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Fallout Mars Doom


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The cloneforms came from Bethesdatown to Hopetown, from the DC of the Martian Overworld to Sanctuarius of the Martian Underworld. They brought their electric vehicles and trailers with them, bringing all the stuff that had materialized with them plus other items. Why had they done so? Because they had suddenly 'sensed' that this was the best course of action. As it was they had never managed to properly assimilate into the Bethesdatown population; somehow there had always remained a barrier between them and most Bethesdatowners. With them came some Bethesdatowners, animals and even transplanted plants.


Bethesdatown was now firmly part of the UDCR and the republic was not pleased by these developments. Many Bethesdatowners wanted to keep most of the vehicles and trailers already materialized but failed to get their way.


The materialisations that had been taking place in Bethesdatown, now began to do so in Hopetown. It began with the sixth materialization being six of each trailer, each vehicle and each cloneform but with some variations amongst the cloneforms.


The cloneforms felt more comfortable, somehow, being closer to Arnold Blue. There was an important, subtle and intrinsic link between them. The materialisations of the multibots and multimutants continued to take place and continued to grow bigger in number of things materialized.


JonniB1 played with her children, her tots and neobabies, while Arnold sat there also playing. They were on a big comfortable carpet in a large commonroom in a semi-underground complex. Sunlight came through skylights in the ceiling. Arnold's mother and sister were off doing shopping for clothes at the Hopetown CoOp and various small cottage industry shops. Basics were provided free so the buying was for more special items, for basic luxuries.


Arnold picked up a grumbly female neobaby, Nanki, and cuddled the sleepy little one. The chubby muscular figure yawned and gurbled, then went to sleep in the small boy's arms.


Multibots, multimutants and cloneforms, most of them human shapeformed, were busy in the settlement helping to make changes, making the place more secure. In the commonroom were two cloneform children drawing pictures with crayons on local manufactured paper.


Something happened, then and there. With a sparkling shimmer a small girl appeared, being Ashley Blue, aspect of Arnold Thirteen, a kind of sister to Arnold. Ashley and Arnold smiled at each other, taking the changes easily, smoothly. The others did much the same. Ashley joined in the drawing almost as if she had always been there.


Ashley spoke out as she picked up the sleepy neobaby, Gumpi, to cuddle him against herself. “Something more is coming now with the next materialisations. More than one thing more. I come with some knowledge. The Lesser Shadow Sphere picked up by Graharg from Bethesdatown, the one that RotideCitirca was seeking, has been given over to the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow as part of an exchange; in return the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow have passed over to the Lords and Ladies of the Light a Lesser Sphere of the Light that they had long ago captured but were unable to use.”


All of the Lords and Ladies of the Ways tended to follow rules that were obscure even to such as the Thirteen of Thirteen and others of lesser power. Mortals were most often confused and who could blame them?


Ashley went on speaking. “Graharg has awoken the AlphaOmega Thirteen, the Watchertii Thirteen, the Keepertii Thirteen and the Servertii Thirteen. He will be busy assisting them to come to terms with existence as it now is and in trying to free the MultiTransCubeShip from the transdimensional trap that it is in.”

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The attempt to send Sarah Lyons, and the Lyons Pride, back to the DC-Citadel, had not worked out. That was one of the main reasons they had ended up going on the expedition beyond Greenhope Sanctuary. Yet they still wished to return to the home fortress of the OSDC.


Grazarg came to join Gratarg and Granarg in Sanctuarius, in the Greenhope Sanctuary but Granarg was now outside of Greenhope as she approached the wildfolk settlement of WoodWindWays.


Ranger ALAVs and amphibious trucks picked up the hoversleds, along with those with them, and took all back to Hopetown.


Unification talks began between the UDCR and the UOR to connect in the form of the Unified Free Republics, the UFR. This would be a federation of the two republics complete with a federation government and other institutions including the Unified Free Federation Defense Force.


