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ModOrganizer and LOOT Problem


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Just setting up Skyrim on my new PC and am having a problem getting MO and LOOT to play nicely, I have installed both and if I run LOOT from my desktop all works fine, but after adding the Loot exe to MO, if I try and run LOOT from MO all I get is the following


"MO is locked while the executable is running"


I am sure I have had this before and fixed it fairly easily, but so far I have had no luck this time, from every ones friend Google I did find a post about adding --single-process as an argument for LOOT in MO, but this has made no difference, can anyone help?







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That normal it unlock on completion,(when you close LOOT) it safety feature, & since you don't fully understand it, I think best not to you how to disable it. Ha ha ha. :laugh:


:laugh: My turn with question what written under "MO is locked while the executable is running" :wallbash:

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