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The WORST Game Ever


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Not as bad as Force Unleashed 2 :P

Could it be worse than Force Unleashed 1, which managed to make taking down a freaking Imperial Star Destroyer with your bare hands using the force the most frustrating, anti-climactic and by far worst part of the entire game?

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Not as bad as Force Unleashed 2 :P

Could it be worse than Force Unleashed 1, which managed to make taking down a freaking Imperial Star Destroyer with your bare hands using the force the most frustrating, anti-climactic and by far worst part of the entire game?


Actually yes. It was. Being an avid Star Wars fan, I have to say Force Unleashed 2 was the biggest disappointment I've played in a SW video game. I won't go into detail to avoid spoilers, but I will say FU2 was about the most repetitive game in the history of mankind(and had a lack-luster story line that had some unrealistic parts to it Star Wars wise). Besides that the game was really freaking gorgeous in terms of looks, but that was it :\

That and the enemy architecture kind of stunk too. There wasn't really variety. It was just 3 groups. The group you could practically throw around and chop and shock, the group you could only use light sabers against, and then the group that blocked every single move you do except for Force Repulse. And of course each of those enemies all looked the same, they didn't even attempt to make them at least look different like they did in Force Unleashed 1 by throwing in Rodians. The entire game was really like that, and it was just all too easy. You knew exactly what to expect and what to do. And there wasn't really even any semi-puzzles or anything that procured a challenge at all in that game. At least with Force Unleashed 1, they actually made it seem they were attempting to put something creative and fun out there. FU2 just seemed like they put it out there just to say they did. It was HIGHLEY dissapointing. I honestly liked the first one better.

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I actually found myself enjoying Force Unleashed 1 but definitely not all of it. The concept for dominating everyone with over-the-top force powers is great and all, but everything is far too linear. And 'dem Star Destroyers make me want to cry. Plus, all those times I got stuck in the geometry...


I think I'll check out some videos right now for the sequel.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I actually found myself enjoying Force Unleashed 1 but definitely not all of it. The concept for dominating everyone with over-the-top force powers is great and all, but everything is far too linear. And 'dem Star Destroyers make me want to cry. Plus, all those times I got stuck in the geometry...


I think I'll check out some videos right now for the sequel.

I wouldn't get the sequel it's only 4-5 hours long for single-player.

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I would say any video game based on a movie is terrible. Mostly because the game maker wants you to have the same story as the movie which can be really not the funnest story. I dont know why but every movie based game I played was horrible.


Goldeneye. :thumbsup:

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