Some strange activity was noted with Skynet that was observed carefully but strange activity of Skynet had taken place before and it was assumed, by most, that this was no different.


The fighting between DevastatorLord Sanzkrid's forces and the encapped mutants fighting him, died down as both sides seemed to retreat back underground to rest and recover. The Domain of Centros became more peaceful because of it but being Wastelands it remained dangerous.


OmniLord AltraDelta was spotted leading withdrawing encapped mutamutant forces back to the Lamplight Mountains, back to the deep underground, huge and complicated TekVault0087 was situated. It was said that the main surface entrance to a way down to the TekVault, on top of one of the Lamplight Mountains, was a zone of very high radiation and very lethal toxins plus bizarre, very dangerous mutations that were adapted to those conditions. Even the mutamutants did not normally venture there and if they did, they went in force. OSDC forces had once gone there but had got no further than the very edges of the area before they had to curtail the mission.


The famous DJ of 3DRadio, 3Dog, began broadcasting a music, news, good advice, education and entertainment channel across the DC, as far as he could. He did so from the old Galaxy News Radio Tower, a hulking skyscraper made of smart-materials that had survived surprising intact from Doomsday. The big cleverly designed gridwork radio tower that ran up from the top of the skyscraper, did the trick. The OSDC sent some soldiers and techies to assist 3Dog, 2Kitty, 1Owl and others that worked the radio station including the robots DJBot and MrDJ. There was also the small settlement of Radiotown based in the ground levels of the GNR Tower and its surrounding semi-enclosed areas.


In far off Calibraska the New Calibraskan Republic, the NCR, began to gain many valuable resources from a mysterious benefactor including transports, weapons of many kinds, robots, power armour, sealed preserved rations and others, some being of a more exotic nature. In a series of thinly disguised assassinations, show trials, political trickery and other moves, the balance of power shifted in the NCR.


Then a large fleet of zetan saucercraft landed in the DC in the area known as Lookout Point on the eastern coast of the largest of three Martian Oceans, small by Lost Earth standards but large by Martian Overworld standards. This was east of DC proper though the great DC River flowed through their and the DC River Delta made up much of the swamplands of Lookout Point. Both the delta and the swamplands had expanded since Doomsday.

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Cute adorable figures with 3DTV screens in their bellies. They are from a popular 3DTV show by the same name. They live in 3DTeletubbieland along with the 3Dradioheads, the happy rock dragons and other folk.



3DToons, 3DTV, 3Dmovie, SVR animation characters with Captain Cosmos being the main hero along with Cosmos Girl, Jangles the Moon Monkey and the Cosmic Crusaders of both female and male warriors. Also starring secondary characters such as other heroes, antiheroes and villains. Main villains were such as Captain Corrupter, the Pirate Amazons and the Dominators. Very popular but controversial over immodesty of certain female outfits and body shapes.



Fantasy based stories of Mars with flying ships, citystates, great canals, brave warriors, princes and princesses, monsters, mad scientists, evil villains and much else. Based mainly on the adventures of John Carter but not always.



Sherlock Holmes, famous consulting detective, as 3DTV, 3Dmovie, SVR characters in steampunk version of London and the British Empire of the very late Nineteenth Century of the Lost Earth. Includes Doctor Watson as main secondary character and Professor James Moriarty as main villain.



A series of 3Dmovies and a 3DTV series based on a mysterious infection-infestation causing the appearance of human, and animal, zombies in isolated parts of Mars. The heroes are the Special Investigations and Solutions Agency, the SISA, First Encounter Assault Recon, FEAR, and a variety of other government, corporate and citizen groups. Villains are the zombies, the Zombie Cult and the mysterious aliens behind the outbreaks.

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WoodWindWays was a beautiful settlement, designed for spiritual affairs, for the making of music and for peaceful meditation. It was not much of a fortress. The famous flute-trees were not immediately obvious as the expedition approached the large tabletop hill situated town. Temples of stone were seen in the side of the hill, or at least the sections of them that were not underground. The bell tower of a Christian church could be seen along with the dome of a mosque.


