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The WORST Game Ever


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Yup firewarrior , sucks big time it looks like a half-life 1 mod. games workshop should have stickied to TBS like what they had on games published by SSI.

Dow 1 was good, winter assault was ok, dark crusade was fair and soul storm sucked for the lack of campaign.

Dow 2 was also great but didnt have a good storytelling plot, the blood ravens had too much powerful relics. chaos crusade was good if you had an option to play as pure chaos or pure blood raven, but what you had was slider for good and evil. Retribution, was supposed to be balanced but it wasnt.

Space marine was good for a while, but was boring at the end. not too much customization, i dont love the warhammer 40k universe and lore i wouldnt have bought the games. i have all warhammer 40,000 games released on pc, and psp. even vengeance of the blood angels for those of you who had those on you windows9x,.

Darksector was an innovative game but all elements or "stealth" is not seen at all.

Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2, relied too much on online play they forgot lan gaming.

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Starcraft 2, relied too much on online play they forgot lan gaming.


idk about lan gaming as ive never done it with any game, but i love SC2. actually im playing it again right now. the Campaign that is (for like the 5th or 6th time lol)


i dont to MP PvP. any online i do is the Custom Maps like Tower Defenses and the like.

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At least watching the E.T. video made me laugh.


In Skyjinx there is left and there is right and there you go.



I feel like E.T. has gotten the reputation of "worst game ever" without people ever actually playing/seeing it. It's like it's a knee jerk reaction when people hear E.T. they automatically just repeat how it's the worst game ever.


E.T. is a horrendous game, but it is not close to being crowned as worst game ever. Titles like Superman on the N64, or any of the Zelda/Mario games on the CD-i are far worse than E.T.

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Worst games of all time would have to be Halo Reach, and Halo 4. Although, Halo 4 is worse than Reach in every aspect. Forge mode in H4: absolutely f****d up; Theater Mode: doesn't seem like big time screenshot artists like myself will get to take screenies with effects in them anymore(pretty sure others are raging about the terrible compatibility of nerfed effect making in theater mode); Spartan Ops: so many problems and glitches with Spartan Ops, it's actually funny; War Games: absolutely no f*****g point in 343 renaming matchmaking and calling Team Slayer "Infinity" Slayer - and two other terrible things about War Games would have to be that matchmaking is just absolutely broken, and that 1. the map selection is terrible, and 2. Ragnarok and Haven are the worst maps ever created(343 took the worst possible map from Halo 3 and made it even more terrible); and Campaign: not only do certain campaign missions flat out not work for me, but I've heard from quite a few diehard Halo fan friends of mine that the campaign is nothing but button pushing(hell, one of them refuses to get Halo 4)...


Don't get me wrong, I like Halo, but it should have just ended with Halo 3. I mean, only 343 could have made a game that's worse than Halo Reach, and that's saying something because Halo Reach was an absolute failure of a game 100 fold. Seriously, there's nothing worse than those two games. I mean, sure Halo Reach's forge system and matchmaking system were broken...but 343 managed to accomplish the incredible feat of making those two systems even more broken. Plus, 343 didn't even try with the forge system, as all of their maps are just not even stitched together properly(no joke, Erosion has some serious stitching problems and major gaps in the map, and Impact is just...god awful).


Nothing can beat Halo 4 in it's magnitude as a complete miserable failure of a game. I'll be honest, I was not surprised that 343 managed to turn the most anticipated game of 2012 into an absolute cluster f*** and train wreck. First, I was excited about it when I first heard about it...but as the months went by and the ViDoc's kept showcasing the game, I began thinking, "This looks just like CoD." And wouldn't you know it, it is just like CoD. Soon, nearing November, I kind of dreaded even thinking about getting the game...and I was right in dreading it. Thus, my Christmas present to myself this year is going to Gamestop, and selling the worst game ever created.


Sorry to any of you H4 fans...but it's the sad truth. No offense was intended in the post.

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I've had a few bad experiences...


