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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Well, this is a bit disappointing - though I'm glad I caught it before release! I was testing something in Ostagar and realized that Alistair was delivering a single wrong line in his first meeting in Ostagar! And I could replicate it! I knew this had to be due to the soundwork I did for him. I regenerated everything and discovered that you *can't* get rid of the .fsb file that contains most of the voiceover for most of his dialogue, and just have a .fsb for the new lines - if you do, one line in several hundred of his original dialogue seems to get messed up. It's so rare I almost didn't catch it - but there's no way I know of to find out which lines are messed up except in game. So I gotta put his whole sound file in game. This is going to make the download rather bigger than I expected it to be - by about 100 megs between Alistair and Morrigan's regenerated dialogue files. Oh well. Hopefully that's not a really big deal for anyone - I hope we're kinda past the days of dialup connections at this point.

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BTW, guys, gonna ask a favor. I've decided that when I release this, I'm not going to make a big deal of it. Version 3.0 will effectively be an open beta. I'm not going to create a thread on any of the more widely read forums here just yet. I'll just quietly put it up for download, link to it here, and let you guys here who have been following development give it a shot.


Why? Cause with over 700 fixes, it's guaranteed I'm going to have missed some things, like the strange issue in the last post. If you guys would be willing to download it and test it, and report to me any bugs you find, I promise I'll fix them within a few hours and update the mod as fast as humanly possible. If you do download it, just do me a favor and let me know that you've done so here (or in a private message if you prefer), and give me a progress report once in a while. Once a few people have made it to the endgame and any issues along the way have been stamped out, I'll release an official v3.1 with all the accumulated fixes and I can then advertise it more widely.


Only thing I really recommend is that you make and keep a save before entering any new area. Some things can't be fixed once an area has been loaded and saved - you have to back up to a save prior to entering the area for the first time in order for me to fix it.


Anyone willing to do this? It'd be greatly appreciated. I can only really test so many different race/class/dialog choices all by myself.

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Awesome, thanks AdenYeshua. Anyone else? Credit will be extended in the 3.1 readme for anyone who finds a bug during this testing, of course.


Note that I did human mage on my main playthrough, so between AdenYeshua and me, think we got mages covered. A dwarf noble run would be good, as they had a tremendous number of changes both in the origin and in A Paragon Of Her Kind. And someone who could play a female warden, and willing to do a romance, would be appreciated. In particular, I'd love to see Alistair marrying a female human noble warden tested.


In fact, let me list what I'd most love to see tested:


1) Dwarf Noble (male preferably, for full testing of Of Noble Birth - remember to sleep with Mardy in the Origin (or Mardy and Teli)!)

2) Female Human Noble Warden marrying Alistair

3) Male Human Noble Warden marrying Anora

4) City Elf warden (either gender, either class)


For the record, during my run, I romanced Leliana primarily, dumping Morrigan for her when she demanded it. The more different romance triangles and dumps as we can get in, the better.

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Well since my build isn't on there...


I can do a Dwarf Male Noble run. I like to role play a "holy" Templar build but I guess sleeping with as many females is a badge of honor in Dwarven society. Shouldn't effect my role much, I'll also romance Leliana, maybe Morrigan, her having a child makes much more sense in the story.

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I won't be bothered if you do an elven mage, it's cool - but, yeah, dwarf noble male would be more useful for testing purposes, I have to admit. But I'll just be happy to have any testing I can at this point, so no one should feel restricted to those 4 I listed, they're just a preference if someone doesn't have a particular desire to do something else.


As a side note, I've made an effort so that hopefully any items I created or fixed should transfer correctly if imported to Awakening or other DLC. Hopefully. I'll test it at least into Awakening before release. Which is still on schedule for sometime tonight or tomorrow, despite the fact that I'm sick as hell and on a ton of antibiotics atm.\


EDIT: Yup, fixed and new items imported to Awakening just fine.

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I can help too. Not sure how good I would be at actually picking up on anything if something is wrong, but I can try. If AdenYeshua is going with the dwarf noble, I can try the city elf warden. I'd probably go with a female who will romance Zevran. Is there is any specific choices you want tested? (like siding with the templars or the mages for example)


Also I would be playing on the GOG version of the game rather than the Steam version. I want to completely wipe the game off my computer for a clean install, and rather than re-download off Steam, I have a convenient downloaded installer to use instead. I could also play with vertical sync off to see if I run across anything odd.


Oh and can we use any mods or would you prefer yours is the only one installed? I was thinking along the lines of combat fixes, morphs, and armor mods.

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Thanks Maeassel! City elf female warden romancing Zevran would be great!! Seriously.


Make whichever choices you prefer in terms of who you side with. Aside from the base choices on class/race/gender where I might ask for something, I don't want to constrain anyone further than that, and we're at an early enough stage that there's no testing that won't be useful.


I've no idea if there are any differences between GOG or Steam versions. Is the GOG version dubbed "Ultimate Edition"? If so, then it should hopefully be fine, and if it's not, it'll be good to find out now, so yes, that'll be a good test.


Vertical sync off would be a good test too, yes, thank you. (That doesn't mean I want everyone doing that, mind you! I'll still be recommending VSync enabled. But one person trying it with it off is a good idea.)


Go ahead and use the kinds of mods I've said should be okay - textures, morphs, and combat mechanics. I know some combat mechanic mods (like Dain's Fixes) mix in some item fixes with the combat tweaks, so preferably not ones like that, but ones that are *strictly* combat mechanics, go ahead - if there's incompatibilities with those, it'd be good to know early too.


Armor mods should be fine if you mean adding in new ones. Changing existing ones, check with me first.


Thanks tons!


Aaaaand... very possible I'll be uploading in the next hour or two.

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Erm, okay, got a problem. Am attempting to upload but it's telling me that the file type I'm trying to upload (.DAZIP) is not an accepted file type. Back in the day, most mods were DAZIPs. How do I get past this? Can anyone help? Soon as someone tells me how to do it, the mod will be available for download.


EDIT: Okay, I just "compressed" the .DAZIP into a .7z. I have no idea if the Nexus Mod Manager can deal with that, as I've never used it. (I've actually never downloaded anyone else's mod, ever, heh).


But, it's up! Enjoy! Let me know how it goes.



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So has anyone successfully installed it yet? Dying to know here! I know my first v1.0 seven years ago, there was some issue in my first release that it couldn't be installed properly, forget what it was, wondering if I managed to avoid that this time.

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