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The WORST Game Ever


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Some people are going to hate me for this, so if you like a certain strategy game and can't stand it if somebody doesn't like it, don't read the censored part.



I Hate warcraft 3, it was just so cliche and lame. Oh yeah, I didn't like starvraft either, so call me what you want, maybe I just sucked at them, I don't know, but I hated it.


I was beginning to think I was the only one.


Also, I really really hate Doom 3. It's a horrible attempt at a pseudo-tacticool shooter, a horror game and a run-and-gunner game mashed together. It doesn't even remotely resemble the first two games.

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Also, I really really hate Doom 3. It's a horrible attempt at a pseudo-tacticool shooter, a horror game and a run-and-gunner game mashed together. It doesn't even remotely resemble the first two games.


Doom 3 IMO was okay, but the earlier games certainly were better. Talking about ID, IMO, their worst game was Quake 4. So boring...

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The worst game I probably ever played is Masters of Orion 3, because I had no idea what to do and it bored me to death, that was a waste of $50. Although I used to, I also don't like the GTA games, especially San Andreas with it's horrible, unrealistic plot and outdated graphics (games like Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 came out close to the same time as it), though I heard GTA4 was more realistic. Ethnic Cleansing looks horrificly bad since not only it is blatently rascist but there are older games that have far better graphics than it, I watched a youtube video of it and the lighting was especially horrible.
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I'm going to jump on the same wagon as many of the previous posters and agree that Doom3 was the worst game ever simply because it was a HUGE disappointment to all us fans of the original. So much of what made the original so much fun was lost as they seemed to try to turn the game into an interactive movie.
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Doom 3 IMO was okay, but the earlier games certainly were better. Talking about ID, IMO, their worst game was Quake 4. So boring...

Quake 4 was kind of nice to me. They recreated the original Quake 2 baddies to be much more formidable and dangerous without changing them too much. But Doom 3, oh look, a lost soul, what's it gonna do? Crash into the wall if you step out of the way, just like 12 years ago. And imps, oh wow. Now their fireballs (which are plasma now, apparently), are affected by gravity! Have you seen how long it takes for a fireball to reach you?

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Armored Core anyone?


Any of the Armored Core games.


The controls are so hard to use that it makes the game unplayable. While youre trying to fly, aim, dodge missles, use counter measures, shoot, toggle weapons, and reload....you computer controlled oppoment is making a mockery of you.


Also I have to bring up Midways latest abortion, Unreal Tournament 3

By far the worse Unreal Tournament Ive ever played. AI knows exatly where you are at all times. They gutted the gameplay down do the most basic FPS. Removed many features that were extremely popular in Unreal Tournament 2004 and 2003. No adrenaline combos, weapons deal waaay too much damage (one hit rocket kills), flak cannon is entirely useless, and they sped the gameplay up to the point of it being ridiculous. Its too fast to enjoy. Not to mention the best types of gameplay were also gutted from the game. No Assualt, No Bombing Run, No Invasion. The only thing the game has going for it are the graphics. Nothing else. I loved Unreal Tournament right up until I shelled out 60 bucks for the abortion that is Unreal Tournament 3


It didnt take me long to re-install Unreal Tournament 2004 back to my computer :) (yay unreal the way its supposed to be!)

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IVAN - Iter Vehemens ad Necem ( A Violent Road to Death ) http://ivan.sourceforge.net/



1 - addictive

2 - death is swift and you'll be rolling another character before you know it. :confused:

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