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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Ok, squeezing one more in. As I was organizing the readme, I noticed I'd done this fix for the Redcliffe Chantry:


6. (v3.0) Restored an inaccessible line in a Chantry woman's post-siege dialogue.


But then I rememberd - there are no non-quest related women (or men, or children) in the post siege chantry. Whoops. So I looked. Every villager who is originally in the chantry has post siege dialogue. Most of them are moved outside - including the one I did that fix for, so I have to change that description to:


6. (v3.0) Restored an inaccessible line in a female Villager's post-siege ambient dialogue.


But there are 3 villagers in the Chantry who are not moved outside. Given how utterly bare and desolate the Chantry feels after the siege anyway...


7. (v3.0) Three villagers in the Chantry were removed after the siege without being moved outside, so their post-siege dialogue could never be heard. Those 3 villagers will now remain in the Chantry after the siege.



BTW, has no one mentioned the Origins I asked about because no one has looked,, or has someone looked and not found anything worth reporting? :smile:

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IT005: The longsword "Imperial Edge" will now have rune slots enabled.



Just so you guys know, at the rate this is going, there's no way this is getting released before the end of next week :sad: And it's going to cost me an entire week's vacation to get it done in that time frame. Sorry. This readme is just freakin' HUGE. I'll be very surprised if this doesn't come out to more than 800 fixes.


On the other hand, back in February when I started this, I predicted a June release, and it's looking like it'll be quite early in June despite finding WAY more bugs than I ever expected, so still good on that front!

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"BTW, has no one mentioned the Origins I asked about because no one has looked,, or has someone looked and not found anything worth reporting? "

I did take a look at the dwarven noble origin, but havn't finished it. The only thing I can add is that Gorim's Sword recuires 25 strength. Gorim only has 18, so if he unequips it he can't re-equip it. That seems like an oversight.

Oh, and there's this from the IA readme:

It is now possible to only injure Mandar Dace instead of fighting him to the

death. Bioware always planned for this to be in the game, but for some reason

never provided the option.

No idea if that's true, but might be worth looking into. I might look for more, but that would have to be tomorrow.

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Thanks for the reminder about Gorim's sword, TotalBalance - I did intend to do that one but put it off because it's tricky and forgot to add it to my TODO list. The reason it's tricky is there's 3 possible ways to deal with it, and all have a downside:


1) Remove the strength restriction. The problem with that is that it's not the only Gorim's Sword in the game - Gorim himself will sell you a copy of it in Denerim later on. I'm not *that* worried about the one in the Origin as it will get removed before you get to Ostagar so it's not a *huge* deal (though it would change the balance of the Proving fights if the player can use it, which sucks), but the one in Denerim is a truly big deal. A tier 5 red steel longsword that could be used by a mage player, Morrigan or Wynne without ever putting a single point into strength would be fairly clearly *not intended*. So at the very least I'd have to make an alternate version of Gorim's Sword for the Origin only, which is messy, and it would still change the balance of the proving fights, so bleah.


2) Reduce the material type to tier 3 steel to lower the strength restriction. I don't like it. Presumably the Origin's combat was balanced with the better sword in play. This would be a nerf. And it would be odd for "Gorim's Sword" to be made of steel in Orzammar and red steel later in Denerim. What, did he just paint it?


3) Make the sword impossible to unequip from Gorim. I am leaning toward this one - is he ever put in a situation where he does not have the sword anymore? Like when he visits you in jail?


There's also the issue according to the wiki that Gorim's damage is 0.0 (due to his not being able to legally equip the sword) until you switch out another inventory item which recalculates his damage. That sucks too.


I guess to deal with all of it properly, I have to do all of them! 1) make a different copy of the sword for the Origin only, 2) leave it tier 5 red steel but remove the strength restriction so his damage calculates properly from the beginning, AND 3) make it unable to be unequipped. That should resolve every issue, unless there's some plot event involved where Gorim should no longer have a sword that I'm not remembering.



As for Mandar Dace, I *did* look into that after reading about it in the IA readme, and I do see some dialogue lines there with different reactions from other people to not killing him, but I don't see at what point the player can or should be given the choice to not kill him - IOW I don't see how making that choice is actually executed/implemented in the scripts/dialogue. I guess I'll have to actually play through it and see if there's some point where he surrenders at low health (at which point it could maybe be done) that I'm not aware of. I'll take another look at it, but probably not till I'm done with the readme.


Thanks tons for the research help!

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So...finished the Dwarf noble origin. Got a big one and a small one:

  • In the scene where Trian accuses you of scheming against him, when he says “Do you deny it!?” your character will immediately become invisible, and reappear a few lines later. Tried multiple branches and happens all the time, only on that line.

  • I was able to reproduce the bug where Gorim will walk up to the wrong cell and make it impossible to continue, a bug that seems pretty common from what I’ve seen online. I’ve figured out the cause though: it only happens if you walk up to the bars and try to look outside, which most players will understandably do.

Aaand I just delayed the release even further, didn’t I?
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Hey Qwinn


I don't have anything constructive to add, but I just want to say thanks again for doing this! It means a lot to me and I'm sure others as well. I love this game and all the hard work you're doing and have done makes it much, much better. Keep up the great work and if I have anymore bugs or quirks I'll be sure to let you know :)

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Hey, Totalbalance, thanks for that! Actually I need to take a break from the readme, it's grueling work and I'm past the halfway point. Actually getting to play a bit will help.


I'll get to work some on it tomorrow, but then I'm basically unable to work further until Wednesday - but I'll have Wed-Sun off, which should be enough time to wrap everything up and release. So it was gonna be near the end of next week either way.


EDIT: Fired up the origin and noticed immediately - no xp for the codex entries in the first room. Sigh. Will play all the way through and see how much xp I have when I get to Ostagar... if I don't come out with more than I did as mage or dalish elf, I'll make 'em give xp.


And thanks for the kind words squareinc! Sorry, missed your post earlier.

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DWARF NOBLE section:


DN001: "Dwarf Noble Origin": Gorim's sword requires 25 strength to wield, much more than he actually has. If you unequipped it, he couldn't re-equip it, and until you messed around with his other inventory, his damage was calculated as 0. He also sells this sword much later in the game, so I would rather not downgrade the material. The version of Gorim's sword in the Origin will now have no strength requirement so it will calculate Gorim's damage correctly, but it will not be able to be unequipped.


DE002: "Dwarf Noble Origin": Five examinable objects in the Royal Palace did not give the customary 50 xp reward for their codex entries.


DN003: "Dwarf Noble Origin": If you were harsh with Gorim earlier in the Origin, when the magic merchant would faint in dialogue, the conversation would end with his being unconscious while still standing upright.

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One final toss-in. Don't know if it fits with your theme, but it's well-known that Sten is missing his L7 prestige class specialization. Less well known is that Sten, Shale and dog are all missing a +4 racial stat bonus that all the other characters get. Don't know if it's a bug or a feature, but I see no reason why these characters shouldn't get the +4 everybody else gets, especially the very option-lite Shale and dog.


I gave Sten Reaver, and added +4 stats to all three.

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One final toss-in. Don't know if it fits with your theme, but it's well-known that Sten is missing his L7 prestige class specialization. Less well known is that Sten, Shale and dog are all missing a +4 racial stat bonus that all the other characters get. Don't know if it's a bug or a feature, but I see no reason why these characters shouldn't get the +4 everybody else gets, especially the very option-lite Shale and dog.


I gave Sten Reaver, and added +4 stats to all three.


I disagree. This remained even after several patches from Bioware, so it definitely intended by developers. Besides, Qwinn does not deal with combat bugs, only quests and dialogues.

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