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Deactivating facebook


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Never had Facebook, never will hehe ;) Never saw a point in it really...


Well that was first thing i ever learned to use on internet... It was kinda precious to me :psyduck:

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Never had Facebook, never will hehe ;) Never saw a point in it really...



The point for me is an easier way to keep up with my family back in England and far-flung friends since they can share photos, etc.


It is definitely useful, one just needs to use restraint and be careful who and what you add.

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I used Facebook way too regularly for a little over a year and I deactivated my account back in mid-October. Funny, after that, my income shot up about $200-$300 every two weeks...probably because I'm not wasting any time on it anymore.


It is useful for keeping up with friends. I had even made some new friends on it. But I had some family on there that annoyed the snot out of me. Never ever have teenage girls on your Facebook...OMG! They are a PITA with their constant drama. And one of my nieces was the worst of all - she posted only about 1,000 times a day every little thing she was thinking/doing. She drove me nuts. She's actually the reason I ultimately deactivated my account. I didn't want to block her/delete her because she's my niece...way around it, deactivate and no one feels like they were singled out.


I only missed it for the first week to 10 days and after that it got easier. Now, I never think about it unless my husband is on it (he's only on about 1 or 2x a week) or if someone happens to mention it. No more pointless fluff to read and plenty more free time for what matters...husband, friends, family, work, games.


Facebook has its good points as long as you don't have drama queens no it, especially the annoying teenage nieces variety. I love my nieces but I'm not going to be the one to tell them they're being annoying.

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I can see the value in it for people who need to keep in touch and use it for sensible reasons, but personally I hear too many stories about people posting up pictures of their drunken antics and then whining because their next potential employer turned them done for a job because they had the foresight to check the applicants Facebook profile.


As a rule I stay away from Facebook.

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I congratulate anyone who, like me, has rid themselves of the plague that is facebook. More and more sites are tying themselves into this vapid hole of internet garbage, and it's even become acceptable in a court of law to obtain evidence of wrongdoing through people's facebook pages. Everything you do online will on day be on facebook, for all the advertisers to pay money to facebook to be able to read.


What's that you say? "They have a privacy policy!"


Look at their privacy policy again. Read closely. I guarantee that your privacy that you once thought you had is gone. There was a change in the software about a year ago, where they declared that they were moving about everything into a sub-system called "connections". Everything you like, everything you click, every game you play and every post you link to are all considered connections. No biggie, right? Well check the latest privacy policy. Advertisers are now "limited" to being able to see and use connections.


What does that mean? It means everything that Facebook has on you is now the property of marketing firms and anyone who pays money to Facebook. Your likes, your dislikes, your friends, your co-workers, your groups, your favorite books, where you work, your phone number, your pictures... all of it is now open for anyone online to do anything they want with it, so long as it's been linked to Facebook in some way.


And you let them do it, legally, by clicking "OK" to a privacy policy that said, at the bottom, "we reserve the right to change this document as we see fit, without asking permission"

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Never had Facebook, never will hehe ;) Never saw a point in it really...


Well that was first thing i ever learned to use on internet... It was kinda precious to me :psyduck:


hehe...I feel old for some reason now :P First thing I ever learned to use on the Internet was...the Internet :P Sheesh, I remember using Netscape as my browser...you had that or IE...both were equally crappy. Ah the good old days...when the Internet was horrible, slow, and you got a billion pop up ads just sitting there.


I can see Facebook's usefulness for a lot of people. But, my friends and family all live in town...so I can just call them. The closest I come to "social networking" is this. I never liked Facebook...they don't even stand by their own privacy rules and I just don't like the idea of putting my real name up for all to see. Also seems to be a huge virus hub.

Edited by Illiad86
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Never had Facebook, never will hehe ;) Never saw a point in it really...


Well that was first thing i ever learned to use on internet... It was kinda precious to me :psyduck:


hehe...I feel old for some reason now :P First thing I ever learned to use on the Internet was...the Internet :P Sheesh, I remember using Netscape as my browser...you had that or IE...both were equally crappy. Ah the good old days...when the Internet was horrible, slow, and you got a billion pop up ads just sitting there.


I can see Facebook's usefulness for a lot of people. But, my friends and family all live in town...so I can just call them. The closest I come to "social networking" is this. I never liked Facebook...they don't even stand by their own privacy rules and I just don't like the idea of putting my real name up for all to see. Also seems to be a huge virus hub.


Well how old are you? ^__^ I am 96' generation and i am kinda "modern kid", but not like these days kids, Jesus Christ, i mean listening to Justin Bieber? Lady Gaga? Gahhh :confused: ... I am listening to old rock and "metalz" :D... Like scorpions,metallica,iron maiden...etc :) Facebook is the first thing on internet i've seen because of all my friend, they we're all like, ahhh dude you got internet! Now you can chat with us on FB! And i was like mmmkay :D...And that's basically it, now i am studying to be Electrotechnician of computers...And i am pretty good at it, except for the math, i hate that -.-. But yea basically my point is that i won't be using facebook anymore it kills my time a lot and it keeps me away from studying. So yea :thumbsup:



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And if you did deactivate facebook, its not deleted. Everything is still lying in some corners of facebook's data. They dont let you delete accounts. :wallbash:

I dont why but facebook never got to me. They say teens get addicted to it. I am a teen, I didnt get it. Its like a really weird online wall of information you have. And the things they ask you. Its like take out you most private secrets and post it on facebook. A little more and FBI can use it as their database. I am better off

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