, the Watchertii Thirteen, the Servertii Thirteen and the Keepertii Thirteen are trapped inside locked secure status inside the MultiTransCore of the MultiTransCubeShip that is made up of many MultiTransCubes and other facets. There is also the MultiTransCubeSanctuary.



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The area was based, generally, on what Mars could have been like if Doomsday had not taken place. The eight wheeled amphibious machines, atomic motors humming quietly especially with the use of added sound suppression systems, departed the Crazy Snaking River. The nine ALAVs moved steadily towards the just visible polarized, opaque, dome of the SanctuaState of Tyronacustala as dominated by the insane SanctuaLord Tyronacus.


They were soon at the border of SanctumMars and the Greater Sanctum of Sanctuarius. Patrols of power armoured Borderguards operated here, along with sentry outposts and bases, both mobile and fixed. No real threat had come from Tyronacustala, at least no known ones, but from other parts. Yet none of these threats had been major for many centuries. This was good for the Borderguardia was well trained, well equipped, well experienced but was not super large. This was despite that more resources had been added including androids, smart-robots, roboremotes, dumb-robots and cyborg-clones.


The convoy came to a small town complete with dome, houses and other buildings made of smart-materials and citizens. The citizens were humans but also other types of people including androids, rejuvenated ghoulimans who looked like hairless humans with slightly shiny smooth skin and human like aumans except that they had thick fur instead of hair and green or orange-brown skin. There were also short, furry wozzles and other wozfolk (some of which were hulking large) along with gnomes, elves, dwarns (dwarves) and yet others. Humans were very common, being at least half the population of the dometown.


It was in the dometown that they left the ALAVs under the care of some Borderguards in the Town Garrison Fort. The ALAV crews staid with the machines. The town was called Craggis1047 for it was not the only settlement with the name of Craggis and the code was official but most locals knew it simply as 'Craggis'.


Eating soysteak burgers, the steaks tasted like good quality medium cooked real beef, with cheese and salad on multigrain sourbread, as supplied by local military-security credit accounts, they also drank hot cups of coffu with milk and honey. Though coffu was much like coffee, honey tended to go better with coffu than it did with honey.


There was a big revolving NukaCola sign but it was for decoration for nobody drank the stuff in Sanctuarius. The dometown had a fairly large underground PreDoomsday Mars Museum that attracted people from across the area, including students.


Granarg went to the museum to speak to somebody there but would not identify the person or what they discussed. Granarg was very thoughtful when she returned to the others and they prepared to set out on small hoversleds and to cross through the energy-barrier that ran along the border. The energy-barrier was dotted with shimmergate outposts that allowed wildlife to move through the barrier along with few people registered to do so.


Rangers worked outside the SanctumMars Border, working with nature but also as a paramilitary group. They would meet Ranger Scouts at the border, at one of the fortified shimmergate outposts.


The semi-covered hoversleds were harder to detect, faster and more agile than the ALAVs but also had less arms and armour. They were also less comfortable. The hoversleds kept to an official smart-asphalt secondary highway until they got to the shimmergate outpost. There were no such highways before the border, at least not in that area.

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Sarah Lyons might not have officially commanded Lyons Pride any more but the unit relied heavily on her guidance. So she staid with them in their own hoversleds. The Ranger Scouts waited in another hoversled and soon they were all speeding away from the small outpost, along with the domed hamlet that was close to it.


The attack came suddenly, sweeping out of the trees as the hoversleds followed a processed packed dirt road. The enemy came in the form of twisted biomechanical shapeforms of surprising variety. There were bipeds and quadrupeds, large to small, thick to thin, with different numbers and types of limbs. They were all mainly copper metallic coloured with small dashes of green, grey and yellow. They attacked with flamers, heavy machineguns, semismart rockets, pulselaser pulsebeams, biometallic spinedarts and much else; most did not have guns, lashing out with telescoping tentacle whips or racing to get at the expeditionaries with swords, clubs, lances and other such gizmos.


A hoversled exploded but the supersoldiers escaped, only one being wounded. The others went to ground and the soldiers spread out with amazing speed and efficiency, shooting even as they took up defensive positions. 3B1carbines opened up with a blaze and Granarg took out an amazingly powerful multigun as did JonniA1 herself. Shortlong missiles exploded amongst the enemy.


The biomechanical attackers were powerful but fairly slowly and clumsy. Sometimes they shot others of their kind in the back. Sometimes they would start fighting each other. Sometimes they fell down and either awkwardly got up again or just lay on the ground twitching crazily.


Then, almost as one, all of the attackers fell over and hit the ground to lay there very still.


Over half of the hoversleds were out of commission and one would have to be scrapped except for a few reclaimable items and modular sections. Granarg walked out amongst the biomechics, as she called them, touching each in turn. Each would sparkle, glow and transform into a smoother, more elegant version of its former self, would stand slowly up and look around as if seeing, or otherwise sensing, the world for the first time.


