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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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"This remained even after several patches from Bioware, so it definitely intended by developers."


I have to disagree with this general sentiment. If something being unpatched by Bioware meant it was intended, I wouldn't have had nearly as much work to do. The patches did make a few important fixes, but not many of them, and there were *tons* of outright major bugs that were never addressed (hence, my purpose here). But I do agree that the change in question belongs more in a rules fixpack than in mine. Do any of the current popular rules fixpacks address the issue?


DN004: Proving: When choosing to watch the Provings instead of participating, everyone would be moved to the lower balcony for a better view. If you talked to your escort even briefly before talking to the Proving Trainer, even if you chose to remain in the Proving, you and the escort would still be teleported back up to the upper balcony, preventing you from talking to the Proving Master or Trainer and giving you no further options but to leave.


DN005: Proving: When choosing to watch the Provings instead of participating, after talking to the Proving Trainer, the Proving Master alone would be teleported back up to the upper balcony. He could still be interacted with from below, and you would get more interesting dialogue (including congratulating the winner of the Proving), at the end of which the player would also be moved to the upper balcony... but the escort would remain on the lower balcony and could no longer be interacted with, causing you to be stuck in the Provings and forcing a reload. Now, after talking to the Proving Trainer, the player and the escort will also be brought back up to the upper balcony.


DN006: Proving: When choosing to watch the Provings instead of participating, when moving from balcony to balcony, Gorim would not always move with you.

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Woohoo! Got it working!


DN007: Proving: Restored the option to fight Mandar Dace without killing him. Before you land your final blow, you will now get the option to kill him or spare him. Credit to SpaceAlex and the readme of the Improved Atmosphere mod for making me aware of the previously inaccessible dialogue that will now follow if you spare him.


I have no idea if that's how IA implemented it, but I used the Surrender logic and it came out quite nicely, I think.

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"Do any of the current popular rules fixpacks address the issue?"


Not that I'm aware. A thorough ten second search didn't reveal anything. I don't know if anyone else knows about the missing stats, I discovered it myself when re-speccing them. There are mods that drop NPCs down to 1st level so you can add the stats and skills and talents you want. I noticed that those three had lower stats than the rest of the party.

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I'm back from vacation portion of my vacation, and now comes the staycation portion, wherein I don't actually get any rest and instead spend the next 5 days working on this project until release. Yay!


Today will be devoted to finishing the dwarven noble origin, where I can actually get to the two bugs reported by Totalbalance.


Stay tuned.

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Ok, so here's a correction. This fix:


DN001: "Dwarf Noble Origin": Gorim's sword requires 25 strength to wield, much more than he actually has. If you unequipped it, he couldn't re-equip it, and until you messed around with his other inventory, his damage was calculated as 0. He also sells this sword much later in the game, so I would rather not downgrade the material. The version of Gorim's sword in the Origin will now have no strength requirement so it will calculate Gorim's damage correctly, but it will not be able to be unequipped.


... is being changed to....


DN001: "Dwarf Noble Origin": Gorim's sword will now be tier 1 iron, as it is in console versions of the game, instead of tier 5 red steel. This fixes the PC-only bug where Gorim's sword could not be unequipped and re-equipped due to a high strength requirement, and where Gorim's damage would not initially calculate correctly.


Apparently, in the console versions, Gorim's sword is iron in both the origin and later on in Denerim. I didn't realize that until now. I didn't want to lower the material without any indication of what it was supposed to be, and with it seeming like they wanted the Denerim version to be red steel. Apparently, though, that was a PC-only bug, and making it match the console versions (which aren't technically bugged in any way) seems the more prudent thing to do rather than my hodge-podge fix.


EDIT: I'm getting that information from here: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Gorim%27s_Sword . Reading it again, it is actually a little ambiguous - it states flat out that the Denerim version is only tier 1 iron, but nowhere does it say that the Origin version *isn't* red steel, and that consoles aren't affected by the bug in the origin. Is it possible that in consoles there are 2 versions of the sword and they are reversed, where the origin version is red steel and the denerim is iron? I don't know. I don't have the console version. Still, I'm going to assume that the consoles only have one version, and it is iron, as that seems more likely despite the wiki ambiguity. If someone has the console version and can quickly fire up a new dwarf noble game and see what material Gorim's sword is, I'd appreciate it.