Before they reached the actual settlement, they came upon the first of the small refugee camps. There were many identical looking dometents, other tents of many kinds, shacks, foam-domes, temporary warren entrances and lots of peoples of many kinds including humans, wozzles, gnomes and many others. The refugee problem was not great but there were three of the camps and local resources were being stretched.


Yet there was a surprise for assistance had arrived from the SanctuaLord SerenaTaga, one of the better of the SanctuaLord Thirteen. She was President of her own SanctuaState of Democratusia. Despite the name she never faced any real challenge for all Presidential Elections were ritualistic at best. Yet her regime was one of limited democracy and she was forced to compromise at times, was forced to answer many questions truthfully.


A big mechanism had come in a large, fast, graceful wingship that was a safe-cycle mattercator that generated goods out of stored mattercation substances and electricity generated by very efficient solar power arrays. Actual water was provided otherwise, poured pristine into mattercated litrejons and food was processed using an organic mattercator. This provided enough to make a good supplement for other resources that were available.


SanctuaLord SerenaTaga was concerned about the fate of SanctuaLord Tyronacus though in truth they did not like each other very much. For they were still both of the SanctuaLord Thirteen and thus firmly linked to one another. If one SanctuaLord suffered, the others felt it and if one perished, the others would be weakened.


With the large wingship had also come elite soldiers in power armour, mecha and multiple purpose jumpjets. These Democratusian Power Guards were much respected and feared, for good reason, through out the region for they were supersoldiers who were close cousins, in nature, to the zezans. They were yezan superfolk. Yet there were only enough of them to help protect WoodWindWays and its people, they having not been sent there to be involved more directly in any trouble in Tyronacustala itself.


The refugees had fled from areas where biomechics were warring with each other and groups of local fighters. These later included Borderguardia units recently moved into the area. Fighting was scattered and large areas were often peaceful but it was hard to know when and where trouble would break out or how big it would be.


RotideCitirca was waging war with SanctuaLord Tyronacus, that was apparent. RotideCitirca's controlled biomechics were far more inclined to attack others and were more likely to be attacked by others. This pattern was becoming stronger as fighting between SanctuaLord Tyronacus' forces and other forces, that is not of RotideCitirca, were ceasing conflict with each other.


The wozfolk were soon helping the locals and then so were the friendly biomechics who were now of changed appearance thanks to Granarg's efforts. The others camped in the same place as the wozfolk and the friendly biomechics but they would soon enough be setting out to get much closer to the great big dome of Tyronacustala.


It was time to gather more information, to assess new plans, to make other preparations on not only getting to the outer rim of the great polarized dome but to infiltrate into the fortified rim structures.


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JonniA1 stood amongst the flute-trees with Sarah Lyons and the sweet lilting music filled the air around them, caused by a gentle breeze flowing through the amazing structures of the exotic plants. The breeze ebbed and the music died away.


JonniA1 sighed. “Beautiful, very beautiful. It sings to the spirit.”


Sarah smiled. “I agree but is why did you really ask me to come here with you?”


JonniA1 smiled back. “Partly to hear the music and partly to speak about important matters in private. We are both of the Arising Thirteens, as Graharg first told me, but Graharg Thirteen has not told us everything that it knows. Why and how are we arising here and now?”


Sarah frowned. “I am but a soldier; what would I know of such matters?”


JonniA1 responded. “What am I but a supersoldier? Graharg Thirteen, does it serve the Lords and Ladies of the Light?”


Granarg stepped into view, seemingly from nowhere, and she spoke. “We serve the Ways of the Light that the Lords and Ladies of the Light also serve. Yet we also give service to the Great Balance that is opposed to both total chaos, one one hand, and oppressive order on the other. Jonni Thirteen, you are 'sensing' that there is far more to us than we just being Graharg Thirteen and you are correct. Yet we can not really answer your question for the knowledge of our true nature is hidden from us for very good reasons; somehow we know this though we do not know the reasons. It was partly our decision to have this done to ourselves. We were the Patriot Thirteen, or at least one of them.”