Granarg spoke to the others, confused as to the nature of these things. “Quasiliving entities from the SanctuaState of Tyronacustala but they are not creations of SanctuaLord Tyronacus. No, it was SanctuaLord Tyronacus who reached out and deactivated them, who stopped them from attacking. RotideCitirca is behind this but not directly; a powerful RotideCitircaClone is more directly behind this.”


After a pause she spoke again. “Everything that has happened so far, since the 'controlling presence' was tracked to the DC from the Unified Orbital Republic, has not been the main event. All of this is a build up, a series of forays and tests of enemy resources. RotideCitirca plays strange games because he-she-it is insane but also because he-she-it is highly brilliant. Do not underestimate the threat of RotideCitirca for a large part of that threat is his-her-its insanity which makes it hard to predict what RotideCitirca will do next. SanctuaLord Tyronacus has made a very important decision. We must go first to where we were going but then into the SanctuaState itself.”


Jonni Thirteen was not sure she liked that idea at all but she was hardly alone in her response.


Sarah Lyons spoke out. “Will it be safe?”


“I suspect not for some dark force, perhaps the RotideCitircaClone itself, is attacking SanctuaLord Tyronacus inside his own domain. There is a battle going on there.” Granarg sighed. “The level of safety is not something I am willing to predict.”


Sarah spoke again. “Can you trust SanctuaLord Tyronacus?”


“I do not blindly trust him but he was a fine entity once, driven insane by being attacked mind, body and spirit by a very powerful and very evil force.” She responded. “If we can reclaim SanctuaLord Tyronacus, then it will indeed be a great victory and give hope that perhaps the whole SanctuaLord Thirteen can be salvaged.”

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Some of the supersoldiers staid with the hoversleds to guard them from local scavengers or those lifeforms that might damage the machines out of curiosity. The transformed biomechics assisted to conceal the hoversleds in some wide, relatively shallow holes where the machines were placed and covered with clever tough chameleon camouflage tarpaulins.


A large group of short, furry, cute adorable wozzles showed up and with these humanoids were big hulking wuzzles, that is big and hulking for wozfolk. They were about the size of an average standard human adult but were much stronger and had much more endurance. The pampered wuzzles carried big backpacks full of tradegoods, spare equipment and supplies. There were also some thinner, faster, more agile wazzles, some amphibious wezzles and some flying-gliding wizzles that were better at gliding than flying with flapping wings.


Jonni was fascinated, as was Sarah, and they went with Granarg to speak with the furry humanoids. Somehow it seemed natural that Jonni would soon be holding a pair wozfolk babies in her arms, being a wozzle and a wizzle, and that Sarah should soon be examining a wozzle shortbow. The bow was a very well designed and made; most of the arrows were ancient traditional varieties of arrowhead but there were half a dozen arrows in the scabbard-quiver that held glowing crystal tipped arrows of different colours. These were expensive and hard to make yet the wozfolk had become very skilled in doing just that.


The matriarchal wozzle, that led the wozfolk group, sat on an unrolled woven mat of beautiful and strong design. She was AzuWazuta, was high up in the Circle-Networks of the Wozquenom, the wozfolk nation of clans linked closely to the Clansfolk. The Wozquenom were not to be confused with wozfolk clans that were of the Clansfolk. The Circle-Networks of the Wozquenom were linked with other Circle-Networks including the Grand Circle-Network of the Clansfolk.


She spoke. “Dragons are becoming restive in this area. Not just true dragons but demidragons, semidragons and subdragons. They 'sense' something that they were very long ago created to destroy by the AncientOnes. Stories came to the Wozquenom from wildfolk in this area speaking of strange biomechanical creatures rampaging and often fighting each other. Sometimes the same creatures are on one side and then on the other as if two invisible forces are struggling to control them.”


Granarg nodded. “I suspect that SanctuaLord Tyronacus is fighting an avatar of RotideCitirca, a RotideCitircaClone. Yet that would not truly explain the activity of the dragonfolk, would it? Why are you here, now?”


The wozzle matriarch responded honestly. “We are going to the assistance of a large wildfolk settlement known as WoodWindWays. It has spiritual, political, economic and military importance to the loose Wildfolk Union of Peoples.”


Granarg nodded. “I know of WoodWindWays for I have been there, have staid there, and have even spent nights sleeping and dreaming amongst the flute-trees. It is quite close to the actual edge of the dome of the SanctuaState of Tyronacustala.”


The wozzle responded. “WoodWindWays was there first, as were the peoples of WoodWindWays. The flute-trees were long ago created by the AncientOnes though the Ancient Martians claimed they had done so.”