EDIT 2: Actually, a companion's damage initially showing up as 0 appears to be unrelated to the Gorim sword bug. Even after I made the sword iron, it still showed up as zero, so I checked Tamlen in the dalish elf origin, and yep, his damage initially shows as zero too. Appears to be a cosmetic GUI issue only, as if you just save and reload the damage appears correctly, and if you just start using him right away while his damage still shows as zero, he does appear to deal normal damage. As it is purely cosmetic and very temporary, and fixing would require an extremely invasive modification of an include used just about everywhere, I'm not going to worry about it.

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DN008: When speaking with Trian after the feast, fixed a bug that prevented a few extra lines of dialogue from playing if the player has the Noble Dagger given to him by the weapon merchant equipped and visible.


DN009: Diamond Quarter: Exchanged the placement of a couple of triggers for ambient overheard dialogue in this area so that they correspond to the actual placement of the speakers. The way they were tended to cause both ambient dialogues to overlap, making it difficult to hear both.


DN010: Diamond Quarter: Two scripted ambient dialogues in this area can no longer be interrupted by the player until they are complete. Doing so would prevent the participants (who did not have additional dialogue appropriate for the area) from leaving as they were supposed to.


DN011: Diamond Quarter: Disabled an ambient line belonging to one of the male nobles in this area that is unvoiced and appears more than likely to have been added mistakenly.


DN012: "Dwarf Noble Origin": The five possible ambient lines from guards in most of the areas of the Origin were supposed to be random per scripting comments - and they are repeatedly triggered simply by walking near a guard - but all but one would only appear once per game, easily exhausted at the first guard you meet, and then the dozens of remaining guards in the Origin would forever say nothing but "I am at your service" as you passed by them. The first four lines will now be able to be heard more than once, making the guards much less robotically repetitive.


DN013: Deep Roads Outskirts: When speaking with Duncan in the Deep Roads, fixed a couple of player responses that were supposed to be available only if you did not plot to kill Trian, but instead only showed if you did.


DN014: Provings: Winning the Provings will now properly close the subquest in your journal.





As an aside: I just spent a few hours trying to do a HUGE restoration: It is actually supposed to be possible to lose provings. There's tons of dialogue in every case for a lost fight. Problem is, when the player is beaten in a proving - he's dead, game over screen. I actually did manage to find a way to prevent the death and get a proper loss registered when the player is killed. It's sooo close to working great, except one problem I simply can't find a way around - when the player is returned to the Proving Master, he's stuck in combat. Nothing I have tried gets him out of it, and there's no hostile creature in the area, but he simply won't drop out of combat. It's a shame, I think it would be a very cool restoration - it would restore, I think, many many dozens of lines of recorded dialogue in one shot.. Maybe if I ever figure it out I'll get it into a v3.1. Not that I think anyone would actually ever use this functionality....

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DN015: Ruined Thaig: When confronting Trian in the Deep Roads (if you plotted to kill him), the player would disappear for several lines of dialogue, at one point leaving their weapons hanging in mid air. Thanks to TotalBalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


DN016: Ruined Thaig: In the cutscene where you are confronted by King Endrin and the lords about Trian, a couple of the guards in the cutscene are actually Trian's guards, which you may well have just killed. If so, this could cause their headless corpses to wander about the cutscene, or they could fade away in the middle of it.

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TotalBalance, I've tried like hell to duplicate the Gorim-Walks-To-Wrong-Cell glitch you described and I can't duplicate it. Tried it at least 40 different ways. Can you be more specific as to how you were able to duplicate it? Do you walk up to any particular part of the bars? And what did you mean by "try to look through them"?


EDIT: I just edited DN016 up above - it actually doesn't seem to have anything to do with killing the scout in dialogue. It can happen in the cutscene any time you killed Trian and his guards.

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By "looking through the bars" I meant turning the camera so that you can see Gorim and the guard walking in the corridor. I tried various positions and camera angles, and I was able to sort of control how far near Gorim would walk. If I stand completely still it works fine, but if I move around and for a bit and turn the camera around he'll be too far away. Strange that it didn't happen for you...but there must be something that causes it to happen, since others have experienced it.

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It's very odd. I can't see what could cause the player's position to affect where Gorim winds up. The script just tells him to move to a particular waypoint in the area. The player can't move that waypoint. But I'll keep trying to duplicate it. In the end, if I can't duplicate it, I may just try increasing the interaction radius.


Unfortunately I've spent all freaking day on one bug, the DN016 where, if Trian is alive when you come upon him, the guards in the following cutscene can be dead or headless. Trying to fix it via fixing the dialogue and half a dozen cutscenes is a nightmare so far. I'm now going to try just resurrecting the two guards after the fight and see if that puts their heads back on.

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