JonniA1 and Sarah looked puzzled. Both knew of the Patriot Thirteen who had been powerful, wealthy and influential VIPs of PreDoomsday Mars. The Patriot Thirteen had been tied to many great ventures and events but also with the troubles that had led to Doomsday.


Granarg kept on speaking. “There were two Patriot Thirteens because there needed to be two of us. The other were not of the Thirteen of Thirteen and we helped to create them to assist us. When things began to go wrong, when the Thirteen of Thirteen began to fragment, to go bad in many ways, we lost contact with the other Patriot Thirteen. We have not regained contact with them since before Doomsday.”


“The reason I speak of the Patriot Thirteens is that was our major reason for becoming one of the Thirteens, of the Thirteen of Thirteen, in the first place. We would become the Prime Patriot Thirteen, our secret name, and would create the Secondary Patriot Thirteen, being their secret name.”


Granarg paused, sniffed the air, and spoke again. “We know that what happened to we, of the Thirteen of Thirteen, and to the other Thirteens, is strongly linked to what is going on now. For the breakdown of the Thirteen of Thirteen had something to do with the obtaining and misuse of powerful Artifacts of both the Light and the Shadow. Yet there were other factors, other powerful artifacts, involved. All were linked back to the Light Shadow War and the loss of so many great artifacts during that war.”


Suddenly she changed topics but for good reason. “We are under attack. Quick, we must get back to the others.”


Which was when the monstrously massive biomechic appeared to them, floating through the sky high above them but being so big it threw shadow across the whole of the settlement of WoodWindWays.

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The great squat saucer shaped super-biomechic was not attacking WoodWindWays but was trying to protect it; its weapon bays and turrets unleashed missiles, shells and pulsebeams at the actual attackers. The great quasiliving entity shimmered and sparkled with deflector plating and force shields. From its bays spat smaller flying biomechics, moving in cluster formations of interceptors and aerial weapon platforms. It bore the glowing symbols of SanctuaLord Tyronacus and the SanctuaState Tyronacustala.


The attackers came as swarms of black-purple-red biomechics, created and controlled by RotideCitirca using captured resources inside Tyronacustala, supermutant. They came as jumpjets, as vertibirds, as rocket-planes and even as saucers. With them were vaguely dragon like mutamutants being mutagons. These last were a kind of mutagenic mutant but were not a kind of supermutant, there being some significant differences. The mutagons had less speed but amazing agility and used great incredibly sharp and hard claws with impressively horrible results.


The fighting quickly grew very savage in the air. Then it was added to as attack-vertibirds joined the fray, firing weaponry at the attackers. These were of the forces of SanctuaLord SerenaTaga. They were small, sleek, fast and nimble for vertibirds being called viperbirds. They were also well armoured and armed for their size having good antigrav booster capacity.


A viperbird exploded mid-air. Two enemy biomechics fell burning towards the ground. Air defense units on the surface dared not shoot lest they hit the wrong people. The big saucer shuddered as a large missile struck it but little damage was done thanks to the force shields, deflector plating and special heavy armouring. A mutagon crashed into another, both falling and fighting each other instinctively as they did so, killing each other.


The fighting started to die off as the enemy turned and began to retreat, even the berserker savage mutagons though they seemed reluctant to do so. The enemy were soon disappearing into the distance and nobody followed. The attack had failed thanks to the sudden, surprising, intervention of SanctuaLord Tyronacus.


The great saucer biomechic turned and began its journey back to the SanctuaState Tyronacustala where it was needed. Its smaller units went back into the big vessel, many needed regenerative repair in the way of quasiliving entities.


The viperbirds turned and flew back to their hidden airbase, some leaving behind thin trails of smoke.