Granarg spoke. “Only one faction of Ancient Martians did so being the worst of their kind, being secret followers of the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow and of RotideCitirca him-her-itself. Those Ancient Martians created the tripoza, the tripocs, of the Tripocada that later were to serve their faction of the Rising Shadow in the Ancient Martian Great War.”

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Brutal, savage, mostly identical clones coming out of the ground, theoretical from a TekVault deep beneath the DC surface. Some Garys are women, some an odd mixture or neuters; others are distorted monsters. Nearly ll can use guns and often come with both guns and flexikevlar or superkevlar body-armour. These are almost equal to supersoldiers in their level of threat especially as they have some nasty tricks to use such as psionic emotive attacks. Every time a Gary dies, one or more replacements are created to replace that one, sometimes with very strange results.



Famous trio of daring do heroes being the mysterious Herbert Daring Dashwood who many suspected was more than the pureskin human he was supposed to be, the deadly ghouliman man Argyle and the sophisticated android woman Ashlie. At times went with other individuals, famous or otherwise.



In theory linked with Lyons Pride but actually works mostly alone in covert operations in the DC. Is officially a Brother of Steel but most often reports directly to Prime Elder Owyn Lyons. Is reported to have mysterious enhanced abilities.



Also known as Mr Walker, the Phantom (in costume) or the Ghost Who Walks. Amazing fighting and survival abilities being enhanced of mind, body and spirit. Often seen in trench coat and hat with shadow masked face or in a special kind of survival power armour. At times has companions such as the cyborg-dog Devil, the cyborg-horse Hero and some others.



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“The war that destroyed the Ancient Martians?” AzuWazuta spoke as if choosing her words with care.


“As you know, the Ancient Martians were not all destroyed.” Granarg smiled. “You test me as one might who was a member of the SecretEye of the Circle-Networks.”


The matriarch nodded. “The SecretEye seeks to know what is happening and what damage is being done in this area. In this particular case this operation is linked right back to the High Clansqueen herself of the Clansfolk.”


“Yes, I have met her more than once.” Granarg responded. “High Clansqueen Shelvella III is most brilliant and most empathic.”


AzuWazuta bowed her head in acknowledgement. “Yes, I have heard that you spent much time with her on the three occasions that you met, officially, that there are whispers you have met unofficially more times than that. The Clansfolk are building strength, are expanding across into new territories, are developing new technologies and Unity is growing stronger, more stable amongst them.”


“Yes, always Unity is involved somehow or so it seems.” Granarg spoke some more. “Unity is incredibly ancient for Unity is core to the whole of existing life. The stronger UnityWay, the stronger is life itself.”


“That is what we believe also.” The wozzle nodded. “Yet humanity is weak with Unity, is fragmented and dysfunctional.”


“Something terrible happened to prehumanity a very long time ago, happened to the whole of the Lost Earth.” Graharg responded. “An intrusion took place and the prehumanity, the whole of Gaia-Earth was damaged but prehumanity most of all. Greytori went there and were part of the cause but there were other factors, some still unknown, including treachery.”


Again the wozzle nodded. “The treachery of the one called Satazan, once being Lord Satazan of the Light.”


“Yes, but never was he truly one of the Lords and Ladies of the Light but was ever probationary, never fully trusted for his Ascension was not completed, was not fulfilled.” Granarg shrugged. “Some say that Satazan was really the one who became RotideCitirca but we do not know if this is the case or not. Satazan fractured the barrier that the Lords and Ladies of the Light had enveloped Gaia-Earth with and thus let through the greytori.”


“You, Graharg Thirteen of the Thirteen of Thirteen.” AzuWazuta shook her head. “We know little of you and the other Thirteens, of how or why you came to exist, of your true nature, your exotic abilities, especially the ones who rarely utilize and thankfully so for they are most dangerous. You are linked to the Lords and Ladies of the Light.”


“Some of us are. The DarkThirteens are linked to the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow. There are others linked to the Lords and Ladies of the Twilight, the mix of Light and Shadow. There is much that we do not know ourselves, when it comes to our own nature.” Granarg looked out at the great polarized dome of SanctuaState Tyronacustala. “RotideCitirca is after something but what? As the 'controlling presence' he stole a great deal of data from the Unified Orbital Republic and tried to erase it with mixed results; in the end the data was all recovered, at least copies of it, but RotideCitirca must have gained his own copies of all of that data. He was seeking something from PreDoomsday Times. Perhaps he seeks yet more data in Tyronacustala?”


He told the wozzle about the Lesser Shadow Sphere found in Bethesdatown, or at least below the settlement. He told her much including about the boy, Arnold Blue, and the materialisations of electric vehicles, trailers and cloneforms in Bethesdatown followed by materialization of multibots and multimutants in Hopetown.


The two groups joined together, along with the now friendly biomechics, and set out for the exotic wildfolk settlement of WoodWindWays.

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