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HGEC outfit problems


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im having a lot of problems with outfits using the HGEC body. such as RMF Ageha, SG015 leia, speedbuster's Lambda armor, a few of Hentai's outfits listed under "NEWHENTAI", and the Homura outfit. the meshes with show up fine in NifSkope, but when i try to place them in game they either show up only partially, dont show up at all and the character is naked, or show up distorted and with most of the outfit missing. for example the RMF Ageha outfits show up as a completly nude character with a bundle of what appears to be grey feathers hovering over thier left shoulder. does anyone know whats wrong? Edited by GodKingVivec
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I'm by no means and expert, but I have had some problems when using either too big of an upper or lower body setting, where basically the skin would show through the clothing/armor. Also, I have a few problems when using the vanilla skeleton model with other mods that were designed to be used with the corronera or later skeletons.


If you have a lot of texture mods, it might also be helpful to try disabling them all then adding them one-by-one, in case something is getting overwritten. I'm still getting started, but it can be hard to tell which mods conflict sometimes.

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at first i thought it was the texture too. but i applied other textures with nifskope and it was the same way. i dont use them in game cuz of the problems, i test them in the construction set. i even tried the outfits on humanoid creatures like the female lich and still got the same result, so it must be a problem with the mesh itself.
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in regards to the reply about rmf ageha... doesnt the type of body youre using only effect the texture of the characters actual skin, unless it requires a totally different skeleton like BBB? because if it was built around the roberts meshes it has those meshes already included on the mesh of the armor. like how vanilla clothes still work even if youre using exnem like i do. besides i remember now that i had the robert male body and it still wouldnt work. and to animalriot... what do you mean hardcoded?
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The body mesh inside the clothing determines only that, the body mesh used (on a per-actor basis). The texture used is set up by the race settings (on a per-race basis), the one in the NIFs is ignored. That's why you can't use clothing for one body mod on another, those meshes will use the non-fitting textures.


It is also a common misconception that you can use Vanilla clothing on Exnem bodies (or any others) just fine. It might work for Vanilla races, as long as it's for bodyparts the Vanilla textures are still available for (foot will never work as it's always replaced by the fullbody texture of the body mod), but "custom" races won't even work at all to begin with, as there never were any Vanilla texture files present, only the foot one (if it was made with a specific body mod in mind)!


That's why Stock Replacers are absolutely inevitable when using body mods! Just stop thinking (and especially telling) you could get away fine without them, as you will be running head-on into capital issues rather sooner than later!


(Not a rant, just a reminder. This common knowledge seems not to be so common these days.) :sweat:


As for "hardcoded" texture pathes, I think that name is misleading. It should be rather called "absolute" file pathes, starting with a drive letter, as opposed to "relative" pathes, starting with "textures" instead. The first ones will never work on other people's installations, or only very rarely!

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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thats what i meant when i said it affects texture, like how exnems mesh when applied to certain body meshes places the groin area goin down the leg and nipples on your side or something. i didnt think that" since the mesh is already present on the outfit that it wouldnt matter what body mesh your character had. because placing the outfit on your character would just replace the bodypart that the outfit covers with the part mesh that the clothing was modeled around.
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