Then came a pleasing surprise. Graharg, himself, was in the area for he had gone secretly from the MultiTransCubeShip to Tyronacustala, had met secretly with the deeply troubled SanctuaLord Tyronacus, and changes had come.


RotideCitirca was active inside Tyronacustala, was trying to steal not only highly valuable data but a Lesser Shadow Sphere that SanctuaLord Tyronacus had hidden away there. Yet he was also after something else that was far more dangerous, in some ways, than was the Lesser Shadow Sphere. This was saying a great deal.


Graharg, who had been in contact with the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow in a more directly difficult fashion, had given him surprising and disturbing news. RotideCitirca was no longer serving the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow but had betrayed them in order to start following another, more mysterious set of entities known as the Lords and Ladies of the Dominance. The Lords and Ladies of the Shadow had refused to say much about them except that they were a set of former Lords and Ladies of the Shadow who had supposedly perished in the Light Shadow War only to show up all of a sudden in more recent times. They were much changed in their ways, in their very nature. The Lords and Ladies of the Shadow hated them, of course, but they hated everybody, including themselves.


It was the Lords and Ladies of the Dominance who had helped RotideCitirca take control of CentroRadius and OmniMultiple. They had subverted his mission to hunt for powerful artifacts for the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow and he had then turned to finding such artifacts for the Lords and Ladies of the Dominance. They had given him-her-it other missions but the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow did not seem to know what they were.

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Strange Alternate History Mars where bizarre Nazi superhumans open up a portal to 'Mars Hell' to unleash the DoomLords and the DoomHorda.

*Three choices of factions being a Free Alliance Marine, Nazi Stormtrooper or a DoomHorda Deathbringer. Other options later added.

*Wide varieties of equipment, including weapons, armour, vehicles, robots, androids and more. Special goods and services gained from stockpiles and special machines along with exotic genetically engineered plants.

*Many zones including Marslands, domed cities, underground bases, ancient alien ruins and many others.

*Many monsters, mutants, non playable factions and other threats plus obstacles.



*'Four dimensional' maze of length, depth, width and time related transformation.

*Players become Scouts, Hunters, Fighters or Servers with general and special abilities, general and special equipment and supplies.

*Players can go along in single player zones or in small groups in small team player zones or in larger groups in big team player zones.

*Players can gain artifacts, treasures, resupplies and equipment along with exotic items.

*Players can in some games gain items that lead to real prizes related to real reality.

*Players can sometimes access exotic vending machines, tree grown resources and other items common only in some kinds of mazes.

*Considering the kinds of mazes, players deal with other players, with booby-traps, with turrets, with monsters, with player like enemies, with robots and much else. Some kinds of mazes have unique threats.

*Special separate challenges of arena matches, car races, gambling games and much else.



Simulation Stimulation World is a world of escapism but also of focused activities from social networking to education to hobbies to sexual to gambling and many others including special game realms. Based on a super virtual reality world based loosely on Earth before the Earth Doomsday.

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RotideCitirca had gone, taking many stolen resources with him along with data but SanctuaLord Tyronacus knew what he had stolen. This included the data. It seemed that RotideCitirca was seeking all kinds of powerful artifacts to give over to the Lords and Ladies of the Dominance but that he was very much seeking a mysterious crashed spaceship. This spaceship was very exotic, was very well hidden and held within it some amazing secrets; it was also highly dangerous and within it were many horrors.


The mysterious ship had crashed into the Martian Overworld on Doomsday. Then it had vanished. The sheer chaos that had covered Mars, that had gone out into space beyond even the World Bubble, was enough to conceal even such a strange event. Network-systems, people, all had not been in a position to note or record such events except for a very few.


JonniA1 studied the people in Bethesdatown that she had grown up with as a child before she was abducted. It was odd to think they had been in status-sleep for years and had also missed out on much taking place. Experiments had been done on them but by whom was a mystery. They did not seem to have anything directly to do with RotideCitirca or anything at all to do with SanctuaLord Tyronacus.