Cheap Jeep Thrills: A racing game with zero effort put into it that is clearly nothing more than a feeble effort to sell more Jeeps. Unrealistic physics, wimpy AI drivers, a complete inability to trash your vehicle no matter how hard you try, painfully obvious texture recycling, half-baked sound effects (you'd think Jeep could have at least recorded an actual engine sound for them), this game has it all. I got it free with one of those steering wheel things for the Wii, though, so at least I can rest easy knowing that I didn't actually pay for this piece of garbage.


Ultima 8 - Pagan: Once EA got their hands on Origin, the grandaddy of all RPGs died a slow and painful death. This game basically did away with everything that made the Ultima series great. There were no party members, forced linear gameplay, a tiny game world, a weird emphasis on jumping (which has encouraged some former fans of the series to dub it "Super Avatar Brothers"), no NPC portraits, and more bugs than dialogue. Way to go, EA.


Spore: Okay, this probably shouldn't be listed among the worst games of all time, but it was a pretty huge let-down for me. After all the hype, I was really expecting some incredibly complex, science-oriented Simlife 2.0. Instead, what I got was a series of four short, mindless mini-games that bore virtually NO resemblance to the evolutionary process they were supposedly inspired by. What's worse, the gameplay in all four stages of evolution was so incredibly different that


A) None of them were fully developed, and


B) Even if you enjoyed one a little bit, the rest of the game did not resemble it in the least.


Eventually I got bored, made a couple of species that looked like certain parts of the human anatomy, led them to their intergalactic demise, and stopped playing. Whoop-dee-doo. I had to make flying space ******s to find the game the least bit amusing.

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Ultima 8 - Pagan: Once EA got their hands on Origin, the grandaddy of all RPGs died a slow and painful death. This game basically did away with everything that made the Ultima series great. There were no party members, forced linear gameplay, a tiny game world, a weird emphasis on jumping (which has encouraged some former fans of the series to dub it "Super Avatar Brothers"), no NPC portraits, and more bugs than dialogue. Way to go, EA.


Ultima 9 is far, far worse. If it was a stand-alone, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. But they called it Ultima. 9. Your Avatar doesn't know a damn thing (No, he doesn't have amnesia, it's just a very crappy attempt at exposition for people new to the series. Dude! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A PALADIN IS? YOUR BEST FRIEND WHO SACRIFICED HIS LIFE FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD IN 7 WAS A PALADIN! (Phew, I'm channeling the Spoony One...)


I'd rather receive open heart surgery from Mehrunes Dagon than play this game. I'd rather--oh man, now the Angry Video Game Nerd!


Anyway, Ultima 9 has my vote.

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Fire Warrior isn't great, but it's faaaar from the worst game ever. It runs with minimal bugs, it's faithful to the lore, and it has solid mechanics. There's nothing (imo) to elevate it above mediocrity, but there are far worse shooters, and far worse games in general.


That street cleaning simulator and the reviews made me LMAO!


And to be fair, everyone knows that either Off The Road Racing or Ethnic Cleansing are the worst games ever. So really this is a debate for third place. Imo, the third worst game ever is Left Behind: Eternal Forces.

It's a "Christian" game, but I'm not bashing Christianity. I think most Christians would hate this game just as much as I do, for abusing the term "Christian" and for generally being awful. The premise is basically: "As "Christians" left behind after the rapture, kill or convert all survivors and overthrow the antichrist's government of feminists, Arabs, Jews, and homosexuals."



Not only is the game downright insidious and idiotic, but the balancing is bad, the mechanics are unoriginal, there's no story, and the sequel/spinoffs make it clear that the game is a shameless money-grab in addition to a severely misguided piece of misogynistic, racist trash. To make it even worse, the company responsible for that garbage threatened to sue anyone who pointed out what a piece of s*** the game is, and claimed they were the VICTIMS of a hate conspiracy. The level of bull**** and denial is almost tangible.


I'm not berating the religion, because I know most Christians would want nothing to do with this game, and I'm not going to start a religious debate, because the issue here is not religion. I'm simply berating the company and the game for being such failures as people and entertainment, regardless of the name they chose to hide their intolerance behind.

Edited by Rennn
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