It would take time to status-awaken them and that would be done in Greenhope Sanctuary. It was better that way for there were more useful and effective resources in Hopetown Special Hospital. The sleeper-capsules were being loaded onto special trolleys and would be taken to a small special fitted out aeroship freighter.


SanctuaLord Tyronacus was in deep healing sleep inside a very special type of rejuvenation status-capsule. The dome of Tyronacustala was becoming more transparent from the outside even as inside the dome it was shifting and changing to become more positive. Yet also revealed were great wondrous biomechanical architecture that was also art along with great status and other sculptures that were also buildings. Mostly shades of grey were being mostly replaced by bright colours of many hues.


JonniA1 spoke to Graharg, her father. “They will be safe in Hopetown. I, JonniA1, will stay with them while other Jonnies will assist you in other ways.”


Graharg smiled his usual calm smile. “Of course, if you wish it to be so. Indeed all of Jonni Thirteen will then remain in Greenhope Sanctuary from now on, unless a special need arises. Even then at least four of you will always be here.”


“Being one entity, that is thirteen entities, is very interesting. So far there are only three of me.” She sighed. “I suppose you can not tell me about yourself.”


“All thirteen of myself are busy. Granarg is here with me, as you know. Grazarg and Gratarg are in Hopetown.” Graharg responded matter of factually. “The others are active across the Marslands. One is in NewVegas of Calibraska. One is in MarsYork, the Big Red Apple of Mars. One is in Point Lookout meeting many zezan superfolk and others who have rebelled against the zetans and escaped from them.”


At that JonniA1 sighed. “Very well, JonniB1 will go to this Point Lookout and meet with my people.”


Graharg smiled some more. “I will go with you to give you all the support that I can give you for you are my daughter.”


They hugged briefly. Yet Jonni found herself wondering if there was another reason also that Graharg wanted, needed, to go to Point Lookout for.


Graharg spoke when they stopped hugging. “Yes, very much so, for the very same reason that it was no accident that your people landed at Point Lookout. They were guided there, according to the Lords and Ladies of the Light, but by who or why, the Lords and Ladies of the Light either don't know or are unwilling to say. I admit there are some things that I do not speak of with you.”


JonniA1 nodded. “I trust you to know what to say, and when it needs to be said.”


Graharg smiled. “Thank you, daughter.”

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RotideCitirca had gone from Sanctuarius, taking his forces with him-her-it. Sanctuarius was safer, more stable than it had been, though it still faced problems. SanctuaLord Tyronacus and SanctuaLord SerenaTaga signed reform degrees to free up internal rule, adding new constitutions. They also signed an alliance with Greenhope Sanctuary. It was only a start but a good one.


Materialization continued but new ones began with the appearance of two multimans with each set of four multimutants and two multidroids with each appearance of multibots. These numbers would increase by one with each further materialization and they would become part of the Greenhope Sanctuary.


Jonni Thirteen was now all in Greenhope Sanctuary. The construction began of a big new research development complex outside of Hopetown that would gain the name of Hopebase. It was planned that many research and development projects would be instigated there along with the manufacture and testing of prototypes. Some of the projects would be focused on Sanctuarius and some on the Marslands but most would be otherwise directed.


More people arrived from the Marslands in a consistent stream of moderate to small sized groups. Lifeforms were sent to be studied along with artifacts. Historical artifacts were to be preserved and, perhaps, one day returned to the Martian Overworld.


Granarg staid in Greenhope Sanctuary but the others of Graharg Thirteen departed to other places, some inside Sanctuarius but others back in the Martian Overworld.


Jonni Thirteen was happy to be with her family as they woke up one by one from status-sleep, as they slowly but surely became fully aware of their new home, of what had happened. JonniB1 met her mother, her brother, her two sisters and others and helped them as returned to full activity.


JonniB2 remained with Arnold Blue to help protect him and to assist him, and his family, in other ways. The domed cottage would be good for both families soon. The cottage was extended outwards with new courtyards as well as buildings and so was the dome along with the addition of new underground structures. It blended in with other domed cottages in the area, all of them having people living there or soon to live there.


The construction of a big new, mostly underground, refugee reception complex was begun. It would be able to carefully check people for security, quarantine and other reasons before they were allocated a list of places they could choose to live in. The security angle was not officially emphasized but unofficially was very important as it was becoming increasingly evident that threats had to be checked against. There were not just the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow to deal with now but also the even less known about Lords and Ladies of the Dominance.


The construction began also of a great network of network-systems of defense, civil emergency, communications, transportation and other kinds that would serve Greenhope Sanctuary. This would be designed not just for current settlements but for future ones to come.


Other Grand Sanctuaries were getting the same sort of construction programs. The only problem was shortage of certain kinds of resources but this problem was also steadily being dealt with. A big new network of network-systems to link all of the Grand Sanctuaries, including Greenhope, was begun in the planning stages but was soon progressing rapidly; the links between the Grand Sanctuaries were quite weak, especially between the three clusters of three that they were placed in. The networks of network-systems would first be strengthened inside each Grand Sanctuary Cluster.

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Graharg went into a very secret meeting at a very secret location in Sanctuarius. Indeed it was a part of Sanctuarius that the vast majority of people did not know existed.


Graharg stood in a great domechamber where the air itself seemed to glow softly. There were no shadows. He stood in exotic robes that also glowed softly being golden metallic. He spoke in a very ancient language that was beyond human hearing to pick up.


“It is clear that the Lords and Ladies of the Light are reluctant to face the truth but are starting to do so. There is some hope in that factor alone. As for the Lords and Ladies of the Twilight, oddly enough they did face and accept the truth some thousands of centuries ago but had been reluctant to do anything about it until about two thousand years ago. The Lords and Ladies of the Shadow refute the truth openly but fearfully are aware of the truth in secret. Then there are the Lords and Ladies of the Dominance and the Lords and Ladies of the Chaotic. The former are convinced that it is all a lie and the latter are simply too chaotic to deal with the truth.”


The voice seemed to speak from the very air itself, coming from all directions at once but was not too loud or overwhelming. Instead it was calming. “RotideCitirca now serves the Lords and Ladies of the Dominance but what do they seek, what are their goals? RotideCitirca stole valuable, potentially dangerous, data from the Unified Orbital Republic and from SanctuaLord Tyronacus.”


Graharg nodded. “RotideCitirca was clever enough to steel a great deal of data in order to make it more difficult to discover just what he-she-it was really seeking. We, Graharg Thirteen, are going through copies of the data that he-she-it took and yet we are starting to compute that RotideCitirca did more than steal data, that RotideCitirca sought more than that data.”


The voice spoke again. “There is strong possible truth in this but do not be decoyed from the central path. You must seek and find the lost starship the VOYAGERARA, discover how it reached Mars, how it vanished after crashing and how it got to where it is.”


Graharg frowned softly. Yes the Enlightentori were greatly wise and aware but sometimes he did not totally agree with them.


The voice came again. “You know that we only advise you, that we never pretend never to make mistakes. If your instinct drives you to also learn about other possible factors, then do so. We will always support you fully in what you do.”


Graharg bowed briefly, a shallow motion of deep respect. “I suspect strongly that RotideCitirca has his-her-its own hidden agenda, has always had such, which partly explains its past acts of treachery. It also explains why the Lords and Ladies of the Shadow tried to control RotideCitirca by convincing he-she-it, and many others, that they had created it while in truth RotideCitirca was always an exotic AncientOne as is RothuaRetirwa. Neither seems to know that not only are they siblings but are twins.”


“Triplets.” The Enlightentori responded, being one as many as one. They had once been a cousin people of the well known AncientOnes but had gone a very different path in their development. “There is one other that does not understand that one's true identity and has to gain that knowledge with one's own efforts.”


The big surprise to Graharg was that he was not really surprised by this realization.



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